Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 761

I don\'t know where Qin Fei is or how she is. Yang Tian\'s heart is always like pressing a stone.

Now, with the news from Qin Fei, Yang Tian\'s heart was finally moved away. Suddenly, he felt that his state of mind was much clearer than before.

Calm down, Yang Tian looks at the dim sea of stars in the distance through the dense branches and leaves of the world\'s trees. In his mind, there appeared the process of just coming to the world and then walking all the way to the present.

If you use two words to describe this process, Yang Tian will use the word "depressed".

Before, whether on the earth, or leaving the earth to go to the wider universe, he made a decision to kill and deforest. In most cases, he took the initiative.

On earth, he aims at level 9 martial arts. After leaving the earth, he first joined the superstar college, and then entered the superstar temple... All these processes are planned and active.

After coming to this world, it is a passive process.

This had a negative impact on Yang Tian\'s mood.

Yang Tian\'s basic state of mind is to follow his heart. If you don\'t have a good mind, of course, your practice will not go well.

Although in a short time, Yang Tian raised the realm to the realm of understanding life. In this vast world, few people can compare with him, but Yang Tian is still not satisfied.

Because he has a little green dragon and a strange program, it\'s stupid to make the practice process so uncomfortable now.

Of course, this is mainly because Yang Tian doesn\'t understand the world.

"Hoo ~"

Yang Tianchang breathed a long breath, and finally completely eliminated the silt in his heart for a long time.

"Kuo Xing, three temples... You wait..."

Yang Tian muttered to himself and slowly closed his eyes.

Since Yang Tian grew up, his enemies have never come to a good end.

Not far away, little Qinglong felt Yang Tian\'s psychological change and his eyes flashed. It seemed to see that the old days of blood were coming back.

This is a world of the jungle, because there is no country, no governing body, it is more incisive.


The infinite temple.

Without outsiders, Xi Chen sits on the throne in the hall exclusively belonging to Hei Fujun.

Below is the strong man who came to the world with her.

After Xichen youyou came to this world, she still has very means. For example, her realm has been raised to the realm of understanding life.

You should know that before joining the limitless temple, Xi Chen youyou was still the peak of the realm of the fantasy world. It was only a long time before the realm broke through.

Xi Chen youYou can convince people that interest is a part, and she is mysterious enough and powerful.

Speaking of, after coming to this world, Yang Tian\'s life is not as comfortable as those people who live in secluded Xichen.

The limitless temple is suspended in the air, like a city suspended in the sky.

Although he is only a major leader, he has a big palace.

Black Fujun has arranged a Fuxian to isolate the inside and outside. No energy can be transmitted, let alone sound.

Even if the hall Lord Kuo Xing came in person and didn\'t break through the rune array, he wouldn\'t know what these people were talking about in the hall.

Besides, Kuo Xing is not so leisurely!

After returning, Kuo Xing stayed in the temple for a short time and left immediately. There were hundreds of Ministers who left with Kuo Xing.

Now, in the huge palace community of the limitless temple, the number of Ministers is less than 100.

It is precisely because of this that there will be this secret meeting now.

With her indifferent eyes, Xi Chen youyou glanced at hundreds of practitioners who came with her in the hall. After a moment of silence, he said faintly, "you don\'t understand why I came to the limitless temple? Now, I can tell you."

As soon as they heard this, they immediately cheered up.

This is what many people don\'t understand.

Because joining the temple, we did not get the actual benefits, but did not have the freedom before.

For example, if you go out to hunt animals, you have to hand in some of the life crystals you get. The benefit is only the shelter of the temple.


For these arrogant strong people in the hall, where do they need shelter, and this shelter is nominal for them.

If a temple minister is killed, the temple will retaliate.

For example, Yang Tian has now become the number one enemy of the limitless temple.

However, if Yang Tian killed a major leader, it is estimated that the matter can be solved by paying some costs, such as a large number of life crystals or practice resources such as pills.

Under the main task, if someone kills them outside, the temple will certainly trace them, but most of the cases are delayed indefinitely.

Therefore, the disciples below the main affairs of the three major temples go out in a "team" except for performing the tasks assigned by the temple and must be completed.

Although the temple has great potential, it has many enemies. We should carefully analyze it. After joining the temple, Xichen youyou group really has no practical benefits except to obtain the position above the position of major leader.

You may have guessed the purpose of the goddess sneaking into the limitless temple, but if the goddess doesn\'t say it, you can only guess.

Now, she\'s finally going to say it.

Looking at the people\'s expectant eyes, Xi Chen youyou said, "we came to the limitless temple to get something."

Xichen youyou finished, the corners of his mouth turned up, and a mysterious smile appeared on his face.

Even heifu Jun didn\'t know about it. His previous task was to enter the limitless temple and enter the limitless Temple by any means. As for others, Xichen youyou didn\'t explain to him at all.

This is also the means of Xi Chen Youyou, a superior. If her subordinates know everything, she will be the head.

After a pause, Xi Chen said faintly: "the three temples have existed for countless years. In ancient times, the three temples got a complete corpse of the gods."

Dead gods?

What a corpse!

As soon as Xi Chen\'s voice fell, most of the people present were very surprised, and some people couldn\'t help laughing.

Say a big disrespect to Xi Chen youyou. In the original universe, Xi Chen youyou built the eternal life Temple by relying on the body of he luoyangli.

And finally, the goal of leaving that universe was achieved.

And now, it\'s another body

God is a mysterious and powerful creature for both ordinary humans and their practitioners.

But God is always far away from mortals. It only exists in legends, not to mention the corpses of gods. They have not even seen the things left by gods.

Xi Chen was quiet and naturally understood what people thought. At this time, he couldn\'t help laughing. "Originally, the body was complete, but later, the people of the three temples fought with each other. The limitless Temple got the internal organs of the gods. The starry Temple got the limbs of the gods, and the other parts were in the heavenly temple. What we want is the brain of the gods, which is now in the limitless temple."

"What good is it for us to get the brain of the gods?"

Gao Yuan, a straightforward character, got up from his seat and asked loudly.

Gao Yuan\'s voice is very loud and resounding in the hall.

Xi Chen youyou said with a smile, "good question! The flesh of the gods is just a dead thing. The energy in the cells has been absorbed by the temple Lord for a long time. Think about it, why is it that only the temple Lord of the temple has reached the level of spiritual wandering in this world? It is because they have absorbed the energy from the God corpse.

In fact, the most precious thing in the divine corpse is not the huge energy, but the information in his brain. Every temple Lord naturally understands this truth. Therefore, this brain has been completely preserved.

However, after countless years, dozens of temple leaders could not get information from the brain of the corpse. They knew it was a treasure, but they could not unlock it anyway. After a long time, they were naturally disappointed.

Now, it\'s our best chance. If we wait any longer, it\'s estimated that Kuo Xing won\'t even let go of this brain and suck up its energy. "

"Does the goddess have a way?" Gao Yuan asked again.

Xi Chen youyou stood up from his seat, shook his head and said, "I can\'t help it!"

When there was no disappointment on the people\'s faces, Xi Chen youyou continued, "but one person has a way."

"Who?" Gao Yuan asked.

Xi Chen looked out of the hall, his eyes narrowed slightly, "it\'s Yang Tian!"