Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 750

Yang Tianyuan thought that no matter what, the black hole would bring it in, but when the red sand fog appeared, he found that this small sand was excluded by the black hole.

Yang Tian thought for two reasons.

First, the red sand can provide too little energy. Absorbing this energy is not enough to maintain the operation of the black hole. Second, when the red sand fog arises, the heart repels the sand and stone absorbed by the black hole.

In order to test the idea in his heart, Yang Tian moved his mind and tried to let the black hole absorb the red sand into the black hole.

As a result, the black hole still repels something of no energy value.

Yang Tian was surprised when he found that the beast Dynasty rushed towards the black hole. He has this ability. Up to now, he has never absorbed anything alive.

At this moment, Yang Tian wanted to take back the operation of this ability.

However, black holes are now moving very fast and can\'t stop moving in a moment

"Hoo ~"

A strong wind sounded, and Yang Tian watched the horned \'black cat\' rush into the black hole.

"Hoo ~"

Then there was another roar.

The wide star then came after him. When he saw the black hole in front of him, he wanted to stop, but his body was rolled by the breath and still rushed towards the black hole.

Yang Tian\'s heart, in this moment, beat quickly again.

It doesn\'t matter if a strange animal rushes into its own energy world, but if a human goes in... Yang Tian can\'t imagine what it will be like.

"Peng ~"

A dull noise.

Seeing the wide star about to rush into the black hole, it was bounced back.

At the same time, the black hole shrinks smaller and smaller, and soon turns into a small black spot, which disappears in a flash.

"Hoo Hoo ~"

As soon as the black hole disappeared, three winds sounded in front of Yang Tian.

When Yang Tian saw a flower in front of him, he saw the three Hall masters of Kuo Xing, Zhi MI and Yu Gui appear in front of him, less than five meters away from him.

The three looked at Yang Tian\'s eyes and looked very cold.

"Let it out!"

After looking at Yang Tian, Kuo Xing said coldly.

Kuo Hsing and others thought Yang Tian had taken the beast king as his own.

"It\'s dead..." facing the fierce eyes of the three Hall masters, Yang Tian was under great pressure and said faintly: "any life, as long as it enters my black hole world, will be hanged and turned into pure energy."

"Boy, what\'s your skill? I\'ve never heard of it." Yang Tian said, and Yu Gui asked with a sneer.

"No comment!" Yang Tian replied strongly.

It\'s a taboo in the practice world to ask others about their skills. If Yang Tian doesn\'t get tough at this time, the three people will doubt it.

Zhi Mi smiled and instantly changed from a man to a woman. He said, "what he said should be true. In this world, no one has ever been able to directly integrate living creatures into his own energy world! We can\'t do it, and he can\'t do it."

Zhi Fan said this, I have to say, it\'s too conceited.

There are many strange people and strange things in the world. Even the Lord of the temple can\'t know all of them.

"Open the seal, go out and follow me back to the limitless temple."

Zhi fan\'s words will not dispel Kuo Xing\'s doubts about Yang Tian. As long as he takes Yang Tian back to the temple, whatever tricks Yang Tian plays is under his control.

Yang Tian doesn\'t want to go to the limitless temple with Kuo Xing. It must be like going to jail. Fortunately, Yang Tian has already thought of a way.

But now, Yang Tian has to solve a very troublesome thing first, that is, the beast king who entered his body.

Yang Tian lied to Kuo Xing and others, because the beast king was not hanged to death after entering the black hole. This guy actually resisted and successfully entered Yang Tian\'s energy world.

If you don\'t want to be the pet of Kuo Xing and don\'t want to be killed by Kuo Xing and others, entering the black channel is the only choice for the beast king.

After coming out of the black hole, the beast king saw a vast universe. In this world, it never thought that this is actually the energy world in a practitioner.

After flying fast in the boundless space for a long time, the beast king didn\'t find a way out. Finally, he had to land on one of the planets.

On this planet, there are countless green dragons, many green plants, mountains and water

Everything is transformed by Yang Tian\'s energy. In particular, the green dragon is transformed by the power of pure dragon beads.

As soon as the beast king arrived, he fought with these green dragons.

It is not that these green dragons have their own consciousness, but because they have a natural rejection of external energy.

Although he was seriously injured and consumed more than half of his energy, the beast king\'s combat effectiveness was still strong. In a moment, he killed more than ten green dragons.

After these green dragons were scattered by the beast king, they were transformed into pure energy and spread around.

The beast king was not polite. He immediately inhaled these energy into his body to supplement his consumption.

In this world, Yang Tian is a God. Every thought can kill the beast king, but Yang Tian doesn\'t intend to do so. Because this is a very unusual thing.

There can be living creatures in his energy world!

Yang Tianzheng is preparing to find out what\'s going on. He estimates what changes will happen after the beast enters his own energy world. Unexpectedly, Kuo Xing and others appear. Yang Tian can only focus on Kuo Xing and others.

