Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 738

The high temperature released by the burning of Rune energy line can instantly melt the steel. At the moment of the flame, Yang Tian released spiritual energy and protected himself.

However, in the dry and savage realm, the high temperature had little impact on her combat effectiveness. A "Hoo" appeared in front of Yang Tian and slapped Yang Tian on the chest.

KuMan\'s speed was too fast. Yang Tian had no time to avoid. He had to bite his teeth and form a shield with spiritual strength to block his chest.

In addition to spiritual power, the powerful force also poured out of the original world and gathered in the chest.

"Bang ~"

With a dull sound, the withered man\'s palm shook Yang Tian\'s mental shield and hit Yang Tian directly on his chest.

Yang Tian\'s body, like a shell, flew into a large cluster of burning Rune energy lines.

KuMan\'s speed was so fast that Xiaoqinglong didn\'t have time to respond. Yang Tian was hit by her. Seeing Yang Tian flying into the red flame, little green dragon roared, and his huge body was suddenly divided into five.

Five as like as two peas, the Dragon went towards the dry.

This is a new skill that little green dragon has since he was promoted last time. After he is promoted to the realm of understanding life, he can turn into four separate bodies at one time, plus the body, a total of five bodies.

Four separate bodies, like noumenon, can\'t make people distinguish true from false.

Seeing that the little green dragon was divided into five, KuMan thought it was magic.

For magic, KuMan is not afraid, because the phantom figure is too different from the real body.

Seeing five little green dragons rushing towards themselves, each dragon rolled up a raging flame. KuMan didn\'t act, but used her keen feeling to identify the real little green dragon.

Soon, KuMan couldn\'t help but look surprised in his eyes.

Because with her feeling, she can\'t detect which of the five dragons is true.

Each of the five little green dragons emits life energy fluctuations and powerful breath.

In addition to this, the five dragon bodies stirred the high-temperature flame in the space.

Is it all true?


Kuiman is the top strong among practitioners. Naturally, he understands that separation is almost impossible. Even the most powerful Temple master, who has practiced to the realm of wandering, can\'t do it.

Xiaoqinglong\'s speed was very fast. In the blink of an eye, he approached KuMan and rushed to KuMan from five directions. Looking at Xiaoqinglong\'s posture, he wanted to use its faucet to directly hit KuMan.

For dragons, this is only when they are extremely angry, because for them, the most powerful weapon is the flesh.

Seeing the anger and speed in Xiaoqinglong\'s eyes, KuMan quickly judged that if her body was hit by Xiaoqinglong, she would be injured.

After a battle with the master, KuMan consumed a lot of energy. Until now, he hasn\'t recovered to his peak combat power. Naturally, he doesn\'t want to be injured.

KuMan bit his teeth, moved and suddenly disappeared from his place.

It\'s faster than speed. KuMan is faster than Xiaoqinglong.

As like as two peas, the flash of lightning swept aside and looked at the five identical little green dragon. She dodged at the right time. She took the time very accurately. If there was no accident, the five dragons would collide together.

But the result surprised KuMan.

Because after the five dragons hit each other, they didn\'t hurt each other as she thought, but four of them suddenly disappeared.

At this time, KuMan reacted and knew that only one of the five dragons was real, and the others were just illusions.

I was fooled by a strange animal!

The conceited KuMan was very angry and moved. He was no longer ready to see Yang Tian photographed in the fire and rushed towards the little green dragon.

KuMan uses her fastest speed to appear above the head of Xiaoqinglong and clap it with one hand.

Xiaoqing seems to have noticed it for a long time. Before KuMan\'s palm hit him, his body was divided into five again, and his body disappeared from its original position

In space, the five dragons flew around KuMan at a high speed. As before, they rushed towards KuMan again.

KuMan\'s eyes flashed and he didn\'t hide. Instead, he mobilized the most powerful force to wrap his body.

"Peng ~"

A loud noise.

Five little green dragons hit KuMan at the same time.

Visually, it\'s like this, but in fact, only Xiaoqinglong\'s body bumps into KuMan. Kumman expected it well. The four separate bodies of Xiaoqinglong are actually an illusion composed of internal energy. Because Xiaoqinglong has spiritual power and can condense a consciousness on each phantom body, it is difficult for kumman to judge whether it is true or not.

Since we can\'t identify which dragon is real, KuMan simply stays in place and lets the little green dragon hit.

In this way, the real little green dragon will burst out in front of her.

After being hit by the little green dragon, KuMan\'s body moved more than ten meters and suddenly disappeared in place... KuMan has calculated this.

After Xiaoqinglong collided with KuMan, his body still impacted forward for a distance due to inertia.

Seeing KuMan disappear in front of him, Xiaoqinglong knew it was bad.

Sure enough, KuMan appeared again just above his head.

At this time, the little green dragon could not dodge.

Although he could not dodge, the little green dragon waved his tail and turned to one side to dodge.

At this time, KuMan\'s face was full of crazy smiles, and he slapped Xiaoqinglong\'s head.

This is the most powerful slap she gave. She is confident that as long as she hits Xiaoqinglong, even if Xiaoqinglong doesn\'t die, he will be seriously injured and lose his combat effectiveness.

"Boom ~"

"Chi ~"

At that moment, the flames nearby burst open, and a crescent shaped red knife gas chopped towards KuMan.

At this critical moment, Yang Tian finally appeared.

Seeing the attack of Dao Qi, KuMan instinctively wanted to dodge, but then she reacted. Although the Dao Qi was strong, it could not hurt her.

But during this meal, the energy in KuMan\'s hand was only half of what she was going to send out.

"Peng ~"

KuMan\'s palm power hit little green dragon on the head.

At the same time, Yang Tian\'s knife Qi also fell on KuMan.

Xiaoqinglong\'s huge body rolled around in the air for a few times, then stopped, shook his head hard, just dizzy for a few seconds, and then woke up.

KuMan wanted to kill or seriously injure Xiaoqinglong, but his palm power was only five layers. Naturally, he couldn\'t achieve his goal.

Xiaoqinglong was fine, but KuMan was surprised! She instinctively judged that Yang Tian\'s knife Qi was not strong and could not hurt herself.

But unexpectedly, Yang Tian\'s sword Qi was very strange. In an instant, it broke through her protective energy, and part of it entered her body and frantically destroyed her body cells.

Kuo man was so shocked that he quickly called energy to drive away the force invading his body.

In this process, Yang Tian has flown to Xiaoqinglong\'s back. Xiaoqinglong rushed into the flame with Yang Tian and disappeared into KuMan\'s eyes.

KuMan naturally won\'t give up the opportunity to kill Yang Tian. After driving Yang Tian\'s force away, KuMan immediately caught up with him.