Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 748

The three Hall masters were powerful and several powerful and fast beasts. At this time, they did not compete with the three people. They killed practitioners faster than the three Hall masters.

The small animal king turned into a black light and kept shuttling among the practitioners. Where he passed, the practitioners fell dead one after another. Every time he came out of his claw, he smashed the practitioner\'s head.

There is also a strange animal shaped like a tiger and a leopard, whose whole body is covered with blue scales, spitting out a green flame. As soon as this flame falls on the practitioner, even a little bit can cause death, and the fallen practitioner turns green. Obviously, this kind of flame not only has high temperature, but also has strong toxicity.

There is also a strange animal with the shape of a snake. Its round head can spit out black filaments. A cover is a large area. All practitioners who are rolled by such black filaments will be cut into pieces in an instant.


In less than ten minutes, the number of practitioners and monsters decreased by at least half.

Xiaoqing turtle, carrying the three groups of Huie family, has joined Yang Tian.

At this time, the strange program has opened an exit on the sealed energy wall and can leave at any time.

But suddenly, Yang Tian frowned.

Strange program tells Yang Tian that he has made a new discovery.

Because there are a lot of colored crystal stones in the flesh and blood of the animals whose bodies have been broken by the practitioners. In this fierce battle, no one cares to pick up these colored spars. A lot of energy is emitted from the colored spars and absorbed by the rune energy wall.

In this Rune array, those colored spars can accelerate the emission of energy!

Yang Tian was even more surprised that these energies were absorbed by the rune array that trapped them and became stronger and stronger. The strange program just opened the exit and was healing slowly.

"You go!"

Reminded by the strange program, Yang Tian immediately said to Huie Miaomiao and others.

Huie Miaomiao nodded and walked towards the invisible exit indicated by Yang Tian.

"Hum ~ want to escape!"

Huie Miaomiao was just about to step through the invisible Rune energy wall, and a cold hum came.

Then, an old man in purple appeared in Yang Tian\'s eyes and caught him.

This is a steward of the limitless temple. He probably got the instruction of Kuo Xing and kept watching Yang Tian. After fighting with other animals, he found that Yang Tian and his party had abnormal actions and immediately came to stop them.

Before the steward rushed near, Xiaoqinglong swept the tail of the dragon.

"Hoo ~"

A roar sounded, followed by a \'Peng\', an energy impact.

The steward of the limitless temple was blocked by little green dragon.

Although Xiaoqinglong is in the realm of understanding life, there is still a gap compared with this minister. Although Xiaoqinglong blocked this person, his body hit the invisible energy wall.

"Let them go! I\'ll stay."

Seeing that the steward bounced away and wanted to rush again, Yang Tian hurried forward two steps.

The steward glanced at hui\'e Miaomiao and others, frowned and nodded in agreement. His goal is only Yang Tian, other irrelevant people. It\'s nothing to let them go.

"You go first!"

Yang Tian said again.

In fact, hui\'e Miaomiao and others left, and Yang Tiancai could completely let go.

Hui\'e Baixing knew that with their strength, staying could not help Yang Tian, so he nodded.

We all know that time is pressing. We just looked at Yang Tian with worried and caring eyes and left immediately.

"Peng ~"

A nearby practitioner saw that the Huie family could leave and wanted to take the opportunity to leave. As soon as he rushed near, he was patted by the purple robe master.

Seeing such a situation, all other practitioners nearby were frightened and immediately gave up the idea of taking the opportunity to leave. They all knew that the people in the temple didn\'t let them leave in order to let them consume each other with the herd.

This is really despicable, but the disparity in strength is so great that we can only dare to be angry.

Yang Tian was extremely dissatisfied with the way the minister did. The people in the temple were more unreasonable and domineering than he thought.

In this moment, the open channel is completely closed. It is not so easy to open it again. Because this Rune array is constantly supplemented by energy.

Maybe this situation is set by the Lord!

Yang Tianxin thought.

The purple robed steward picked up a stone with his feet and hit it at the previous exit. Seeing that it was bounced back, he knew that the channel had been closed, turned around and joined the team of killing monsters.

Although the man left, Yang Tian knew that he could only stay here for the time being, because it must be that more than one person paid attention to him, and even Kuo Xing paid attention to him all the time when he was fighting with strange animals.

In fact, it\'s no wonder Kuo Xing did so. Others would do the same, because Yang Tian is undoubtedly the "key" to them to leave here.

Probably because of the distortion of space, Huie Miaomiao and others disappeared after passing through the invisible and transparent energy wall.

Yang Tian took a look outside and calmed down and felt the energy in the space.

In the whole sealed space, the energy emitted by those colored spars, even if the rune array is constantly absorbing, is also very strong. Some practitioners who have not fought with exotic animals actually take advantage of this opportunity to supplement the previous consumption with the energy diffused in the space.

The number of monsters and practitioners is less than one-third of the original. Although the number is small, the survivors are all strong ones, and the fighting time behind them will be infinitely prolonged. Some powerful practitioners, taking advantage of the gap between fighting with strange animals, actually began to collect colored spars.

Some other animals actually began to swallow the energy crystals produced by these same species to make up for their consumption.

This situation makes many people who hide outside and watch others fight jealous. Some people finally couldn\'t help coming forward to join the battle

There is nothing in the world that can get benefits for nothing. If you don\'t take risks, you can\'t get benefits.

For Yang Tian, the problem now is to prevent the rune array from absorbing energy and enhance the seal.

The only way is to absorb all the energy in this space.

This can be achieved by using the strange black hole in his body, but Yang Tian is worried that he has absorbed enough energy. At the moment of promotion, if he rashly absorbs a lot of energy, it may have an impact on his practice and even his body.

If you don\'t do it because you\'re worried, Yang Tian won\'t mix up until now.

There is no absolute thing in practice. Maybe after the energy in the body increases, there will be a change of quantitative change and qualitative change?

After these thoughts flashed in Yang Tian\'s mind, Yang Tian raised his hand and a black sphere appeared on his hand.

Yang Tian gently threw it up. The small black hole flew away from his palm and suspended tens of meters above his head, becoming bigger and bigger.

As soon as the black hole appeared, the energy in the whole sealed space, like squeezed air, immediately found the outlet and rushed towards the black hole.