"Go back to the temple with you... It\'s no problem! But what I want to know is, is it over so soon? Where\'s the rune Lord?"

Yang Tian asked.

"The old man has run away. If he doesn\'t go again... Hum!"

When Yang Tian asked, Yu Gui said angrily.

Through a brief contact with the three Temple masters, Yang Tian already knew their temperament.

Kuo Xing is calm and calm. Zhifan is a little indecisive. Yugui is easy to be irritable. Of course, the common ground of the three is arrogance, which is the fault of almost all the strongest.

What Yang Tian didn\'t expect was that the Lord Fu escaped. Well, it can\'t be said to escape. It should be a temporary refuge. Based on Yang Tian\'s understanding of the Lord Fu, the old guy can endure the pain and suffering that ordinary people can\'t bear in order to achieve his goal.

It\'s not over yet

Yang Tian received the black hole, and the self explosion energy of several strange animals disappeared. In this place shrouded by sealed energy, the speed of air flow slowed down. The red sand and gravel in the air settled down at a very fast speed, and the line of sight became clearer and clearer.

Yang Tian originally wanted to ask what benefits Kuo Xing and others had received before, but he knew that asking was also a white question. Seeing Kuo Xing\'s impatient eyes, he immediately smiled and said, "it takes some time to break this seal, because this seal can absorb the energy in this space and enhance himself..."

After a brief explanation, Yang Tian turned around and faced the invisible energy wall.

"Hoo ~"

A wind sounded, and the little green dragon with great harvest fell on Yang Tian\'s shoulder and looked at Kuo Xing and others with vigilant eyes.

Less than one fifth of the practitioners trapped here survived. It can be said that they suffered heavy losses. When all the animals were destroyed, they gathered and waited for Yang Tian to open the seal.

Yang Tian has planned to escape the control of Kuo Xing and others when he opens the channel.

Whether it can succeed depends on strange programs.

But what Yang Tian didn\'t expect was that his energy world changed before the export was opened.

Previously, Yang Tian had energy and strong consciousness beyond the realm of fantasy because he absorbed a lot of energy and a lot of purple liquid.

The catalyst of change is the beast king who rushed into Yang Tian\'s energy world.

When this guy absorbed enough energy and recovered from his injury, this guy started to advance. When it was promoted, it was earth shaking. The green dragons transformed by the power of the dragon ball on the whole planet were frightened by its momentum, turned into wisps of cyan energy and entered its body

This is Yang Tian\'s energy world. Once the energy changes, it will affect the change of the whole energy world.

The planet where the beast king is located and all things on the planet are transformed by energy. When it absorbs energy frantically, first all the green dragons disappear, then it is the turn of those plants, oceans, mountains and rocks, and finally the whole planet vibrates and cracks. Finally, with a "bang", it breaks.

"Ow ~"

When the fragments of the planet were absorbed by the beast king, the beast king roared and shocked the universe.

In this short process, the beast king finally completed the promotion. Even the beast king felt very strange about the changes. Because practicing in the sea of stars, the process of promotion is not so easy.

Without time to think more, the guy who thought he had achieved great benefits closed his eyes and began to sleep briefly in the void.

At the same time, Yang Tian\'s mind suddenly appeared a kind of enlightenment. A text he had read before also involuntarily appeared in his consciousness

This is the text on the scroll obtained in the Dragon Star domain. Yang Tian has not understood it, but now he finally fully understands it.

The beast king, who absorbed Yang Tian\'s countless energy, exposed all his secrets to Yang Tian.

Now it can be said that Yang Tian knows more about the beast king than the beast king himself.

"Originally, this is the profound meaning of life..."

Yang Tian uttered a sigh in his heart.

Then, Yang Tian was promoted from the realm of fantasy to the realm of enlightenment.

Yang Tian knows that from now on, he can finally create a real, flesh and blood life in his own energy world.

Of course, the benefits are more than these. After reaching the realm of understanding life, he can call more energy. After calming down and practicing for a period of time, his physical body will be more powerful and perfect.

Unfortunately, at this time, Yang Tian was under the eyes of Kuo Xing and others. He could only resist the excitement in his heart and the impulse to try to consolidate his realm.

"This boy, unexpectedly promoted at this time!"

In the process of Yang Tian\'s promotion from the realm of fantasy to the realm of understanding life, the energy change on his body can\'t hide from Kuo Xing and others. Yu Gui looked at Yang Tian and said with a disdainful smile.

Even if Yang Tian is promoted to the realm of understanding life, he is still thousands of miles away from his realm!

Zhi fan smiled and said, "because he has absorbed enough energy before. We are tired and tired. It\'s cheaper for him. But this understanding is rare in the world."

At this time, Kuo Xing didn\'t notice that a cold light flashed in his eyes when he looked at Yang Tian\'s back.