Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 758

"Are my parents all right? And solly, qiguangyu, colorful, Taiyu grand sacrifice..."

After Qu yangu Ying finished, Yang Tian asked again.

Yang Tian cares about these people.

If he can go back, Yang Tian must often go back to see his parents, talk with his friends and have fun.

This was the life Yang Tian had hoped for, but since he began to practice, time has become less.

Because practicing together is like sailing against the current. If you don\'t advance, you will soon be overtaken by the enemy and left behind by your peers.

"Why don\'t you ask me how I\'m doing?"

When Yang Tian finished, Qu yangu Ying said coyly and angrily.

The more mature quyan guying has a more lethal look than before.

Yang Tian naturally stretched out his hand, put his arm around Qu yangu Ying\'s waist, took her over, leaned against his shoulder, smiled and said, "you have appeared in front of me, so I don\'t worry."

Qu yangu Ying smiled happily and said, "they are all fine, especially your parents..."

At this point, quyan guying wanted to stop talking.

"What\'s the matter?" Yang Tian asked with a frown.

Before Qu yangu Ying finished, he thought something had happened to his parents.

Qu yangu Ying whispered a few words in Yang Tian\'s ear.

Yang Tian listened, but he laughed.

It turned out that Yang Tian\'s parents added many younger brothers and sisters to Yang Tian. Today\'s Yang family has really become a big family.

You know, more than 100 years have passed on the earth, and most of Yang Tian\'s brothers and sisters are adults.

Yang Tian\'s parents have now become the ancestors of the Yang family. There are at least tens of thousands of people who are related by blood.

With more people, there are more things in the family. When Yang Tian heard that some people in the Yang family want to take the Qinglong family for themselves, they can\'t help but get angry.

If he can go back, Yang Tian will start immediately to rectify the family.

Chatting with Qu yangu Ying, Yang Tian forgot the time.

Suddenly I found that a whole day had passed. And, unknowingly, Kuo Xing, Zhi MI and Yu Gui have all left.

"How did you get here?"

Yang Tian wanted to ask this question at the beginning, but later he forgot about his family.

Qu yangu Ying said, "when I got the seeds of the world tree, I established a relationship with it. Where the world tree goes, I can appear."

Yang Tian finally understood that the relationship between quyan guying and the world tree was the same as that between him and Xiaoqinglong.

Unexpectedly, human beings can not only establish a mysterious relationship called blood contract with animals, but also with plants.

"Can you go back?" Yang Tian asked again.

Qu yangu shook his head, "no, although I can control the power of the world tree, it is also limited. I can\'t leave the world tree too far. Otherwise, it will lose its defense ability. If I leave the world tree now and go outside, I guess I have no survival ability!"

Through the world tree, Qu yangu Ying naturally understands that the space of this world is much larger than the cohesion of the previous world. It can also be said that compared with the previous world, this is a world with higher material density.

Yang Tian nodded. "For the time being, you\'ll stay here. Anyway, it\'s very chaotic outside. Compared with the world before us, it\'s actually too monotonous here."


This is Yang Tian\'s intuitive feeling of the world.

In this world, most people are practitioners. For the creation of spiritual civilization, Yang Tian feels that it is much worse than a small tribe in the universe before.

If you are a native of this world, you won\'t feel anything at all, but people like Yang Tian who come here from other worlds will feel bored after a long time.

If cultivation had not taken up most of the time, Yang Tian would certainly let the human beings in this world see what is the real life.

Yang Tian finished, looked at Qu Yan Gu Ying\'s pretty face close at hand, smiled and added: "I\'m being chased by others now. I want to hide here for a while!"


Before Yang Tian\'s voice fell, Qu yangu Ying cried in surprise and hugged Yang Tian\'s neck excitedly.

Yang Tian also felt very happy at this time, because finally there was someone who could listen to him.

As for people like Hei Fujun, although they are "villagers", Yang Tian dare not say anything to him, because Hei Fujun is not trustworthy.

Yang tianben planned to find a secret place and began to concentrate on cultivation. The emergence of world tree and quyan guying created the best environment for him.

Xiaoqinglong chewed a few leaves and was very interested in staying away from Yang Tian and Qu yangu Ying, because he knew that something would always happen behind two ambiguous men and women. It doesn\'t want to be a light bulb.

The world tree grows at the bottom of the continent. If viewed from the front of the continent, it grows upside down. However, under the condition of land gravity, it is no different from that in the front.

Here, the sky is always the same, I can\'t feel the passage of time.

About a few days later, Yang Tian woke up from the gentle village.

During this time, quyan guying let Yang Tian see the magic of the use of spiritual power.

With more than 100 years of practice experience and the power of the world tree, it can be said that within the scope covered by the world tree, she is a god like existence.

Here, quyan guying only needs to wave its hand. Some leaves of the world tree break away from the world tree and disintegrate into basic particles in the air to form the things quyan guying wants.

This is how a beautiful palace was formed in the hands of quyan guying.

The world tree is getting bigger and bigger. A huge branch has a vast area. Quyan guying can not only build houses on it, but also dig a pond and plant the plant seeds she brought from AIPA star.

The light is not bright enough. Quyan guying can make some leaves glow and heat, forming a bright and warm place within a certain range.

In addition to these, quyan guying can turn the leaves of the world tree into all kinds of delicious food.

These things are not only delicious, but also rich in energy. Practitioners often eat them, which can help practice.


Seeing these means of Qu yangu Ying, Yang Tian finally understood why the star domain with the world tree was called the music world star domain.

Those above are just the small hands of quyan guying using the world tree.

Because the world tree can not only help people living in the tree to enhance their spiritual strength, but also connect with distant places through the world tree.

Yang Tian saw that quyan guying used the world tree to communicate with a practitioner on AIPA who had established contact with the ancient tree.