Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 664

In the divine realm, Taiyan in the sky is actually a special huge man-made star. It is said that countless gods unite and use Rune energy to create it to provide light and heat for the world.

Taiyan soon moved to the horizon, and the light of the whole world gradually dimmed.

At this time, the generation speed of the ten thousand world finally slowed down, and finally there was no more ten thousand world.

Qin Fei\'s day\'s work is over.

The black Wanjie was scattered by Qin Fei with his magic weapon and turned into energy, while the white Wanjie floated away and dispersed around the high platform.

This cylindrical platform is also called Tianzhu.

When night falls, those winged servants in each temple will fly out of their temple, carry basket like tools, collect these white boundaries, and then return to the temple to refine into special energy for the gods of the temple to absorb.

When Wanjie no longer came into being, Qin Fei walked down the stone steps of Tianzhu with her skirt.

There are thousands of steps. At Qin Fei\'s speed, you have to walk for most of the day.

Of course, most of the day is earth time. Qin Fei comes from the earth and, like Yang Tian, likes to measure the length of time in Earth time units.

If the time on earth is used, every day and night in the divine domain is equivalent to about seven or eight days on earth.

After working for a long time, Qin Fei is very tired and hopes to return to her residence as soon as possible.

Tianji is very high, very big, more than one. They stand between heaven and earth like Optimus Prime, which is a great wonder of the divine domain.

The temples of the gods are distributed around these pillars to collect the white world.

The steps were spiral around the cylindrical Tianzhu. Before halfway, Qin Fei heard a burst of laughter nearby.

Taiyan fell, and the white world settled down around the huge Tianzhu. Countless goddess servants with colored wings flew around the Tianzhu happily and collected the white world. The baskets in their hands were full of fist sized, bubble like boundaries.

Seeing this situation, Qin Fei couldn\'t help stopping. She thought the scene was very beautiful.

Once in her own temple, Qin Fei would fly to the top of the temple and enjoy all this at this time.

The energy extracted from the white world can keep the body of the gods from being invaded by time, but the soul will also dissipate.

In other words, the gods in this divine domain are not immortal, but they live for a long time, so long that they don\'t even remember how long they live.

After death, the bodies of the gods will not rot, and the remains left will be transferred to the divine tomb.

Many gods do not want to die, so before death, they disperse their consciousness, come to another world and fall into a deep sleep.

The great sacrifices of the superstar Temple summoned the consciousness of this God, which made Qin Fei lose her memory for a short time and have a strong ability.

But after returning to the divine realm, the divine consciousness placed on Qin Fei immediately dissipated.

Nevertheless, the divine personality remained on Qin Fei.

This is an extremely rare thing. In the history of the divine realm, such records are very few.

In the eyes of other gods, Qin Fei is a pseudo God, but her power is very strong. The divine domain has to allocate temples and servants for Qin Fei

However, it was not long before Qin Fei "sought death" by herself. She spent her strong energy to cross the sea of stars. When she came back, she soon lost her divine personality.

A God without a divine personality will be demoted to a low-level divine servant, and his status is lower than that of an ordinary divine servant.

"Look! Isn\'t that Guanyin? Pseudo gods are pseudo gods. They can never be true."

"Seeing her proud appearance that day, I really envy her! Unexpectedly, she has been reduced to this kind of appearance."


The laughter of these servants came into Qin Fei\'s ears.

This kind of talk, if it is another divine servant who has lost his divine personality, will be angry after hearing it, but Qin Fei\'s heart is very calm.

This world, she doesn\'t want to come at all. This is a cold world, which makes her feel very lonely.

Qin Fei wouldn\'t come back if he didn\'t have a great loss of energy in his body and hurt his body. He needs to go back to the world to heal his wounds!

"Pa ~"

Qin Fei stopped for a moment and was walking down. Suddenly, a white world hit her on the cheek.

Wan Jie is extremely strong, just like a stone. It will not break naturally. Qin Fei turned her head when she was beaten.

She lost her with ten thousand circles. She looked like a seven or eight year old little servant.

Seeing that she had hit Qin Fei, the little girl clapped her hands and smiled. She looked very happy and shouted, "I hit her! I hit her..."

The naughty \'cute\' appearance of the little girl made the goddess servants around giggle.

A little girl did this, and other little girls joined in one after another, smashing 10000 circles with the same fist size at Qin Fei.

Qin Fei could only protect her head with her hands and quickened her pace.

"Ah ~"

Suddenly, Qin Fei shouted and fell down.

The ladder of Tianzhu is steep. As soon as it falls, Qin Fei can\'t control her body and rolls down all the time.

At first, Qin Fei didn\'t get much hurt and made a dull hum.

But later, with the collision of her body and head with the stone steps, she passed out.

At this time, those goddess servants had no one to treat Qin Fei. In their consciousness, they had no sympathy for this emotion.

A few minutes later, Qin Fei\'s body finally stopped at the corner of the stone steps, and at this time, her breath was very weak.

The two goddess servants felt that something was wrong and quickly flapped their colored wings to have a look.

"Not dead yet, but it\'s not far from death."

"What should I do?"

"Let\'s say she accidentally stepped empty and fell like this."

"That\'s the only way, or we\'ll be punished."


After a discussion between the two goddess servants, one of them went back to report to the master, while the other discussed with his companions nearby

The next thing, beyond the expectation of these God servants, they felt white worried.

A temple steward who came to deal with this matter just looked at Qin Fei and ordered two goddess servants to send Qin Fei to the divine tomb.

Qin Fei is not dead yet. As long as a god treats her a little, she can recover. However, no God is willing to do so.

In the eyes of the gods, the life of the divine servant is not as important as the world.

The entrance of the divine tomb is actually a huge transmission array, which has not been opened for a long time.

Qin Fei was put on the transmission array by two divine servants.

A colorful light flashed, and Qin Fei disappeared into the transmission array.

Being sent to the divine tomb, this treatment is not enjoyed by the divine servants. Qin Fei\'s "treatment" is because she was once a God.