Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 675

"Go to two people and dig him out."

When Yang Tian\'s breath of life disappeared, the purple robed steward said with disdain on his face.

As soon as his voice fell, Huie Miaomiao jumped into the pit and quickly planed the rubble buried in Yang Tian with both hands.

Yang Tian\'s body soon showed up.

At this time, Yang Tian was already ready.

When his eyes felt the light, he suddenly opened his eyes.

A pretty face appeared in hui\'e\'s eyes.

Hui\'e\'s wonderful face was still sad at this moment, and his eyes were red.

When he saw Yang Tianmu\'s eyes open, hui\'e was so surprised that he almost screamed.

"Peng ~"

At this time, Yang Tian didn\'t care about Huie Miaomiao. He pushed her away, jumped up from the gravel, and gave directions to the purple robe steward in the air.

At this time, no one reacted.

"Chi ~ Pu ~"

When Yang Tian hit the purple robed steward on the forehead, there was a scream of rapid impact of energy.

Immediately, it was the sound of the back of the purple robed steward\'s head exploding.

This means that Yang Tian wrapped up a large number of the force with spiritual strength to form a still fierce force.

Wrapped in the spiritual power, the impact of the force was very fast. As soon as the idea of dodging appeared in the purple robed minister\'s brain, Yang Tian\'s finger power had impacted on his forehead.

"Boom ~"

At this time, Yang Tian, who was in the air, suddenly turned over in the air, head down and slapped the hole.

It was like a ******* explosion, with a loud noise, a large number of gravel mixed with colored spar splashed out of the pit and scattered like rain.

At this time, no one could restrain the onlookers and snatched the colored crystal stones that fell nearby.

They don\'t care about Yang Tian and the ministers! Getting this life crystal is the most important.

Although Yang Tian took away more than half of them, there are still many colored spars.

In this chaos, only a few people noticed that the bottom of the pit had been broken down and a cave several meters in diameter appeared.

Yang Tian had already rushed into the cave.

In fact, Yang Tian had already figured out his retreat before this attack.

He had a chance to kill the purple priest, but he couldn\'t kill the remaining twelve. After killing, if you don\'t run away as soon as possible, it\'s really a dead end.

Fortunately, Xiaoqinglong had already explored it. The underground is full of crisscross caves, which is a good place for Yang Tian to hide.

With the help of strange programs, Yang Tian can hide his breath from others.

In the back, when Xiaoqinglong is well, he can come out after the storm has passed. At that time, he and Xiaoqinglong must be different from now

"Peng ~"

A stone hit the purple priest\'s head. The purple priest who became a corpse fell to the ground rigidly.

Like many people killed by Yang Tian before, the body of the purple robed steward fell to the ground and began to melt.

Yang Tian\'s destructive power of the force is very strong, and the cells eroded by the force will quickly disintegrate. The human body is made up of most of the water. If the cells that keep the water collapse, the whole body will become a pile of liquid.

"Hongyaogong ~"

Seeing that the purple robed steward who was hit by Yang Tian fell to the ground and died, another middle-aged female steward who was also wearing a purple robe and was still charming opened her eyes in horror. After being stunned for a while, she shouted and flashed in front of the body.

She had to be shocked because the minister named Hongyao, who was killed by Yang Tian, had a high status in the limitless temple and was second only to the Lord of the temple.

This time, the three temples united, also led by Hongyao.

At the same time, this man is also a senior talisman, which is very important to the limitless temple. The talisman array that killed the giant turtle this time was temporarily designed by Hongyao.

More importantly, the middle-aged female secretary has an ambiguous relationship with Hongyao.

In the eyes of the purple robed female minister, Hongyao\'s body soon turned into a dark red liquid, and even the bones melted, leaving a soaked purple robe.

"Yang Tian, I\'ll kill you! Kill you..."

Hongyao\'s death made the purple robed female minister completely angry and roared up to the sky. A destructive sound wave came from her mouth.


Under the impact of this sound wave, the bodies of nearby practitioners competing for colored spar exploded one by one.

Hui\'e Baixing raised her right hand and opened her eyes. Hui\'e Chan, who was in a daze, sent out a strong suction, attracted hui\'e Chan and protected her with energy, so that she could avoid the fate of explosion and death.

The howling of the purple robed female superintendent soon calmed the people down.

Many practitioners once again see how powerful it is after reaching the realm of change. People can kill people with their voice without their hands.

"Elder brother, who is this woman? It\'s so powerful!" Hui echan looked at the little green turtle in her arms and asked Hui echan curiously.

Hui\'e Baixing once served in the temple. Naturally, he knew the ministers of the three temples. He looked at the middle-aged woman in purple robe and said faintly, "her name is KuMan."

"What an ugly name!" Hui echan said.

Maybe Hui echan\'s voice was heard by KuMan. She looked at Hui echan coldly.

Soon, she turned her eyes to the little green turtle in Hui echan\'s hand.

Hui\'e Baixing also noticed kuoman\'s eyes and looked at kuoman with cold and fierce eyes. Before, Hongyao failed to kill his sister. Under the pressure of the temple, he could only bear it.

If kuuman wants to do it again, Huie Baixing is not polite.


Seeing hui\'e Baixing\'s cold and fierce eyes, Kuo manleng snorted, turned his head and looked at the surrounding practitioners. He said faintly, "who can kill Yang Tian and reward the principal position of the temple."

In the temple, there is still the power to appoint the chief.

For practitioners, the Lord of the temple had great temptation. As soon as the withered voice fell, someone jumped into the air and rushed into the underground cave hit by Yang Tian.

Other more people suddenly dispersed and entered from the caves around the basin and began to search Yang Tian.

The siege of Yang Tian has begun!

Now, what is Yang Tian doing?

After Yang Tian rushed into the underground cave, he didn\'t stop. He ran quickly in the air of the cave. When he met a fork, he chose a cave inclined towards the underground.

During the high-speed running, Yang Tian did not forget to use his spiritual strength to erase the traces left behind.

A few minutes later, Yang Tian didn\'t know where he was.

To Yang Tian\'s delight, the injured little Qinglong has sobered up and opened his eyes. He looks very depressed.

"Bruce Lee, I helped you kill that guy. This is the price he will pay for hurting you..."

When Xiaoqinglong woke up, Yang Tian\'s nervous mood slowly relaxed, ran between the lines and told Xiaoqinglong what had just happened.