Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 802

(three chapters in one, 6000 words)

"Why is this ~"

There are tens of thousands of pyramids, one of which is inconspicuous. The broad star who recovers the flesh roars up to the sky.

Next to him is Cheng Wu Xingyang with a look of fear.

Falling into Kuo Xing\'s hands, there must be no good end. Cheng Wu Xingyang is ready to die. But seeing Kuo Xing\'s crazy appearance, he couldn\'t help being afraid.

After some vent, Kuo Xing flashed to Cheng Wu Xingyang, stretched out his hand and fastened Cheng Wu Xingyang\'s neck.

At this time, Cheng Wu Xingyang found that his body could move.

"Say, where is Yang Tian now?"

Kuo Xing looked at Cheng Wu Xing Yang with a frightened face and asked coldly.

"I don\'t know!" said Cheng Wu Xingyang, "I was also forced by Yang Tian. If I didn\'t promise him, he would kill me. Besides, you brought me here..."

Cheng Wu Xingyang is telling the truth.

"Bang ~"

However, before he finished, he was thrown on the stone wall by Kuo Xing, making a dull noise.

Chengwu Xingyang endured great pain all over his body, clenched his teeth and hummed, and stood up slowly against the wall.

"You, go out immediately. Yang Tian will certainly appear as soon as you appear..." Kuo Xing glanced at Cheng Wu Xingyang and said faintly.

Listening to Kuo Xing\'s words, Cheng Wu Xingyang was finally relieved.

Because he is still useful to Kuo Xing for the time being. When Yang Nai appears, Kuo Xing must have dealt with Yang Tian. At that time, he may have a chance to leave

"All right!"

Turning a few thoughts in his heart, Cheng Wu Xingyang immediately nodded and turned to walk towards the entrance and exit of the pyramid.

Walking, Cheng Wu Xingyang looked back at his back from time to time.

He was not afraid of Kuo Xing\'s repentance and suddenly killed him, but there were many cultivation skills stored in this tower. Maybe the lost skills of Chengwu family were among them.

Even in this dangerous situation, Cheng Wu Xingyang didn\'t forget the family responsibility he was bearing.


Shrink and enlarge the giant god armor and blue giant knife, and then put them on again. After three times, Yang Tiancai stopped.

There are more powerful bodies than before, as well as powerful armor and powerful weapons. However, to drive them and make them function in battle, we must have strong energy.

Yang Tian now has only the energy in his flesh to use. Compared with the energy stored in the energy world, these energy are too scarce. I don\'t know if it can support him to fight with Kuxing.

Yang Tian looked at Xiaoqinglong, leaned on a meter long blue knife in his hand, sat down on the ground and meditated.

Yang Tian vaguely felt that his energy world had not been destroyed, but that his consciousness had lost contact with the energy world under the violent energy of the black hole chain.

As long as you think of a way, you may be able to find the energy world.

You know, the last time the physical body was destroyed, only the consciousness, that is, the spiritual body, his energy world still existed.

Thinking of this, Yang Tian\'s heart inevitably gave birth to a glimmer of hope.

Of course, the results of hope and fact are often different.

If you can\'t find it back, or the original world is really destroyed

Yang Tian thought of this possibility. Although he was discouraged, he did not despair. There was no energy world. He came back from practice.

After the long test before, Yang Tian\'s will has been determined countless times.

Quietly thinking, time passed quickly. Unconsciously, more than four hours passed.

After a period of recuperation, Xiaoqinglong finally opened his eyes.

Yang Tian always pays attention to Xiaoqinglong. As soon as Xiaoqinglong wakes up, Yang Tian sees that Xiaoqinglong\'s eyes look divine and knows that Xiaoqinglong has almost recovered. He can\'t help laughing happily.

Xiaoqinglong is very happy to see that Yang Tian is all right and has a strong body again.

Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong couldn\'t help playing for a while.

