Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 658

In each family, the hunting department is a special existence.

It can be said that all the people in the hunting department are fugitives. The main person in charge of the hunting Department generally doesn\'t show up.

Just like the last meeting in the Council hall, the chief executive of the hunting department didn\'t show up. Except for the patriarch and the minority elders, no one knows who the chief executive of the hunting department usually is and his real identity.

A family, the lowest level is ordinary human.

It is the main task of each region to manage the production and life of ordinary human beings.

In terms of defense forces, the lowest level is ordinary humans with certain force, which can also be said to be basic practitioners. Yang Tiangang entered the hui\'e family, which is such a role. Then there is the team leader in charge of these people, which was the identity of kata before.

This basic defense force is divided into regions, and each region also has a main task.

Above, there are various divisions mainly composed of practitioners.

Yang Tian now knows more than ten divisions, including Rune division, hunting division, medicine refining division, casting division and family health division.

In fact, this has constituted a very efficient governing body.

The major heads of each department are directly responsible to the patriarch, and their position in the family is second only to the patriarch.

It is worth mentioning that all ethnic elders belong to the Department of ethnic health. The Department of ethnic health is responsible for the public security patrol of ethnic areas and the salary of ethnic people. It is actually similar to the zongrenfu in ancient China.

All the departments, except the chief of the hunting department, are publicly appointed by the current patriarch.

So, what about the head of the hunting department?

It was secretly appointed by the strong selected by various families from the immediate family after cruel examination.

If the head of the hunting Department dies, the patriarch hui\'e Baixing and a small number of elders will hold an emergency meeting to select hundreds of experts from the people, let them wear masks, wear "iron walnuts" to prevent talking, and begin to accept the examination with specially assigned standard weapons.

The assessment process is extremely cruel. Even two people with a very good relationship will meet and kill each other in the assessment process!

The last 19 people who survived, or less than 19 people, will undergo special training and assessment again. The most outstanding one is the main task of the hunting department.

Others are the actions of the principal, or assigned to the major principal of other departments and supervisors. Some will even be assigned to other families

The bMing family arranged eye lines at the Hui home, and so did the Hui family.

The people of the hunting department are actually a group of people living in the dark. Many members of the hunting department and their relatives don\'t know their real identity.

Maybe the dandy family childe who usually plays with good family women in the street are secretly members of the hunting department!

With these people, almost all of them are killing!

Although they are walking on the tip of the knife, the people of the hunting department get extremely rich returns. After a long time of life and death experience, their cultivation level has also improved rapidly.


Yang Tian has a certain understanding of the above.

After entering the hunting department, except for special circumstances, they will wear special armor. The previous names are not allowed to be used, but only numbers are used.

Yang Tian estimated that after he joined the hunting department, all the members of the hunting department would know who he was. Because there is little green dragon with him, it is difficult for others to know him or not.

Under the guidance of Kacha and accompanied by Hui echan, Yang Tian came to the gate of the hunting department.

At the door stood a bluestone tablet engraved with blood red words.

Yang Tian stood in front of the monument and took a look.

The warning is written on it, which probably shows that after joining the hunting department, the mortality rate will be very high. Those who cherish their lives are not allowed to enter. Members who fail to meet the conditions agreed with the hunting department are not allowed to leave the hunting department. If they violate any rules of the hunting department, they will be severely punished, etc.

It\'s the first time Hui echan has seen the content on the monument.

After reading this, she worried about Yang Tian, took Yang Tian\'s arm and said, "Yang Tian, you\'d better not join the hunting department! It\'s... Too cruel!"

Although Hui echan is young, she doesn\'t know anything.

She knows that according to Yang Tian\'s ability in runes, she can achieve a high position in the family and develop together with the family.

Hui echan doesn\'t understand Yang Tian\'s practice.

Yang Tian doesn\'t look like a fool or madman!

She doesn\'t understand that what Yang Tian needs is something that Huie family can\'t provide. He needs to make rapid progress in a short time

For Hui echan\'s dissuasion, Yang Tian just smiled, patted Hui echan\'s arm and walked to the door of the hunting department.

Even Hui echan, the patriarch\'s sister, can\'t enter at will. She can only look at Yang Tian\'s back and the little green dragon on Yang Tian\'s shoulder and stomp her feet angrily.


When Yang Tian came to the door, he was stopped by two people wearing black armor and closed helmets.

Yang Tian immediately took out a registration book from his arms and handed it to one of the guards.

Kata has prepared this registration book for Yang Tian in advance, and has filled in his name.

The hunting Department has no restrictions on recruiting members, as long as they are practitioners, no matter what level.

Although there is no "threshold", everyone knows that without strong combat power, smart mind, tenacious perseverance and luck, you can\'t get out of the hunting Department alive.

It\'s not a college, it\'s not a charity, it\'s a fugitive organization. There is no friendship or kindness here, only cruel killing and unscrupulous competition

Therefore, even if there is no restriction on entering the hunting department, there are very few practitioners who want to enter the hunting department.

After opening the register, the guard returned the register to Yang Tian and made an invitation gesture to Yang Tian.


When Yang Tian took the registration book returned by the guard and was about to go inside, suddenly, a middle-aged man\'s voice sounded behind him.

It\'s Huie Baixing.

With hui\'e hundred stars, there is hui\'e Miao Miao.

Yang Tian turned around, looked at them and smiled.

At this time, we can see the particularity of the hunting department. When the two guards standing at the gate saw hui\'e Baixing, they were still motionless and did not salute their patriarch.

"Yang Tian, I don\'t understand why you did this." hui\'e Baixing asked with a frown.

Yang Tian said with a smile: "patriarch, I have already considered this matter. I hope you don\'t stop it."

Hui\'e Baixing was silent for a moment and said faintly, "after entering the hunting department, I\'m the clan leader and can\'t help you. I won\'t stop you. In order to thank you for helping our family build this city, I\'ve prepared a big gift for you!"

Yang Tian certainly understood that this was the meaning of temporary retention. Hui\'e Baixing came in person, and he couldn\'t refuse.

"Then I\'ll come back tomorrow!"

Yang Tian left the gate of the hunting department and came to Huie Baixing.

Hui\'e Baixing smiled and walked with Yang * * * *\'s recent transmission array.

When the blue light disappeared, what appeared in Yang Tian\'s eyes was a luxurious palace.

This is where the Huier family entertains distinguished guests.

Hui\'e Baixing kept holding Yang Tian for fear that Yang Tian might run away. When he got here, he released Yang Tian\'s arm and said to Yang Tian, "please!"

"Oh, good!" Yang Tian was stunned and nodded. At this time, he felt something was wrong!

Enter the gate, bypass the screen wall, move forward for a distance, and enter the very luxurious hall.