Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 656

"Aunt ~"

After hui\'e Miaomiao had to release the little green dragon, hui\'e Chan stamped her feet and cried discontentedly.

"Chan Chan, don\'t be like a child. You\'ve grown up now. In two months, you\'ll be 15 years old. You\'ll be an adult. You should look like an adult..."

Huie Miaomiao taught her sister a lesson in a serious tone.

Xiaoqinglong falls on Yang Tianyou\'s shoulder and looks at Hui echan with a smile.

"Hum! Dead dragon, you must look good in the future!" Huie Miaomiao said. Huie Chan raised a small fist and threatened little green dragon.

Xiaoqinglong turned his head in disdain.

"Bruce Lee, stop making trouble and let Chan Chan eat." Yang Tian glanced at the little green dragon on his shoulder and said with a smile.

Xiaoqinglong nodded.

After eating the barbecue, the three began to inspect the pit together.

After seeing the information Qin Fei left to him, Yang Tian was as excited as beating chicken blood.


Six months later.

The underground city was finally built.

Such a huge amount of work was completed in half a year. In Yang Tian\'s view, it is simply a miracle.

After completion, the underground city is half exposed on the surface in the shape of an inverted gold tower.

The original big pit is also in the shape of a triangle, and a mechanism started by the rune array is also established on the periphery.

The waterproof Rune array has been removed. The triangular pit has long been soaked with water and has become a great lake.

In order to celebrate the completion of the underground city, the Huie family also held a grand celebration ceremony. Dozens of family heads who had friendly relations with the Huie family were invited.

These people are also very willing to see this special building, because it can be used as a reference.

Many family chiefs even plan to get a full set of architectural drawings from the hui\'e family.

However, Yang Tian has long thought of this.

When the underground city was built, all the drawings were destroyed by him.

Manpower can\'t draw such precise drawings. Even if someone copies some drawings in the process of construction, it\'s useless.

Hui\'e Baixing greatly appreciates Yang Tian\'s practice.

The celebration ceremony was very lively. Tens of millions of people gathered around the ethnic area, feasting and dancing. The warm atmosphere dispersed the clouds in the sky.

"Yang Tian, no problem?"

Before starting, Huie Baixing whispered to ask Yang Tian standing beside him.

Yang Tian nodded confidently, "patriarch, there\'s no problem. I\'ve checked it carefully. It\'s more perfect than I thought."

Hearing Yang Tian\'s reply, Huie Baixing finally put down his heart.

The cost is huge, and so many guests are invited. If the startup fails, the face of Huie will be lost to the cloud.

At the end of the ceremony, Huie Baixing finally stood up.

Tens of millions of people surrounded the edge of the pit. The original noisy scene gradually became silent. People looked at this huge triangle composed of bluestones as big as a mountain with curiosity and expectation.

"Let\'s go!"

Hui\'e hundred stars said faintly.

Although the sound is light, it is sent out with special force and spread far away.

Taixing is responsible for controlling the rune mechanism.

As soon as the sound of Huie Baixing fell, Taixing closed an electric box mechanism that started the symbol array system. This huge inverted triangle began to "rumble" and vibrate.

Then, what looked like a huge triangle floating in the water began to sink slowly.

In the process of sinking, the water in the pit overflowed and formed huge waves. A burst of "Hua Hua" sounded. People standing on the edge of the pit were poured into drowned chickens.


In the roaring sound, the people who were watered through their clothes couldn\'t help laughing.

The settlement speed of the underground city was very fast. It sank into the water in less than 20 minutes. Then, there were waves on the water, and then it calmed down slowly.

After the huge underground city completely sank into the water surface, the water surface also began to drop rapidly until it was flush with the underground water surface.

Hui\'e hundred stars and many other families came to the edge of the pit and looked down.

In the hundreds of meters deep pit, they can only see the clear and calm water.

Not yet, after the water level in the pit stopped falling, the "rumbling" vibration sounded again.

The upper layer of the triangular hole, each side, stretched out hundreds of meters thick walls and began to close slowly.

More than ten minutes later, a "bang" was heard, and the protective layers on the surface of the basement were closed together.

The original huge pit disappeared and was covered with bricks and stones engraved with runes.

You know, this layer of bricks and stones is hundreds of meters thick. With the protection of Rune power, it is difficult for even exotic animals with changeable realm to break this defense in a short time.

After the surface was closed, numerous blue stone columns with a diameter of more than ten meters rose around the pit.

When these stone pillars rose to more than ten meters high, they stopped. Suddenly, the surrounding situation changed into the style of mountains and forests, and the original stone pillars became huge trees.

This is a visual camouflage.

"This... Is so true!" an old patriarch standing beside hui\'e Baixing sighed after seeing this situation.

Hui\'e hundred stars smiled and said to the crowd, "come with me. Through this forest, you can enter the underground city."

With that, under the guidance of Yang Tian, Huie Baixing entered the illusory forest and shuttled among the regular trees. Soon, the scene in front of him suddenly changed from the forest to the situation in the city.

Now the city in everyone\'s eyes is not illusory, but real.

Strangely, in this city, there is a blue sky, and there is still a big star in the sky.

