Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 682

After the most complete lice crystal is embedded on a bluestone, the time symbol array starts.

Within the time matrix, the passage of time is a thousand times slower than outside.

At this time, if you are outside the scope covered by the time Rune array, you will find that Yang Tian\'s action is very slow. If he blinks, it will take several minutes to complete this process.

In the time symbol array, Yang Tian didn\'t feel that he was the same as usual, whether thinking or doing other actions. He didn\'t feel the change of the passage of time at all.

When Yang looked outside the symbol array, he found that a stone fell from the cave and fell to the ground in a flash. Yang Tian didn\'t see the track of the stone.

This is the magic of the time symbol array!

The time symbol array works. Next, Yang Tian should do something else.

He took out the bluestone from the storage bracelet. The strange program controlled his body and began to depict the transmission Rune array.

It\'s not too late to mend.

At this time, Baiyu and others outside have arranged the inflammatory array.

Although this large array is powerful, the energy consumed is also extremely terrible.

On the stone pillars in four directions, four golden life crystals are placed in Baiyu.

"Start ~"

After placing the life crystal, Baiyu flew into the air and drank loudly. Bursts of runic energy emanated from his hands.

This is the runic energy to open the array.

In an instant, the four stone pillars with life crystals lit up red and projected four thick light pillars into the sky.

The four light columns gather together in the air of thousands of meters to form a big red light ball.

The diameter of the red light ball is hundreds of meters. As soon as it is formed, it casts a red light column towards other stone columns below.

Soon, a shape will be a round birdcage, and a large red net will be formed.

The area covered by the optical net just shrouds the whole basin. The Yan array has not yet fully exerted its power. The practitioners standing on the surrounding peaks have felt the bursts of heat and can\'t help but retreat quickly down the mountain.

The family superior who came by spaceship had already taken the spaceship and flew into the air before the big array started.

Before they retreated to the foot of the mountain, the sparse plants at the bottom of the mountain could not stand the high temperature and began to wither.

After retreating several kilometers away from the peak on the edge of the beast cave, people still feel the rolling heat wave in front of them.

Dozens of ministers had already flown into the air and formed an encirclement in the air. All the actions of practitioners were under their surveillance.

The high temperature caused by the inflammatory array is like putting a small star in the beast cave surrounded by mountains.

Hui\'e Baixing, hui\'e Miaomiao, hui\'e Chan and the old four of the three families stood at the cabin door of the spaceship and frowned at the red large area ahead.

Even if you are ten thousand meters underground, you can\'t resist this high temperature, can you?

Yang Tian can escape before the big array starts, but after the big array starts, he can\'t get rid of the shackles of the big array.

Once the fire array is activated, the low-level practitioners shrouded by it cannot rush out of the large array.

In less than three minutes, the trees several kilometers away from the beast cave were dried and the water burned.

The high temperature has been spreading around at an extremely fast speed, and the range is becoming larger and larger. Some people can\'t help thinking that if this inflammatory array exists for a long time, it is estimated that it will have an impact on the whole climate in hundreds of days.

At this time, what about Yang Tian?

Yang Tian started the rune array in less than five minutes, and the inflammation array outside started. In his feeling, the surrounding temperature began to rise slowly.

The solid conducts energy faster than the air. When the fire array starts and the practitioners have not retreated from the mountain, the temperature around Yang Tian has risen to several Baidu.

At this time, Yang Tian in the time matrix had just noticed that the surrounding temperature had changed.

Yang Tian estimated that he could withstand the temperature of more than 3000 degrees by using his spiritual power.

And the higher the temperature, the shorter the time he can resist, because the speed of consuming spiritual power is very fast. Even at a temperature of more than 3000 degrees, he can only last for more than ten minutes.

Compared with Yang Tian, Xiaoqinglong tolerates higher temperature and longer time, because its meat quality is better than Yang Tian.

The inflammatory array consumes too much energy. It won\'t take more than ten minutes from start to end.

The passage of time in the inflammatory array is also accelerated. It is ten times faster than the passage of time outside, which is equivalent to accelerating the death of the trapped people.

This is opposite to the effect of slowing down the passage of time. If the passage of time accelerates, people trapped in the array will be eroded by more than ten times the high temperature per unit time.

The passage of time of the Yan array and Yang Tian\'s time symbol array offset each other, that is, the time around Yang Tian is about a hundred times different from the time outside the Yan array.

Yang Tianneng can hold on for more than ten minutes at a high temperature of 3000 degrees. In his position, it takes about three minutes for the temperature to rise to more than 3000 degrees.

Three minutes multiplied by one hundred is three hundred minutes, five hours.

Five hours is enough for Yang Tian to depict the transmission matrix.

In Yang Tian\'s vision, the outside soon became a red one. Because of the high temperature, the whole cave began to change shape.

The hidden breath Rune array is exposed outside the time Rune array. Due to the change of cave shape, the placement of bluestones changed quickly.

The bluestone that forms the rune array cannot be displaced. Once it is displaced, the rune array will disappear.

As soon as the fire array started for three minutes, Yang Tian\'s breath appeared and was detected by dozens of secretaries.

"Ha ha......" Baiyu couldn\'t help laughing.

The corner of KuMan\'s mouth turned up and sneered: "sure enough, under the fire array, see how long he can hold on, hum!"

In the eyes of these ministers, Yang Tian is dead.

Even if they are trapped in such a large array, they can\'t escape, let alone Yang Tian in the Guiyuan realm.

The time in the outside world has passed for another two minutes.

The size of the four golden life crystals driving the large array has also been reduced by half. It seems that the large array can last for four to five minutes.

Two minutes passed outside, but for Yang Tian, it took more than two hours.

At this time, Yang Tian finally felt unable to hold on.

More importantly, the deformation of the cave is becoming faster and faster. It begins to melt like baked wax, which will soon affect more than 20 bluestones constituting the time symbol array.

There is not much time left for Yang Tian.

Why hasn\'t Yang Tian finished transmitting the rune array?

Because of the first characterization of the symbol matrix, the transmission failed. For Yang Tian, time suddenly became tense.