This time, Xiaoqinglong helped Yang Tian again. If Xiaoqinglong didn\'t provide him with blood essence, Yang Tian would have to wait a long time to recover his flesh. At this time, Yang Tian needed flesh.

Yang Tian and Kuo Xing, only one person can leave here alive this time! If there is no body, the little green dragon alone can\'t defeat Kuo Xing.

"Yang Tian ~"

The little green dragon turned back into a mini dragon and fell on Yang Tian\'s shoulder. When Yang Tian was ready to go to the next pyramid with the help of strange programs, there was a roar of Cheng Wu Xingyang outside.

This roar is made by Cheng Wu Xingyang with the most powerful force. As long as Yang Tian is still on this huge stone suspended in the void, he can hear it.

Hearing the voice of Cheng Wu Xingyang, Yang Tian frowned.

He knew that Cheng Wu Xingyang did it on purpose to tell him that Kuo Xing had recovered his combat power.

There is a hidden talisman array inside the pyramid. Even if Yang Tian leaves a wisp of spiritual power inside Cheng Wu Xingyang\'s body, Yang Tian will not feel his position as long as Cheng Wu Xingyang enters the pyramid.

At this time, as long as Yang Tian goes to the entrance and exit of the pyramid and leaves the energy range of the internal Rune array, he can know the exact position of Chengwu Xingyang now.

Of course, Kuo Xing will wait for him there.

This is undoubtedly the signal that Kuo Xing declared war on Yang Tian.

Yang Tian\'s flesh body now, although not completely composed of the blood of the giant god, still affects Yang Tian.

Unconsciously, Yang Tian\'s heart gradually ignited a strong sense of war, uncontrollable sense of war!

As soon as this fighting will appeared, it became stronger and stronger, which made Yang Tian excited, excited and unwilling to suppress.

Yang Tian felt that if he didn\'t go out and experience a big war, his whole body would be burned by this sense of war.

Once the giant god grew up step by step in adversity and became more and more powerful through continuous fighting. He never flinched even in the face of stronger opponents than himself.

It is with this fighting spirit that the giant god will become more and more powerful. Finally, it is difficult to meet an enemy in the vast star sea.

At the thought of what happened in the dream, Yang Tian gritted his teeth and said, "Bruce Lee, my knife!"

The little green dragon spits out a red long knife.

Put this knife into the storage space. Although it has no impact on Xiaoqinglong, it once killed the dragon. At the thought of this, Xiaoqinglong is very uncomfortable. He is eager to return the knife to Yang Tian immediately!

At the same time, Xiaoqinglong spit out Yang Tian\'s two storage bracelets.

Yang Tian narrowed the blue giant knife matched with the giant god battle armor, put it into a small storage compartment of the arm armor, carried the red long knife and walked out from the gap cut by the blue giant knife.

As soon as he left the pyramid, Yang Tian\'s breath spread out.

At the same time, Yang Tian also sensed the position of Chengwu Xingyang, which is about more than 100 kilometers away from where Yang Tian is now.

Yang Tian\'s body moved and disappeared in place with a scream of "whew".

When he appeared the next moment, he was already several kilometers away.

Yang Tian finally realized the benefits of giant god armor. The space symbol array on it can make him jump in space for a short distance. This ability seems to be a means that can only be used by practitioners in the wandering realm.

Of course, this space jump is extremely energy-consuming.

Losing contact with the energy world and unable to call the energy in the energy world makes Yang Tian feel that he doesn\'t dare to do his best, because he doesn\'t know how long this newborn body and the energy he has can make him fight with Kuxing.

Nevertheless, another feeling of smooth movement made Yang Tian hesitate to make several short-distance space jumps, appearing less than kilometers away from Chengwu Xingyang.

At this time, Yang Tian not only noticed Chengwu Xingyang, but also knew where Kuo Xing was.

Kuo Xing is waiting for Yang Tian to come. Naturally, he will not hide his breath.

