Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 649

"How dare you?"

The old man in red looked at Yang Tian and asked with a sneer.

Yang tianben was a man who didn\'t admit defeat. Facing this provocation, he naturally replied, "what dare you?"

"OK! You go to the Dharma hall with me."

With that, the old man in red turned and left.

"Who is he?" Yang Tian pulled Hui echan and asked with a frown.

Being held by Yang Tian, Hui echan was not unhappy. He smiled and said to Yang Tian, "he is the main business of the rune division, Taixing. He is a level 4 Rune master. Yang Tian, I hope you can defeat him."

With that, Hui echan raised his fist towards Yang Tian, which means refueling.

"I\'ll try my best!" Yang Tian smiled.

Following behind a group of people, Yang Tian entered the largest house of the rune division, and followed the stone steps to a wide stone chamber tens of meters underground.

The stone chamber is square, about 50 meters long and wide and more than 10 meters high.

This is what the rune division calls the Dharma hall.

The Dharma hall is also the place where the rune division studies runes.

Because the process of studying runes may produce powerful power, the Dharma hall is a special place.

The top, floor and four walls of the Dharma hall are engraved with runes.

These runes can produce strong defense and absorb all kinds of destructive forces.

In the middle of the Dharma hall is a round platform with a diameter of more than ten meters and a height of several meters.

After Taixing entered here, he jumped directly onto the platform and sat down.

After Yang Tian entered the Dharma hall, he glanced around the Dharma hall.

To Yang Tian\'s surprise, the Dharma hall was already full of people.

Around the round platform, there are many seats. In front of the seats, there is a two meter long table with food, drinks and other items.

A total of 36 seats are divided into three circles. The layout position is very ingenious. It is estimated that from top to bottom, the seat and the round platform in the middle are like a gossip figure.

The front row of the seat was already full of people. One of them, Huie Miaomiao, Yang Tian knew. The others were old men. Yang Tian didn\'t know any of them.

After Yang Tian came in, Ziyang taixuan, one of the principals of the Fuwen department, sat on the outer seat.

The others took their seats in turn.

Huie Chan sits next to her sister Huie Miaomiao.

Those who can sit here are people with a certain status in the hui\'e family. Others can only stand and watch.

The whole Dharma hall gathered at least 200 people at one time.

Since Yang Tian entered the Dharma hall, Taixing has been staring at Yang Tian, so most people\'s eyes have also focused on Yang Tian.

We all know this time.

Taixing, the leader of the Fu division, wants to fight with Yang Tian. This is the first time such a thing has happened in the hui\'e family.

Moreover, he is also a well-known talisman who challenges a young man.

Yang Tian is too young. No matter how he looks, he doesn\'t seem to be a master of Fu Tao.

After glancing at the Dharma hall, Yang Tian came to the stage under the gaze of the people.

Fighting Dharma requires a quiet environment. Although many people are watching the excitement, the whole Dharma hall is very quiet. No one speaks, and even the sound of breathing is relatively slight.

Yang Tian doesn\'t know how to fight.

But he knew that he must go to the stage.

So Yang Tian jumped onto the stage.

"This guy really doesn\'t know the rules!"

Seeing Yang Tian jump onto the stage, someone finally couldn\'t help saying.

The voice of this sentence was very loud in the silent Dharma hall. After Yang Tian jumped onto the stage, he felt confused.

Seeing Yang Tian jumping onto the stage, Taixing\'s old face became gloomy and said faintly, "do you want to fight for life and death with me?"

Yang Tian understood that he shouldn\'t be on the stage now. He scratched his head in embarrassment and said, "I\'m sorry! I don\'t know the rules yet."

Taixing said, "you are a talisman, but you don\'t know the rules?"

Yang Tian nodded very sincerely.

Taixing doesn\'t seem to be lying when he sees the expression on Yang Tian\'s face. However, he was even more unhappy.

Because those who don\'t understand the rules are often laymen.

He is a level 4 talisman. If he challenges a layman, even if he wins easily, it will be a very shameless thing to spread out in the future.


After a cold hum, Taixing raised his finger to the audience and said, "if you ask questions downstairs, I will answer them. The questions must be related to runes. I will answer as many questions as you ask until I answer three wrong questions and step down.

Next, it\'s time for you to go on stage and ask me questions. In this process, there are three requirements for the questions.

First, you must be able to complete the topic on the stage in a short time.

Second, the problem maker must be able to do it in a short time.

Third, in the process of answering questions, you shall not take out Rune books or similar articles recording Rune information to watch. "

Taixing said that Yang Tian probably understood what this fighting method was.

This is equivalent to a literary fight. Yang Tianyuan thought that on the stage, the two had to compete with the power of runes!

I thought this was the whole process of fighting. Unexpectedly, after Taixing said three requirements, he said, "after the two of us set questions for each other, the two sides will go on stage and the fu masters under the stage will set questions. Whoever solves the most questions will win."

There is still this process.

Yang Tian glanced at the audience and felt that this competition was a loss for himself.

Looking at Yang Tian\'s look under the stage, Tai Xing said, "don\'t worry, I won\'t take advantage of you. It\'s the elders of all nationalities who make the question."

Clan old!

Yang Tian took a closer look at the audience again and found that the three clan elders he had seen before were present, and the three clan elders were still sitting in the middle circle.

The clan is always the upper class of Huie family, but compared with Huie miaomi, they have a lower status in the clan.

The clan elder can be regarded as the housekeeper of the hui\'e family.

Well, these people sitting in the middle circle, like the three clan elders, should be clan elders. Who is the black robed middle-aged man sitting next to Hui Ermiao?

When Yang Tian looked at the middle-aged man, the ordinary middle-aged man also looked at Yang Tian

The man smiled and nodded to Yang Tian.

"Now, let\'s start!"

Taixing said suddenly.

Yang Tian had to jump under the stage.

Anyway, Yang Tian stood beside Hui echan.

Now, it\'s time for Yang Tian to make a question. Tai Xing sitting on the stage closed his eyes.

What\'s wrong with the old man? Yang Tian pinched his chin and frowned.

For Yang Tian, it\'s easy to solve the problem, but it\'s a little troublesome.

When he was in trouble, Yang Tian heard a "hee" nearby.

It was Hui echan who couldn\'t help laughing when she saw Yang Tian frowning.

But after seeing Hui echan, Yang Tian suddenly had a problem in his mind.