Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 723

The place where the Lord appeared again was a light green space. Above his head, there was a green ball with a diameter of tens of meters.

The green ball emits a faint green light. If you get close and observe carefully, you will find that countless and small silk threads emanate from the green ball and extend to invisible places.

After appearing here, the master looked up at the green sphere and sat down in the void. Then, the rune master quickly waved his hands, releasing powerful rune energy fluctuations between his hands.

Inspired by the rune energy, the green sphere suddenly shines brightly. In the green light, the body of the rune Lord changes from old to young at a visible speed.

The Fuzhu, with his eyes closed, closed his hands, turned his mouth, and his face was full of a proud smile.


After the small symbol and the natural symbol array are integrated, it is like installing the operating system for the computer to start up.

Because after countless years of growth, the natural Rune array has covered the whole continent. As soon as it changes, the whole continent vibrates.

On the ground, the huge trumpet shaped pit began to crack. This is the center of the natural Rune array. The movement is the largest. Soon, the pit was split into two halves, and a red light was emitted from the bottom of the crack, dyeing the sky red.

The practitioners gathered here looked at the sky and saw many strange patterns in the sky.

Some of these patterns are like a clump of tree roots, some are like the virtual shadow of the human body, some are like a strange animal, some are like a symbol array, and some are like stars

"That\'s... The map of the earth“


"It must be. This must be a map of the earth\'s veins!"

"What is the earth vein map?"

"Our cultivation skills were learned by the ancients from the earth map."

"The real earth map must be below!"


In the red light, the graphics are very vague. Many people don\'t know what those graphics are. When someone mentioned the word "earth vein map", everyone was excited.

No matter how powerful the practitioner is, he is also full of awe for the world, because all the practice skills, including runes, are understood by intelligent life according to the celestial phenomena.

With the sound of the "rumble", the cracks in the ground became bigger and bigger. It didn\'t stop until it was hundreds of meters wide and hundreds of kilometers long.

At this time, the images in the sky are more and clearer.

Seeing the mysterious figure in the sky, all the practitioners gathered in this place believe that this is the legendary earth map.

The practitioners who came here ran to the edge of the crack for the first time and looked down.

What appears in their eyes is a red psychedelic starry scene.

The view of the starry sky. The practitioners who are born and bred in this world have not really seen it. For them, this scene is too shocking.

However, in the eyes of Hei Fujun, such a scene is too common. He has seen all kinds of star wonders when living in the original world.

"This is the legendary sea of stars! It\'s so beautiful!"

"It should be! I didn\'t expect to see the Xinghai one day and feel that it is so close to us!"

"I have a very strange feeling. If I fly in the sea of stars, it must be very... Free!"

Hearing others say the word "freedom", Hei Fujun misses the previous world. He thinks of flying freely in the cosmic starry sky

Although the world is big, it still looks smaller compared with the previous cosmic world. In that world, perhaps the realm is not enough! He has never found the edge of the universe. But the world is marginal. The edge of the continent is the sea of stars.

Seeing the amazing look in the eyes of others, the word "Tu nationality" came out of Hei Fujun\'s mind. In Yang Tian\'s words, it was Tu baozi. He had never seen the world.

Thinking of the word "Tu nationality", Hei Fujun looked at others again. The practitioners who appeared in his eyes were full of obsession, and then became fanatical.


Suddenly, someone nearby laughed, jumped, jumped down, and disappeared into the red \'starry sky\' scene.

There\'s a first, there\'s a second, there\'s a third.


Seeing the person closest to him jump off, heifu Jun couldn\'t help but remind him loudly.

However, no one paid attention to him. One after another, he jumped from the edge of the crack and disappeared into the starry scene.

Don\'t think, black Fu Jun knows that the starry scene under the crack is just a fantasy.

Although he knew the danger, heifujun looked at the red starry sky again.

I didn\'t feel it just now, but this time, he felt that his soul was attracted. There was only a strong idea in his mind, that is, he must enter this "free" world.

In the eyes of black Fu Jun, there was a crazy look.

Black Fu Jun was about to jump off. Suddenly, his back neck hurt and his body quickly retreated for a distance.

The intense pain made Hei Fujun wake up. When he turned around, he knew that KuMan had stopped him.

"Thank you!"

Black Fu Jun looked very embarrassed. Looking at the faint smile on KuMan\'s face, he smiled awkwardly.

KuMan didn\'t say anything. He brushed past heifujun and walked quickly to the edge of the crack.

At this time, the black Fu King noticed that there were hundreds of old people wearing purple robes as soon as KuMan arrived.

These people are very high and domineering.

Obviously, these people are high-level figures in the limitless temple.

"Ah ~"

KuMan came to the edge of the crack and looked down. He looked like a struggle on his face. Suddenly, he drank loudly and stepped back for several steps.

Even a master like KuMan was almost attracted by the following scene and jumped out of control.

After the collapse of Lamu mountain, practitioners kept coming here. At this time, a few million people had gathered!

Most of these practitioners are not as good as black Fujun. As soon as they see the starry sky below, they are immediately attracted and jump down, just like dumplings.

In less than half an hour, more than 90% of the practitioners jumped into the starry scene, and they didn\'t know what they met, life or death.

When the number of people was small, the black Fu King sent out. Opposite the crack, there were a group of people in white robes, and there were a group of people in blue robes not far from the left.

The people of the limitless temple in purple robe, the people of the heavenly temple in white robe, and the people of the starry temple in blue robe.

The people of the three temples did not stop the people from jumping. Because those who jump are practitioners with low level, and have nothing to do with the three temples.

Also, after these people jump, there may be some anomalies for them to refer to.

(start to pay off the renewal debt tomorrow!)