When Yang Tian stopped, Kuo Xing also appeared in Yang Tian\'s eyes.

Kuo Xing\'s appearance, compared with before, has no change. Wearing a white robe, he stands at the top of a pyramid and looks at Yang Tian expressionless.

Kuo Xing is not surprised that Yang Tian has the flesh again. He has encountered Yang Tian several times. There are too many miracles on Yang Tian.

And every time, Yang Tian\'s combat power will be stronger than before.

If it were not Yang Tian\'s enemy, Kuo Xing would sigh that Yang genius is a real spiritual genius.

The giant god armor on Yang Tian suddenly gave Kuo Xing a familiar feeling, and there was a faint fear.

How did this happen?

Kuo Xing\'s face was calm, but his heart was very restless.

He thought carefully, but he couldn\'t remember where he had seen the armor on Yang Tian.

The giant god armor has long been sent here by the limitless temple. Before that, in the vast sea of stars, it didn\'t know how many years it had been "wandering". Kuo Xing couldn\'t have seen everything here. That is to say, Kuo Xing really hadn\'t seen the giant god armor before.

Convinced of this, Kuo Xing had a trace of anxiety at the bottom of his heart.

Because he hasn\'t seen it, then, the spirit body of the spirit that lurks in his spirit body and affects his will has encountered this suit of armor.

It\'s also possible that the spirit body suffered a great loss in front of the former owner of this suit of armor, and even was killed

Kuo Xing thought quickly and soon came to this conclusion.

Of course, he knew it was just a guess. He could not know the truth until the hidden spirit appeared and was willing to answer his questions.

It seems impossible.

Because the spirit body seems incomplete.

Kuo Xing raised his vigilance against Yang Tian and his armor. He had no choice but to take Yang Tian several times. Every time, Yang Tian\'s combat power was stronger than before.

Now, Kuo Xing looks at Yang Tian. With the giant god war armor on Yang Tian, Kuo Xing\'s confidence in killing Yang Tian is also slowly dissipating.

This is a bad phenomenon.

How can we be discouraged before fighting the enemy?

Suddenly, Kuo Xing\'s eyes flashed, and then he moved.

The way to keep momentum is to do it immediately!


Cheng Wu Xingyang was not far away. After Yang Tian arrived, he threw an sorry look at Yang Tian, because he was forced. But Yang Tiangen didn\'t look at him and focused all his attention on Kuo Xing.

So is Kuo Xing.

Being ignored by the two, Cheng Wu Xingyang felt a kind of humiliation when he was relieved.

This is because the strength is not strong enough!

What he doesn\'t know is that as soon as Yang Tianyi arrives, he knows his existence. Yang Tian didn\'t even look at him. First, he had to concentrate on facing Kuo Xing. Also, this is Yang Tian\'s protection.

Yang Tian doesn\'t care so much about Cheng Wu Xingyang\'s life and death, but he didn\'t let Cheng Wu Xingyang and Kuo Xing die together before. Of course, he didn\'t want Cheng Wu Xingyang to die here at this time. Otherwise, didn\'t his previous giving up become useless?

This is actually Yang Tian\'s strong mentality.

Although Yang Tian hasn\'t practiced to the same level as Kuo Xing yet, unconsciously, his state of mind has reached the same level as Kuo Xing.

Now I can\'t use my spiritual power, but with the giant god war armor, and the new flesh body is at least ten times stronger than before, Yang Tian\'s reaction ability has also been improved many times.

When Kuo Xing moved, Yang Tian clearly knew the trajectory of Kuo Xing.

Although the flesh is new, it is supplemented by enough energy. At this time, Kuo Xing\'s combat power is at its peak.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Kuo Xing appeared above Yang Tian\'s head. At this time, Kuo Xing, who had empty hands, actually held a big black knife.

