Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 647

After Hui echan reported her name, she moved a chair and sat next to Yang Tian, looking at Yang Tian curiously.

With the girl sitting next to him, Yang Tian couldn\'t ask Ziyang taixuan some questions about Huie family.

Ziyang taixuan also took a rune book and pretended to read.

Yang Tian began to turn the book attentively, much faster.

Seeing that Yang Tian turned several books in a row, each one was finished at a very fast speed. It was not like reading, but just turning the book. Hui echan asked curiously, "how can you read so fast!"

Yang Tian said with a smile: "I turn the book. Oh, no, I read very fast. I can see ten lines at a glance."

"Do you remember?" Hui echan asked curiously.

Yang Tian proudly said, "of course, remember, you think I\'m pretending!"

Hui echan turned her eyes, picked up a book that Yang Tiangang had just turned, raised it to Yang Tianyang, and asked, "what\'s written on the third page of this book?"

This is kaoyang day.

Ziyang taixuan put down the rune book in his hand at this time, and he looked at the scene with interest.

In fact, he just wanted to test Yang Tian in this way to know whether Yang Tian remembered the runes in the book.

If Yang Tian can remember these runes at a glance, his talent in runes... Is incredible.

Because the managers of the rune department, including him, could not do this.

"Page three, right?"

Yang Tian said, took out a pen from the pen holder on the table, took out a piece of paper, and brushed it up.

In less than three minutes, Yang Tian finished writing, pushed the paper to Hui echan, and then continued to read the rune book in his hand.

Hui echan opened the book in her hand, looked at a piece of paper written by Yang Tian, and compared it carefully.

"Ah ~"

After a long time, when Yang Tian finished turning a book, Hui echan suddenly screamed, opened her eyes and said, "you... Really write it all right! No, I have to test you again."

Yang Tian just smiled.

After thinking about it, Hui echan took out the bottom one from the stack of Rune books turned over by Yang Tian.

After turning it over, Hui echan said to Yang Tian, "you write the runes on page 5 and page 20. If you write them right again, I will admit that you remember them all."

Yang Tian put down his book and took out his pen and paper to write again.

In less than ten minutes, Yang Tian finished writing, pushed the two pages of written runes to Hui echan, and then read again.

Hui echan compares carefully as before,

At this time, Ziyang taixuan couldn\'t sit still. He came to huiechan\'s back and looked carefully at the runes in the book and the runes written by Yang Tian.

Ziyang taixuan was more and more frightened. Although he thought the rune written by Yang Tian was ugly, it was completely accurate.

"Ah ~" suddenly, Hui echan screamed again: "Yang Tian, I didn\'t expect you were all right again! No, I have to write again!"

There were one and two, but without repeated, Yang Tian waved his hand and said, "don\'t write! Even if you don\'t believe it."

When Yang Tian said this, Hui echan tooted his mouth and looked very unhappy.

Yang Tian ignored the girl and turned the book attentively.

The number of unread Rune books piled on the table is reduced one by one.

After calming down, Yang Tian suddenly found that he recognized some runes and knew all the meanings of these runes.

Although he didn\'t deliberately learn runes, Yang Tian remembered more Rune information to help strange programs read.

Yang tianben thought that Hui echan would leave after she was bored. Unexpectedly, the girl was very patient. She sat next to her and took out a cultivation skill from her storage bracelet. She looked at it and looked very serious.

The old man Ziyang taixuan was different. At this time, he looked at Yang Tian with a very complex expression on his face.

Through Hui echan\'s assessment of Yang Tian just now, Ziyang taixuan has realized that Yang Tian is indeed a Taoist genius

Yang Tian\'s image has changed too fast in Ziyang taixuan\'s mind, which makes it difficult for Ziyang taixuan to accept.

Yang Tian glanced at the look on Ziyang taixuan\'s face and knew the old man\'s mood. He didn\'t say anything and continued to read the rune book.

It took Yang Tian half a day to finish reading dozens of Rune books.

"Too Xuan Gong, still have?" after putting down the last book, Yang Tian asked with a smile.

Ziyang taixuan shook his head, "this is all the runes I collected. If you want to see more runes, you need to go to the cloud domain and enter the temple."

"Temple?" Yang Tian asked.

Yang Tian has heard these two words many times.

Before Ziyang taixuan answered, Hui echan on one side said, "there are three temples in the cloud region, namely, the starry sky temple, the Heaven Temple and the limitless temple. In the cloud region, these three temples are three sects, ruling the whole cloud continent."

"Is there no country in the cloud?" Yang Tian asked.

Hui echan shook his head, "no, except the temple, it\'s a family. In fact, the family is an empire."

In a world where practitioners exist, the conditions for the existence of states have actually been weakened. Just like the cosmic world where Yang Tian was originally located, an interstellar empire has to listen to the orders of the superstar temple.

If a country cannot make its own decisions, it has to listen to the orders of other organizations and act according to the eyes of others. In fact, it is no longer a real country.

"If I have the chance, I\'d like to go to the cloud region to see it." after talking to myself, Yang Tian looked at Hui echan with wide eyes and asked, "have you ever been to the cloud region?"

Hui echan nodded, "when I was very young, my aunt took me there. It\'s a very beautiful place. I don\'t want to come back when I go!"

With that, Hui echan\'s eyes are full of longing.

"It\'s not so easy to go to the cloud region." Ziyang taixuan suddenly said: "because the population in the cloud region is very dense, people from other regions are not allowed to live in the cloud region. Also, the cloud region is not as beautiful as people think..."

"Lord taixuan, have you ever been to the cloud region?" Ziyang taixuan said, and Yang Tian asked curiously.

Ziyang taixuan just turned his mouth and didn\'t answer Yang Tian.

While talking, the strange program has sorted out the design drawings and displayed the three-dimensional graphics in Yang Tian\'s mind.

The designed underground city is like an inverted golden tower, which is up to kilometers from the ground to the deepest underground.

The part close to the ground is half the area of today\'s ethnic land.

In this way, the actually built underground city in the shape of an inverted golden tower can accommodate more people.

After looking at the design drawing, Yang Tian picked up his pen, drew a sketch on the paper, marked out some data, and then said to Ziyang taixuan, "taixuan, what do you think of such an underground city?"

So fast!

Ziyang taixuan looked surprised and took the picture painted by Yang Tian in his hand.

Seeing the design drawing, Ziyang taixuan frowned. Because the graphics are too simple. If you find a minor child in the clan land, you can draw such a design.

Seeing the expression on Ziyang taixuan\'s face, Yang Tian smiled and said, "this is just the shape of the underground city. If you want specific design drawings, I have to draw them for several days!"

If I want specific design drawings, I have to draw them for several days! "

"Let me see!"

As soon as Yang Tian\'s voice fell, Hui echan grabbed the picture in Ziyang taixuan\'s hand. After seeing it, she couldn\'t help laughing.

Ziyang taixuan frowned and said, "wait until you come out with all the design drawings! I have to remind you what time.

First, although the buildings built underground are safer, they have many disadvantages, such as insufficient light, poor ventilation, and living below for a long time, which is not good for people\'s psychology and will produce a sense of depression.

Second, because you are in a humid environment, you have to consider the problem of building materials.

Third, you have to calculate the cost and construction time. If the cost is too large, it is actually a failed work.


Ziyang taixuan asked a lot of questions at once.

Yang Tian listened very carefully and took notes. Although the strange program calculated the design drawing and calculated many possible problems.