Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 730

After the little green turtle touched the blue light ball, he turned it over. Suddenly, his head gave birth to two horns and stood on the blue light ball.

"Bang ~"

A clear sound sounded, the shell of the blue sphere broke, and several blue liquid columns gushed out from the cracks.

The temperature of blue liquid is very low. As soon as it appears, the surrounding temperature decreases rapidly.

When an ordinary animal encounters this low-temperature liquid, don\'t touch it. Even if it is close, it will freeze and become a corpse. Little green turtle is not an ordinary beast. As soon as he opened his mouth and sucked the blue liquid into his mouth, there was no waste of a drop.

For the little green turtle, these blue liquids are a great tonic. Like the little green dragon, it needs strong energy when it grows up.

After sucking the blue liquid, the little green turtle turned and looked at Hui echan not far away.

Hui echan was so cold that her teeth trembled and her face turned blue. She is just away from the blue light ball. If she gets closer, she will be frostbitten. Seeing the little green turtle\'s eyes, Hui echan took out a black soft whip from the storage bracelet and shook it gently. The soft whip entangled a rune energy line like a tree root in front of him. Then he pulled it again and flew towards the little green turtle with this strength.

The little green turtle looked back, grabbed the shell of a blue sphere, ate it and made a "click click" sound.

The little green turtle won\'t forget Hui echan when he gets benefits.

In the blue sphere, in addition to the extremely cold blue liquid, there is a small blue sphere the size of a football and blue.


When Hui echan came to her side, the little green turtle turned his head, rubbed Hui echan\'s arm with his head, and uttered a \'sobbing\' sound in his mouth.

"Ah ~ little turtle, you can talk! That\'s great!"

Hui echan, who was connected with Xiaoqing\'s mind, immediately understood Xiaoqing\'s language, held Xiaoqing\'s head and shouted happily.

Little green turtle can\'t make a cry all the time. His usual communication is with his eyes. Of course, this way of communication is not as easy to understand as that of the language side, and the information is not comprehensive enough. Well, little green turtle can finally talk!

Little green turtle told Hui echan that he was able to speak because after absorbing enough energy, his level was increased by one level and became a one-star beast in the star sea.

"One star beast?" Hui echan asked curiously.

Little green turtle also told Hui echan that the star sea is not empty, but there are countless hidden "dark places". In fact, the environment in these dark places is similar to that of the mainland, but much smaller.

Monsters in the star sea and other creatures exist in the dark world and will not come out easily. Unless creatures harass the dark world... Monsters living in the star sea, the lowest level monsters, are newly born monsters without realm. After growing up, they are one-star monsters, and then two-star, three-star, four-star... The highest is NINE-STAR.

Xinghai is a huge and mysterious world. This continent has existed for countless years. All practitioners who go in and want to explore will never return. Therefore, I don\'t know anything about the situation in the Xinghai. Huiechan heard for the first time that the animals in the Xinghai are divided into stars. This way of grading is obviously different from the world.

Little green turtle can speak. Many questions in Hui echan\'s brain can finally be answered.

Seeing Hui echan\'s eyes, the little green turtle knew that Hui echan had many questions to ask himself. After he said the level of exotic animals in the star sea, he issued a cry of "Wuwu" to let Hui echan bring the blue sphere in front of him into his body.

Hui echan hasn\'t practiced to the realm of fantasy yet. Naturally, she can\'t do this. But little green turtle has a way. It wants to teach Hui echan a new way of practice.


Other practitioners are not as lucky as Hui echan, and they are not sent to this special space by Xiao Qinggui.

You should know that the "dark curtain" has actually become a transmission space. All practitioners who enter it will be randomly transmitted to various places of the natural symbol array. Even the three main hall masters who acted almost simultaneously were sent to different places.

The divine beast has the ability to seek good fortune and avoid evil. With the help of the divine beast little green turtle, Hui echan not only has no danger, but also gets benefits. However, for other practitioners, they face a very dangerous scene.

Some practitioners encounter the "Dead Sea" and die miserably as soon as they enter. This is the worst luck.

Some practitioners fell into a dreamland and were tortured by a dreamland that confused the false with the true. They could not find a way out in a short time and had to fight against the bad environment.

The practitioners with better luck are in the vast void, there is silence in all directions, and there is no end. Even so, there is no danger for the time being, just suffering mentally.

Some practitioners have been transferred to some strange spaces, such as the space where Yang Tian and Hui echan are now. Although there are some dangers, there are some benefits.

After absorbing many practitioners, the whole natural Rune array appears very chaotic.

This is the main result.

The black tree grew very fast and soon broke the surrounding space. The surrounding scene turned into a gray void. The ground under his feet disappeared. In the eyes of the master, there was only a huge black tree trunk.

Seeing that the black tree was almost growing, the rune Lord folded his hands and moved quickly, turning into residual shadows, and circles of Rune energy were emitted from his hands. At the same time, many mysterious syllables came out of his mouth.

On the trunk of the black tree, there suddenly appeared dense runes, which emerged on the trunk. After flying around the trunk of the black tree for several times, they suddenly condensed together and rushed into the body of the rune owner.

The body of the master expanded, like being blown, and became round. Bursts of "silk thread" sound came from the master\'s mouth. At this time, you can see that the Fuzhu\'s face has been distorted and looks very painful.

At this time, more runes appeared on the trunk of the black tree and entered the body of the rune Lord, and the body of the rune Lord gradually turned black.

In this process, black trees grow very fast. In less than five minutes, they grow at least ten times stronger.

"Ah ~"

Finally, the master could not bear the pain and let out a scream. Soon, his body shrank into a black spot and entered the trunk of the black tree. Suddenly, mysterious red lines lit up on the trunk and disappeared in a flash.

The Fuzhu finally completed his penultimate step. With the last step left, he can not only live indefinitely, but also dominate the world.

Yang Tian and hui\'e Miaomiao, as well as Xiao Qinglong, two people and one dragon, killing insects. Suddenly, the surrounding scene changed into black. Looking at the distance, you can see dark red lines like leaf veins.

At this time, Yang Tian\'s space has been incorporated into a leaf by the black tree, and Yang Tian\'s "good day" has come to an end.