In addition, there is a slight wind with a faint smell of vegetation.

The city is not big. Hui\'e Baixing and foreign guests soon walked to the edge of the underground city and pointed to the wall: "This is the end. Outside the wall, there is also the sky, which is virtual by the rune array. However, the light is real. It can make the strong Valley tree grow normally. In other words, as long as the underground city is not destroyed, it can live here forever."

"However, the city is too small! It can only accommodate hundreds of thousands of people?" someone said as soon as Huie Baixing\'s voice fell.

Hui\'e said, "this is only the first floor. There are hundreds of floors below, which can provide a total of 50 million people."

Hearing what hui\'e Baixing said, all the patriarchs were surprised!

This three-dimensional way of living can actually live so many people!

Many patriarchs turned their eyes and wondered if they would build such an underground city.

"How about the cost?" Baiming Siyun, the patriarch Yang Tian knew, glanced at Yang Tian and asked.

Hui\'e Baixing said, "this underground city will consume my old capital. If it doesn\'t succeed, needless to say, I have no face to stay in the inflammatory area."

Hui\'e Baixing obviously doesn\'t want to tell the real number, which is a big secret.

If you understand this, no one will ask again.

Next, hui\'e Baixing took people to the lower level to visit, mainly to see some layout in the city.

At the request of a patriarch, Huie Baixing also took the Patriarchs to the top two floors to see the situation of the plantation.

The plantation has not yet started planting, but the pits for planting Zhuang Gu Quan have been set up.

"I want to know where the light of the divine star comes from. Is it also generated by the rune array?" when visiting the plantation, a patriarch asked curiously.

God Star is the star in the sky, what Yang Tian calls the sun.

Hui\'e hundred stars smiled without answering, which is also a secret.

The living conditions of this underground city are very good, but how about its defense? Everyone has no bottom in mind.

It\'s not easy for people to ask. Even if they ask, hui\'e Baixing won\'t answer.

Only Yang Tiancai knew: "if the rune array of this underground city is fully opened, the defense can be described as\' abnormal \'.

In addition to defense, it has a unique aggressiveness.

If an alien comes, it can form a local high-temperature environment in a large area outside. It is estimated that no matter how powerful an alien comes, it doesn\'t want to stay in that environment for a long time.

What if monsters attack from the ground?

This is also possible.

Yang Tian also considered this point. The periphery of the underground layer is surrounded by a thick water layer. After the water layer, there is a bluestone wall tens of meters thick

Even after these two levels, there is a powerful rune energy

At a critical juncture, the huge transmission array under the underground city will be opened to transfer the huge city to another underground space.

Of course, the construction of that space has not yet begun.

These are what the patriarchs don\'t know. Hui\'e Baixing took them in to visit. He just looked at the surface of the city.

After the visit, tens of millions of people outside all entered the underground city and entered their homes according to the number plate they had already assigned.

It\'s easier to come in than to go out.

After ordinary people enter, they are not allowed to leave without special circumstances. In fact, for these people, they are eager to live here and not go out!

Because it\'s safe here.

We no longer want to face the animal tide and watch our relatives and friends fall under the claws of strange animals and become the food of strange animals.

After seeing off the guests, Huie Baixing came to the residence on the bottom floor. After sitting in the room for a long time, Huie Baixing finally made a decision.

He immediately sent for hue miaomi.

"Aunt, how old are you this year?" when hui\'e Miaomiao entered the room, hui\'e Baixing asked the beautiful sister to sit beside her and asked with a smile.

"Sixty seven," replied faie Miaomiao.

In fact, hui\'e\'s wonderful age is remembered by hui\'e Baixing. He asked this to start the next topic.

On earth, people aged 67 are regarded as old people. However, in this world, 67 is only equivalent to the 278 years of human beings on earth.

"Sixty seven, you should also find a man." hui\'e hundred stars said faintly.

Hui\'e Miaomiao knew that the patriarchal brother had something else to say and did not answer

Sure enough, hui\'e Baixing paused and said, "I think Yang Tian is a good man! What do you think?"

Yang Tian?

Huie Miaomiao frowned.

On the relationship between men and women, Huie miaomi never considered it. Her goal is to become a high-level practitioner, which is still far from her goal!

"Elder brother, I don\'t want to consider this problem yet." hui\'e Miaomiao said.

However, the strong hui\'e Baixing said, "it\'s settled like this. It\'s done as soon as possible. You should understand that Yang Tian is a rare genius. Now we miss it, and it\'s too late for us to regret in the future."

Hui\'e Miaomiao knew that the patriarchal brother was thinking about the family. She thought about it, sighed and nodded in agreement.

"However, Yang Tian there..." seeing his sister\'s consent, hui\'e Baixing sank again.

Hui\'e Baixing is very good at looking at people. He knows that Yang Tian is not the kind of person controlled by others. If this thing is not done well, it will disgust Yang Tian.

After thinking for a while, Huie Baixing suddenly laughed.

He finally came up with a good idea.

"Miaomiao, go back and prepare!" after thinking about it, hui\'e Baixing said with a smile.

"OK!" faie nodded, stood up and opened the room.