Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 752

After the destruction of the natural Rune array, countless chaotic spaces were formed. In these spaces, the space energy is messy. Even if Kuxing has great ability, it is impossible to find Yang Tian.

After coming here, Yang Tian finally put down his heart.

Now, you can concentrate on sorting out the realm of practice and the huge energy you just got.

In addition, Yang Tian wants to repair the beast king in the energy world, or even eliminate the hidden danger.

According to the world\'s description of the realm of understanding life, roughly speaking, understanding life is to understand the profound meaning of life and turn the energy world into a complete cosmic world where life can exist.

Yang Tian has a deep understanding of this.

It is precisely because the beast king entered Yang Tian\'s energy world and absorbed a large amount of energy belonging to Yang Tian that Yang Tian initially learned some secrets about the structure of life from the beast king, which enabled him to successfully rise from the realm of fantasy to the realm of enlightenment.

This is not to say that practitioners who have reached the realm of enlightenment have the ability to create life bodies. Cognition and manufacturing are two completely different concepts.

Through this promotion, Yang Tian has a clearer understanding of practice. In essence, it is an evolution, a higher-level evolution of life.

If Yang Tian\'s practice is divided into three stages, the first stage is undoubtedly from the earth to the end of the world.

This is only the initial stage, mainly to enhance their own strength.

Now, Yang Tian has entered the second stage, that is, the intermediate stage, which mainly focuses on understanding the profound meaning of life and lays a good foundation for the third stage.

The third stage, Yang Tian guessed, is to thoroughly understand the structure of the world from the inside out.

The second stage should end with the realm of wandering.

The third stage is probably to reach the divine domain before you can really realize it!


After calming down, Yang Tian never thought and practiced in such detail.

This may be related to the information recorded on the scroll.

Originally, Yang Tian thought that the black masked man with the pet of green birds and animals was a guardian messenger. He was the most powerful and just the strongest in the world now.

But now it seems that it may not be that simple at all.

Is there a fourth stage?

In Yang Tian\'s opinion, the fourth stage has probably reached the top!

However, the world is too big. The more powerful it is, the broader the world it sees. Maybe there will be a bigger new world! Who makes it clear?

After summing up, Yang Tian controlled his consciousness and came to the original world.

After absorbing enough energy, the beast king after promotion is sleeping in the void and looks very peaceful.

When Yang Tian\'s consciousness approached it, the guy suddenly opened his eyes and a fierce light flashed in his eyes.

The beast king was only aware of Yang Tian\'s consciousness, but he couldn\'t find it. In this world, Yang Tian\'s consciousness is everywhere, and he is the God of this world. Although the beast king is powerful, he is also controlled by Yang Tian in this world.

Especially after the beast king absorbed a lot of energy belonging to Yang Tian, he had to be \'manipulated\' by Yang Tian.

Up to now, the beast king has never thought of what kind of situation it will face.

Although he noticed something around him, and it was so powerful that he couldn\'t resist, the beast king still roared. The sound is echoing in Yang Tian\'s energy world.

Next, the beast king ran around in Yang Tian\'s energy world and flew indiscriminately.

To the horror of the beast king, no matter where he flies, he always feels that there is something around him, so that he can\'t get rid of it no matter what he does.

In his own energy world, Yang Tian is a god like existence. All the actions of the beast king can\'t escape his perception.

Seeing that the beast king was going crazy, Yang Tian thought it was time to appear in front of the beast king.

"Ow ~"

The helpless and arrogant beast king raised his head and roared with resentment.

Just halfway through the roar, it suddenly stopped.

Because Yang Tian appeared in the eyes of the beast king.

The beast king obviously saw Yang Tian. When Yang Tian appeared, the beast king remembered that the man in front of him was standing behind the most powerful human.

At that time, the beast king just glanced at Yang Tian. His eyes stopped on Yang Tian, not on Xiao Qinglong. Because at that time, Yang Tian was too weak in the view of the beast king.

Now, however, Yang Tian gives the beast king a mysterious and uncertain feeling.

When he saw the smile in Yang Tian\'s eyes, the beast king understood it as a smile similar to ridicule. He was angry and moved towards Yang Tian.

The size of the beast king has grown a little. Compared with before, it has been a full circle, but such a size still seems small among exotic animals. But it is undeniable that this small body is full of energy several times stronger than the little green dragon.

The speed of the beast king was very fast, and his body turned into a black light.

If it was outside, Yang Tian didn\'t even have time to avoid, so he couldn\'t react at all. But this is Yang Tian\'s energy world. Everything is under Yang Tian\'s control. The action track of the beast king clearly appears in Yang Tian\'s consciousness. In Yang Tian\'s view, the beast king\'s action is actually no different from slow action.

At that moment, when the beast saw that Yang Tian didn\'t escape, he couldn\'t help sneering. It believes that as long as its claws touch Yang Tian\'s body, it can tear Yang Tian to pieces.

The most powerful body part of the beast king is his two claws and a diagonal corner on his head.

Facing the beast king\'s attack, Yang Tian just raised his right hand and pointed to the beast king with his index finger.

The beast king\'s fast moving body suddenly stopped. The paw of the beast king was less than a meter away from Yang Tian\'s fingertip.

The beast king was like being fixed in the air.

At this time, the beast king suddenly felt numb and couldn\'t make any effort. He couldn\'t even do such a subtle action as blinking his eyelids.

Fortunately, you can think normally.

Even the gods can\'t trap themselves like this, can they?

The beast king was shocked and doubted whether he was dreaming or had died before and came to a world of the dead. Otherwise, how could a tiny human become so powerful.

At this time, not only the beast king was surprised, but also Yang Tian himself was very surprised.

Because he didn\'t think that an idea could make the beast king motionless and make it like a statue without any resistance.

Yang Tian can imagine that if he let the beast king die immediately, it is estimated that the situation will be as he thought.

Yang Tian just thought of the word "death" and did not move, but the beast king who did not stop thinking suddenly felt an extreme fear that he was about to face the fear of death. This is more frightening than when Kuo Xing almost killed him before.

At least under Kuo Xing, it can resist, but now it can\'t do anything. Even if you want to explode your body and die with Yang Tian, you can\'t do it.