Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 736

The talisman who had been dormant for a long time finally appeared. Yang Tian was relieved and showed up. There was always a way to deal with him. If this guy lurked, it would be really difficult to deal with him with his perseverance more powerful than rock.

The blue light gradually faded down, showing the true body of the Lord.

This guy is no longer human, but has become a monster. His upper body is a human body, his lower body is a black trunk, and his feet become a cluster of tree roots.

"Perfect body!"

Seeing the image of Fuzhu, hui\'e was not surprised.

Yang Tian frowned and said, "isn\'t it a monster? How did he become a perfect body?"

Hui\'e Miaomiao said, "that\'s what the legend says. Our ancestors were like this. When the world was formed, his upper body became animals and his lower body became plants. After countless years, he finally multiplied a wide variety of animals and plants in the world."

It\'s just a legend!

Different races have different legends. For example, the Chinese legend is that Pangu created the world and Nu Wa created it. The western world on Earth says that the world is created by God and human beings are the descendants of Adam and Eve.

This is obviously false.

He became a rune master who was half human and half tree. His body was very huge. After a burst of crazy laughter, he suddenly disappeared in situ.

Then the whole space lit up, from the dark world of nothingness to the real starry scene.

This starry sky scene is so familiar to Yang Tian that it\'s like suddenly returning home. But to Huie miaomi, they are very strange. They were born on land. They never left or could not leave the land. They could not imagine what the world outside the land was like.

"To stop me, first destroy the world I created! Hahaha..."

When everyone was dull, the voice of the Fuzhu suddenly rang out and echoed in the whole space.

"This is the seal space..."

The sound of strange program suddenly sounded in Yang Tian\'s mind.

The strange program tells Yang Tian that this sealed space is similar to the space created by the Fuzhu to seal the weikong ship. What is powerful in this space is not the fear of being confused because of the boundlessness.

But the passage of time.

After a quarter of an hour here, hundreds of thousands of years have passed outside. When the practitioners here go out, they may find that the world they are familiar with has actually changed greatly.

There is no shortage of Rune masters around the three Hall masters. Through Rune detection instruments, they soon know the power of this space.

For the practitioners trapped here, time is very precious. They can\'t delay a moment. The people of the three temples responded quickly. They made a decision in less than a minute.

No matter how powerful the rune array is, it can\'t trap Yang Tian and them, because Yang Tian has a strange program.

In the fast calculation of the strange program, the wide star of the limitless temple, the branch fan of the starry temple, the return of the heavenly temple, and the three Hall masters separated and stopped several kilometers away. If the three people are connected by a straight line, they will find that it is an equilateral triangle.

The position of the three people has obviously been accurately calculated.

Whether Yang Tian or the three Hall masters, it obviously takes some time to break this space.

Hui echan has squatted on the back of the little green turtle, and the little green dragon is lying on the head of the little green turtle. The enlarged Xiaoqing * * * Department is much wider than Yang Tian\'s shoulder. This guy looks at ease in Xiaoqing turtle\'s sad eyes.

"Yang... Brother, it\'s so beautiful here!"

Hui echan looked around and sighed.

In her world, where has she seen this wonder of the starry sky? For example, there is a huge star nearby, radiating dazzling light. Around this star, there are 12 planets of different sizes and colors. Around each planet, there are one to several satellites.

Among the twelve planets, there are two blue planets, which can be known as livable stars at a glance.

Most of the practitioners stayed where they were, and a few of them flew towards the planets curiously.

Hearing Hui echan\'s exclamation, Yang Tian said with a smile: "my hometown is such a world. It is called the universe. These spheres are called planets. Look at the luminous planet. It is a star. Together with the surrounding twelve planets, it forms a small galaxy..."

"That\'s amazing! I want to see the blue planet!"

Hearing Yang Tian finish, Hui echan is eager to try.

Yang Tian shook his head, "this is false. If you fly towards it, you will never arrive."

In addition to the change of time, the space has also changed. The best way is to stay where it is and respond to changes with invariance.

"Well said!"

Yang Tian\'s voice just fell, and Hei Fujun\'s voice suddenly sounded nearby.

The three Hall masters are arranging to break the seal space. They have their own Fushi. They don\'t believe in heifujun. Heifujun flew over without anything.

"What are they doing?"

Yang Tian turned around, looked at heifujun and asked with a smile.

Black Fu Jun said, "what else can you do to break this seal space? By the way, this should be what you are good at?"

Yang Tian just smiled, noncommittal.

When the strange program is calculating, it will report the progress for Yang Tian at any time. It will break this space in about five minutes.

The conversation between Yang Tian and Hei Fujun sounds like a conversation between old friends. While talking, black Fu Jun looked back at the three main hall leaders and said to Yang Tian, "Lord Fu\'s plan can\'t be completed. He may not know that he has long been watched by the people in the temple. All the time, the temple has only used him..."

During the time spent with the people in the limitless temple, the Lord got a lot of information about the Lord. What he told Yang Tian was similar to what Yang Tian had guessed before.

However, to Yang Tian\'s surprise, black Fujun told Yang Tian that Fuzhu had been badly hurt.

At this time, Yang Tiancai remembered that he had seen the three Hall masters come out after breaking the trunk of the black tree

At this time, the three Hall masters finally began to act. Suddenly, a "buzz" sounded. I don\'t know what method the three Hall masters used. In the triangular area among them, the space suddenly broke, like pieces of glass. Countless fragments, with starry scenes, splashed around, and the triangular area became dark

The disciples of the three temples flew in one after another when the black triangle was formed.

Other practitioners also follow into this broken space channel.

"It\'s broken. Let\'s go too?"

Black Fu Jun smiled at Yang Tiandao.

Yang Tian shook his head and said with a smile, "I\'m still not going to join the excitement."

Hearing what Yang Tian said, black Fu Jun\'s eyes narrowed slightly.