Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 725

About half an hour later, the herd finally stopped and stayed a kilometer away from the edge of the crack.

At this time, the sky was already crowded with mechanical spacecraft, and the "earth map" projected into the sky naturally disappeared.

At this time, from a high altitude, the range of tens of kilometers around the crack is full of strange animals. The closer it is to the crack, the more dense the strange animals are.

One kilometer around the crack, there are dense metal columns. Even the largest beast can\'t pass through this steel jungle.

It is obviously not safe to stop the herd. After the herd is blocked, the ships in the sky begin to attack the herd on the ground.

In the "boom" explosion, the herd scattered.

Although the number of strange animals gathered this time was more than the animal tide, there was no unified leadership. After a bombing by the mechanical clan, the herd was dispersed.

After the herd dispersed, a large number of practitioners gathered towards the edge of the crack.

The three shrines gathered millions of disciples, which were transported by the mechanical family in a spaceship. As soon as the herd dispersed, they came down from the ship and guarded the crack.

"There are billions of believers in our limitless Temple alone, which is just a small part!"

Seeing the surprised look on the black Fu Jun\'s face, kuoman said faintly.

In fact, Hei Fujun was not surprised by the number of the three temples, but the strength of the disciples of these temples.

Even an ordinary Temple disciple is in the realm of fantasy, which is equivalent to that of heifu Jun.

Some people were naturally unconvinced when they were blocked by the people of the temple, and were soon suppressed by the people of the temple by fierce means.

After a brief riot, he finally calmed down.

Suddenly, three lights of different colors flashed from a distance and stayed over the crack.

Three young people came.

The three were dressed in black, white and blue. As soon as heifu Jun saw it, he knew that the three were experts in the three temples.

These three people did not exude a fierce momentum, but gave people a feeling of incomparable strength.

"Temple Lord ~"

While Hei Fujun was guessing who the three young men were, the temple disciples, including KuMan and other temple ministers, all knelt on one knee and bowed down to salute.

It turned out that the three young men were the heads of the three temples.

"Get up!"

The young man in black raised his hand and said faintly.

The voice sounded very light, but it spread far away. The temple disciples knelt down to salute and got up.

Heifujun was not from the three temples and did not kneel down to salute. When the disciples of the temple knelt down to salute, he narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the three people.

Among them, the young man in black is naturally the Lord of the limitless temple, named Kuo Xing. According to KuMan, this man has just taken over as the leader of the limitless temple. He is a talent secretly trained by the previous leader.

The temple is like a country. The previous Temple Lord will not hand over the temple to outsiders. Kuo Xing is likely to be the son of the previous Temple Lord. The order of the temple Lord cannot be violated. Even if an ordinary human is instructed to take over the temple Lord, no one dares to object.

Besides, Kuo Xing is also a wandering realm. When he took over, he showed his strong strength. Unexpectedly, it is a wandering realm. Many ministers who wanted to replace them gave up the idea of greed.

Kuxing has a shawl and silver hair and a black triangular mark on his forehead.

The young man in white robe is the Lord of the temple of heaven. He has short red hair and his name is Yugui. There is a red cloud pattern between his eyebrows, which looks a little strange.

The young man in blue is the Lord of the starry sky temple. His name is Zhi MI. He has long purple hair and two purple dots between his eyebrows.

These three people are undoubtedly the top strength in this continent.

After getting up under the door, the three Temple masters looked down.




Next, the three Temple masters spoke the ancient language in full view of the public.

"What are the three Temple masters talking about?"

Listening to the words of the three people, Hei Fujun was very curious. He looked at the withered man beside him and said faintly. His words are more like talking to himself.

Kuo man glanced at black Fu Jun and whispered, "the temple secret language used by the temple owners, only the temple owners can use this language."

If Hei Fujun could understand the three people\'s language, he would be surprised.

The three Hall masters are all in the realm of wandering. With their realm, they have been able to restrain their mind and will not be confused by the starry scene below.

After observing for a while, Kuo Xing, the Lord of the limitless temple, said faintly, "after waiting for a long time, it has finally begun!"

"Yes!" the fan of the Lord of the starry sky temple sighed, "I\'ve changed five hall masters of the starry sky temple, and finally I\'ve waited. That guy is really..."

Yu Gui, the Lord of the temple of heaven, smiled and looked more strange. "Only that man can do it in this world. He thought it was secret, but he didn\'t know it. He had long been noticed by my three temples."

"Let\'s start!"

As soon as Yu Gui\'s voice fell, Kuo Xing said faintly.

Although Kuo Xing is the new temple Lord, he is even more proud in front of Yugui and Zhifan. Because the strength of the three temples is still higher and lower. The strength of the limitless temple has been added to the heavenly temple and the starry temple.

The heavenly temple and the starry temple are united, and the limitless temple is naturally invincible. But apart, it is far inferior to the limitless temple.

After Kuo Xing finished, Zhi fan turned around and said faintly, "Chan Chan, come here."

"Yes ~"

Zhi fan\'s voice didn\'t fall, and a girl\'s voice rang out.

Soon, a girl in a blue robe, holding a green turtle, came out of the disciples of the starry temple.

At this time, everyone present focused on the girl.

This girl in blue is Hui echan.

Kuo Xing looked at Hui echan, shook his head, then looked at Guan Zhifan and said, "you\'re lucky!"

Zhi fan smiled and looked very happy.

Strange things happened. With this smile, he saw that the two purple dots in the center of his eyebrows changed their positions. Immediately, his appearance changed and became a woman, which looked more flirtatious than Yugui.

"Let your pet go down and have a look!"

When Hui echan approached, Zhi Mi said faintly.


Hearing that the hall leader told him to put the little green turtle in a dangerous place below, Hui echan was worried.

Zhi fan frowned. The two purple dots in the middle of his eyebrows changed their positions again and changed back to a man. He listened to him with a serious mouth: "Chan Chan, do you want to disobey my order?"

"I... dare not!"

Hui echan looked up and saw the temple Lord\'s serious appearance. She was a little afraid and hurried to say.

But she doesn\'t want little green turtle to take risks!

When Hui echan hesitated, the little green turtle suddenly jumped from Hui echan\'s hand. With a flash of green shadow, he rushed into the starry scene.

At this time, Hui echan, who is connected with Xiaoqing turtle, felt Xiaoqing turtle\'s happy mood.