Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 715

"Ha ha... Finally broke through!"

Hearing the vibration coming from under the ground, the Fuzhu\'s face looked excited and laughed.

Yang Tian turned and looked at the burning hole.

At this time, the invisible Rune energy has disappeared. Although the air flow above is still rotating rapidly, the high temperature generated is no longer transmitted.

"Up ~"

Lord Fu looked at Yang Tian and suddenly drank softly.

With that, he moved and rushed to the cave still smoking.

The Fuzhu\'s speed was very fast, and he acted suddenly. Yang Tian and heifujun didn\'t react, so they saw the Fuzhu jump into the cave.

At the same time, a large number of Rune mechanical beasts rushed towards Yang Tian and them.

Although these Rune mechanical beasts are hard, it is impossible to defeat Yang Tian and their three people and one dragon.

The rune mechanism beasts created by the rune Lord are mainly used to block Yang Tian and them. After the rune Lord entered the cave, some Rune mechanical beasts jumped on Yang Tian and others blocked the cave.

These inanimate guys move at an amazing speed, look like blinking, and obviously make use of space Rune energy.

Yang Tian and the three of them can\'t chase the rune master immediately, but Xiao Qinglong can. The little green dragon has a small body and fast flying speed. There should be no problem passing through the gap between Rune mechanical beasts.

"Bruce Lee, go and have a look."

Yang Tian sidestepped away from the attack of a rune mechanical beast and immediately said to Xiao Qinglong.

The battle came suddenly. Xiaoqinglong\'s eyes were full of a strong sense of war. He was about to turn into a giant dragon, so he heard Yang Tian\'s arrangement. Without any hesitation, Xiaoqinglong jumped up from Yang Tian\'s shoulder, turned into a green shadow and rushed into the cave.

Yang Tian, Hei Fujun, and Hui e Miaomiao have long been on guard against the master of the rune. The instinctive three people are back-to-back, blocking the attack of the rune mechanical beast.

These Rune mechanical beasts are much more sophisticated than the rune mechanical beasts Yang Tian had seen on the weikong ship before. Although they have no life, they have simple thinking ability, and are no inferior to powerful exotic beasts.

Moreover, these guys also have different types of runic energy

"Chi... Boom..."

Suddenly, a head jumped on the rune mechanical beast of black Fujun and hit a thick white electric light on the black Fujun.

Although the current was not strong, it made black Fujun tremble. If Yang Tian hadn\'t blocked the attack of a rune mechanical beast for him with a red long knife, his life would be over.

There are also some Rune mechanical beasts that can spray fire and some can spray cold... Under the action of Rune energy, these Rune mechanical beasts have many incredible abilities.

In order to resist the attack of these Rune mechanical beasts, the three concentrated their energy and dared not relax at all.

Huie Miaomiao is the weakest of the three, but the black whip in her hand is very flexible, like a swift and violent poisonous snake. She can blow a rune mechanical beast away every time she waves a whip.

In terms of fighting skills, Huie Miaomiao seems to have more experience than heifu Jun.

After expelling the electricity in his body, heifujun looked at Yang Tian with gratitude, and then threw himself into the battle.

Hei Fujun doesn\'t have strong combat skills, but he has extraordinary attainments in runes. Otherwise, he can\'t break the Lamu family\'s five Rune array in a short time. He held a compass shaped Rune treasure in his hand and constantly moved the pointer on it. Invisible Rune energy was excited from above and flew Rune mechanical beasts.

Yang Tian holds a long red knife and cuts quickly. The rune mechanical beast can\'t hurt him for a while.

However, there are too many Rune mechanical beasts. The shell made of metal extracted from star stone makes them extremely strong and difficult to destroy.

Of course, these Rune mechanical beasts look powerful, but they also have weaknesses.

When Yang Tian and the rune master were "wordy" just now, the strange program collected enough information to calculate the weakness of the rune mechanical beast.

However, the weakness of the mechanical beast is in the abdomen. It is only the size of a fist. In addition, these things move fast. If you want to use physical attack to hit their weak parts, it is very difficult.

Then, we have to use another way to kill these Rune mechanical beasts in batch at one time.

"Chi... Boom..."

Taking advantage of the short gap, Yang Tian waved forward and sent out a red wind blade to shake away more than a dozen Rune mechanical beasts in front of him.

"Protect me, I\'ll kill them!"

After inserting the knife into the ground, Yang Tian said a word, then raised his hands, his fingers trembled, and his palms formed a shadow.

Circles of Rune energy radiated from Yang Tian\'s hands.

These Rune mechanical beasts are driven by Rune energy. Once the rune array in the body is destroyed, it is no different from a pile of scrap iron.

The rune energy radiated from Yang Tian\'s hands spread around with Yang Tian as the center. All mechanical animals that came into contact with the rune energy were soft on their legs and feet, landed on the ground on their belly, and then did not move.

These Rune mechanical beasts are good things for Yang Tian. Yang Tian raised his hands and thousands of Rune mechanical beasts were put into the storage Bracelet by him.

Black Fujun also understood the value of these Rune mechanical beasts. When Yang Tian received the rune mechanical beasts, his eyes were not bright, and he also received part of them.

Yang Tian was worried about Xiaoqinglong\'s safety. After killing these Rune mechanical beasts, he only delayed for a few seconds, turned and ran towards the cave and jumped into the cave without hesitation.

Looking down, the cave is still dark and can\'t see to the end. Even so, it is not deep.

Yang Tian and Xiaoqinglong have the same mind and can clearly feel Xiaoqinglong\'s current position. At this time, the little green dragon was about more than 1000 meters underground.

The cave drilled by the high temperature Rune array designed by the master is not deep.

After Yang Tian jumped into the cave, he used his spiritual power to control the falling speed. The strange program controlled a large number of small particles formed by Rune energy, emitting bright light and shining all around.

After falling 100 meters, Yang Tian saw that the cave was covered with layers of black rocks.

These rocks are all star stones!

These star stones are melted by high temperature, and the cave wall looks very smooth, just like black glass.

Yang Tian now finally understands why the Lord of the rune designed the high-temperature Rune array. These star stones are not only dense, but also very strong. They can only be broken by melting them at a very high temperature.

Seeing these star stones, Yang Tian had to praise the means of Fuzhu. He remembered that in the hui\'e family, it took a long time to melt the star stone, refine the metal and make weapons, and the rune Lord used this Rune array to melt the star stone hundreds of meters thick in less than an hour.