This knife is two meters long. Its body is thicker than the palm of the hand. It is about a foot wide and has a tiny arc. It looks like it is not sure how heavy it is.

After coming to the top of Yang Tian\'s head, Kuo Xing cut Yang Tian with a knife.

This heavy knife is very complicated. When it was cut off, although it didn\'t release the sharp knife spirit, the surrounding space suddenly became "thick".

This is the rune array on the black broadsword. When urged, it will change the surrounding space energy and confine the attacked target.

If you can\'t resist the confinement of this space, you can only resist hard. If you can\'t resist, wait to be chopped to death!

The strange program has returned to Yang Tian and made contact with Yang Tian.

When the knife creates space imprisonment, the strange program also reminds Yang Tian that if Yang Tian acts immediately, he can escape.

However, Yang Tian was motionless and allowed the space energy around him to change.

If you miss the opportunity, it\'s difficult to avoid.

Although he didn\'t understand why he did this, Yang Tian didn\'t think much and focused on the fight!

At this moment, Yang Tian\'s heart gave birth to a strong self-confidence.

The giant God used to avoid the attack of his opponent in the process of fighting. This is because he had a special growth experience... He knocked a stone mountain apart.

Such abnormal exercise methods, of course, have also created abnormal mind and abnormal physical strength.

"Roar ~"

With strong self-confidence, Yang Tian unconsciously raised his hair and roared.

At the same time, a powerful energy broke out from Yang Tian.

This is more powerful than the explosive force used by Kuo Xing to escape Yang Tian\'s bondage.

"Peng ~"

A loud noise.

Kuo Xing\'s black broadsword hit Yang Tian\'s energy and was bounced back.

Moreover, not only the knife, but also Kuo Xing was shocked away.

The space confinement generated on the black broadsword was also broken after the loud noise.

Although the fight between the two was very short, Cheng Wu Xingyang still saw clearly. At this time, he was surprised to open his mouth.

Not only Cheng Wu Xingyang, but also Xiaoqinglong, who was watching the war and was ready to help Yang Tian at any time, opened a pair of longans.

Yang Tian was so strong that he roared and shook the broad stars away!

At this time, Yang Tian gives it a strange feeling.

Is this still Yang Tian?

It\'s a legendary demon God!

Little Qinglong, Cheng Wuxing, Yang, and the shocked Kuo Xing don\'t know that the energy burst out of Yang Tian doesn\'t have much to do with Yang Tian.

This is entirely an automatic reaction after the armor detects the danger.

You know, when Xiaoqinglong and Yang Tiangang met the giant god armor, the giant god armor erupted into powerful energy.

This is actually the energy stored in armor by the giant God.

This energy, different from pure energy, can be described as war energy. This is also another function of giant god armor.

After Kuo Xing was shocked and flew, he rolled rapidly in the air, and finally fell to the ground and stood firm.

Although it was shaken away, Kuo Xing was not hurt.

However, I don\'t know why, the fear at the bottom of his heart was strong again.

The fear seemed to have been at the bottom of his heart and began to wake up.

Kuo Xing understands that if Yang Tian is not solved as soon as possible, the fear at the bottom of his heart will become stronger and stronger, and finally strong enough... Maybe it will destroy his mind.

After biting his teeth, Kuo Xing tightened the black knife in his hand.

At this time, he did not attack Yang Tian immediately, but began to accumulate strength.

A \'buzzing\' sound sounded.

Kuo Xing\'s heavy black knife trembled. The runes hidden on it lit up a blood red light. It looked like capillaries were born on the blade.

The powerful force of space imprisonment, centered on the black knife, spreads around.

Kuo Xing is preparing for the last blow.

There are two extremes in the fighting between masters. One is that the fighting time is very long, which can be described as "protracted".

Whether Yang Tian\'s original cosmic world or the present world, such things have happened.

A battle lasted for several years.

Compared with the rare fighting method of "protracted", it is more to distinguish the victory and defeat in a very short time.

