Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 680

To speed up the energy emission of this crystal, you can use the symbol array to speed up the passage of time in a local range

After a short time of calculation, the singular program designs the time symbol matrix.

Yang Tian took out 28 bluestones from the storage bracelet. As usual, Qi Cheng controlled Yang Tian\'s body and began to depict runes on these standard shaped bluestones.

Compared with the symbol matrix with hidden breath, the time symbol matrix is much more difficult and takes a very long time to depict well.

As time passed slowly, the sound of practitioners walking or fighting came from outside. No matter how close the voice is, Yang Tian always keeps calm in his heart, and doesn\'t let his mind fluctuations affect the strange program.

Depicting runes is a very delicate work. If you shake your hand a little, you have to depict them again.

At this time, the withered mood of Wuji temple was quite the opposite of Yang Tian. After thousands of practitioners entered the underground cave, they didn\'t find Yang Tian for a long time. She couldn\'t help getting annoyed.

The longer it took, the less face she felt.

Until there is no result, people here can\'t leave. Although the Minister of the temple didn\'t say it clearly, everyone knows it very well.

"This is not the way to find. There is no light below and there are many people. Even if Yang Tian passes by, it is estimated that many people don\'t know! In order to find Yang Tian, those people below have to look at each other. During this period, they have caused a lot of fights." Baiyu, the Secretary of Tianyu temple, came to KuMan and frowned.

At least in dealing with Yang Tian, the three temples stand in the same position.

If only the people of the limitless temple were killed by Yang Tian, the heavenly temple and the starry temple would not care about such a thing.

But the presence of the two temples is different. The limitless Temple lost its dignity, and the other two temples also lost face.

"What do you say?" Ku man turned to Guan Baiyu and asked faintly.

Baiyu said, "call everyone back and make marks on everyone. Let them go down again and seal the cave every time they search for a cave. In this way, at least Yang Tian will be temporarily trapped below."

"And then?"

When Baiyu finished, KuMan asked again.

Bai Yu said with a smile, "if you really can\'t find him, in this way, you can ensure that Yang Tian is in the cave below. Then, put a fire array over this place. If you don\'t believe him, he won\'t come out."

KuMan said, "that\'s a good idea! I was in a hurry before. But those who come up should be strictly inspected once."

Baiyu said with a smile, "I hope he doesn\'t come out. Our three temples haven\'t United for a long time. Have you arranged such a big array?"

Kuo man snorted coldly, "a little man, if he forces us to use the big array, it will be his honor."

With that, KuMan said loudly, "the people below listen and immediately return to the ground. Don\'t come out within a hundred breath, kill!"

KuMan\'s voice with energy spread far, and her voice could be heard even thousands of meters underground.

Yang Tian naturally heard it too. He knew that the ministers above called people back. They certainly didn\'t give up, but wanted to find a new way.

Next, he will certainly face a more severe situation.

Yang Tian can\'t belittle the means of the officials.

Even so, Yang Tian had expected the result. Thousands of people came down to search for him. It\'s not the same family. It\'s strange to find him!

So when he heard the voice of withered man, his heart was still as calm as water.

The conversation between KuMan and Baiyu was heard clearly by Huie Baixing.

When kuoman gave the order, Hui echan frowned and said, "Yang Tian is in big trouble."

Hui\'e Miaomiao nodded. "The fire array, the cold array, the broken star array and the extinction array are all fierce arrays handed down from ancient times. The fire array is the most powerful. Unexpectedly, the killing array that didn\'t use to force the giant turtle was actually used on Yang Tian."

"Ah ~" hui\'e Miaomiao said, and hui\'e Chan exclaimed, "is the fire array so powerful? Yang Tian is proficient in runes, should he be all right? Also, can they set up such a large array with so many people dead?"

No one in the temple could answer his sister\'s question. Hui\'e Miaomiao shook his head.

However, the look on her face became more worried.

Although Yang Tian is very powerful in runes, can he cope with the fierce array handed down from ancient times?

In this world, runes are also declining compared with ancient times. Because this is also a highly technical doorway, with the passage of time, the rune information will inevitably be missing.

In addition, when the master teaches his disciples, he will also "leave a hand".

At this time, neither the two sisters nor hui\'e Baixing wanted Yang Tian to have something to do.

This is especially true for Huier hundred stars.

If Yang Tian can survive this time, for hui\'e Baixing, he is more sure to keep Yang Tian in hui\'e family.

Because at that time, the three temples, especially the limitless temple, will certainly be full of the world\'s wanted Yang Tian. Then, the hui\'e family can become Yang Tian\'s hiding place. Yang Tian can\'t appear outside at will, let alone go out at will.

In this way, Yang Tian can be controlled by hui\'e hundred stars in the hui\'e family and give full play to his talent in runes.

After Baiman gave the order, the practitioners in the underground cave soon poured out from all the exits.

Next, kuoman issued an order to let each family inspect the family members to prevent Yang Tian from sneaking into these practitioners.

KuMan hopes so. As soon as she finds Yang Tian, Yang Tian can\'t slip away under her eyes.

During the period when many practitioners were looking for Yang Tian, the ministers had already taken pills to heal wounds and replenish energy, and their combat power was restored by more than half.

Now, even if the high level of enlightenment hits them, it is impossible to defeat them.

The stronger the state of cultivation, the stronger the recovery ability after injury.

Some secretaries who had been injured and unconscious before woke up and were adjusting their injuries.

From these, we can see how huge the strength of the three temples is.

It is no exaggeration to say that if the temple ministers who stay here now unite, all the families who will come here will be destroyed.

The practitioners who returned to the ground gathered together according to their families and looked at each other\'s identities.

This kind of exploration is actually very simple. Before departure, everyone carries a life bead.

Once the life bead is bound with the master, it can not be stolen by others.

This is also an effective way for families to prevent outsiders from sneaking in.

The body shape and appearance of practitioners can be changed, but the breath of life cannot be changed.

It is worth mentioning that Yang Tian has long lost his life beads.

For others, this kind of life bead cannot be isolated, but for Yang Tian, it is a very simple thing.

Without finding Yang Tian, thousands of practitioners accepted the task again and went down to the underground cave.

With the norms, the actions of thousands of practitioners in underground caves appear organized. Each practitioner works in groups of several people. After observing a passage and finding that they have entered a dead end, they will immediately return and close the cave.

In less than an hour, the practitioners who went down to the underground cave returned one after another.

"He must still be down there, hehe! Let\'s set up an inflammatory array!" Baiyu looked at his gloomy face and said with a smile.

KuMan narrowed his eyes slightly and said coldly, "that\'s all we have to do. Once the fire array comes out, this large area will turn into lava. Even if we fall into the array, there is only a dead end. Let\'s see how Yang Tian can survive!"