Kuo Xing knew he couldn\'t fight with Yang Tian for a long time, so he was ready for the last blow.

With this knife, Kuo Xing will use the most powerful force to integrate what he has learned all his life and his understanding of combat.

This will also be the most powerful knife he will use in his life.

Kuo Xing is brewing, but Yang Tian is insisting at this time.

Although Yang Tian was not hurt by Kuo Xing just now, there was an extremely uncomfortable sense of emptiness all over his body.

This sense of emptiness made him feel like he didn\'t contribute.

Yang Tian knew that the energy just now was the energy carried by the armor itself, which was left by the giant God.

From this point, we can also see how powerful the giant God was at that time, and the war energy left by him was only a small part of himself.

And this small part, after many years, has lost only nine cattle and a hair. It is this nine cattle and a hair of war energy that breaks out and can shake the wide stars!

Unfortunately, there is not much energy stored in armor, and it is impossible to explode again as before.

Yang Tian knows that he will face Kuo Xing immediately, the strongest and the last blow.

This duel will completely decide the outcome. Only one of him and Kuo Xing can survive.

"Ka ~"

A friction sound sounded.

Yang Tian thought and put down the mask on his helmet.

At this time, Yang Tian\'s whole body was wrapped in black giant god armor.

As soon as the mask was put down, Yang Tian closed his eyes.

Although it may not be better than Kuo Xing, it will never shrink back. At this moment, Yang Tian regards Kuo Xing as the stone mountain in the test!

"Buzzing, buzzing..."

The red knife in Yang Tian\'s hand trembled.

At this time, Yang Tian sent the war energy of the remaining giant god in the armor and all the energy in his body into the 15th middle school.

In a moment, with a bang, the trembling fifteen was actually burning.

Different from before, at this time, a faint blue flame was released on the 15th day, which looked like a ghost fire.

This blue flame did not produce a very high temperature and looked extremely cold. At the same time, a burst of sad wailing came from the blade.

The blue flame soon spread along the blade to Yang Tian\'s arm, and then Yang Tian\'s whole body.

Wrapped in the blue flame, Yang Tian really became a demon God!

"Chop ~"

The first to move is still the broad star.

A soft drink sounded. What was faster than his voice was the black knife in his hand.

This Sabre is many times more powerful than before. A black awn comes out of the sabre, stabs into the sky and falls on Yang Tian\'s head.

More powerful than before, the power of space confinement has long shrouded the surrounding hundreds of meters. Not only Yang Tian, but also Kuo Xing himself, can\'t move at high speed.

Kuo Xing wants this effect. He wants to use this knife to completely divide the victory with Yang Tian.

In this way, he also completely forgot the fear at the bottom of his heart.

Facing this knife, Yang Tian lifted the blade up, sent out a faint blue knife Qi, and cut it towards Kuo Xing.

The two swords will not collide. Yang Tian and Kuo Xing can\'t dodge. When they send out this knife, they both close their eyes.

We\'ll see whether it\'s dead or alive.

"Boom ~"

A loud noise.

Yang Tian was directly cut into the ground by the black knife gas. The knife gas continued until the end behind Yang Tian. Where he passed, a trench with a width of more than ten meters was formed. The pyramids that blocked it collapsed in an instant.

Kuo Xing\'s knife is earth shaking.

Compared with Kuo Xing\'s knife, Yang Tian\'s knife passed through Kuo Xing silently.

As a result, it came out soon.

Xiaoqinglong rushed into the deep ditch and soon dragged Yang Tian out. Although he was seriously injured, Yang Tian\'s breath of life was still there, indicating that he was still alive.

While Kuo Xing, although seemingly intact, stood there, his body suddenly lost its breath of life.

Because, under the infusion of the giant God\'s war energy, the 15th broke out the terrible destructive power to the spirit body. The spirit body of Kuxing, that is, the soul, completely dissipated under this knife.