Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 644

The more Yang Tian looks closely, the clearer the three-dimensional image in his mind.

The lines on the drawing are messy and dense. If you are not a painter, it will be difficult to understand what these lines represent.

Strange program is different. Its essence is an intelligent program with super computing power. In addition, it is constructed by runes. This kind of drawing can\'t help it at all. It can even be said to be simple.

"That\'s amazing!"

Seeing the three-dimensional image in his mind, Yang Tian sighed. In terms of manpower, the rune array system enveloping this clan and land is extremely fine and comprehensive.

At least from Yang Tian\'s point of view.

But for strange programs, it\'s different.

Yang Tiangang exclaimed in his mind, and the strange program said, "it\'s really bad. At least 60% of the energy is wasted, and the power of the rune array only reaches 50% of the ideal state..."

The strange program lists a lot of shortcomings in Yang Tian\'s mind.

After finishing the strange program, Yang Tian couldn\'t help laughing and asked, "if you design it, can you avoid these problems?"

The strange program said, "of course!"

Yang Tian walked around the drawing while talking to the strange program, and the expression on his face was very serious.

Kata couldn\'t understand the drawing. He stared at Yang Tian\'s face curiously and wanted to see something from Yang Tian\'s face.

He certainly hopes that Yang Tian can complete the task of Ziyang taixuan and let Yang Tian get the attention of the Fuwen department.

This is not only good for Yang Tian, but also good for him. Because Yang Tian can take care of him as long as his status is improved.

Kata can see that Yang Tian is a very loving person.

"How is it?" when Yang Tian took his eyes back from the drawing, Kata asked quickly.

Yang Tian said with a smile, "no problem."

According to the drawing information, plus the loss marked on the drawing, the list of materials required to repair the symbol array, and the singular program have been calculated.

It\'s really not difficult for strange programs.

However, to improve this matrix, singular programs need more runic information.

The more runic information the singular program gets, the more powerful it will be, which is what the singular program hopes.

In order to complete the strange program and make the family land more solid and fewer dead people in the next animal tide, Yang Tian decided to be amazing in front of Ziyang taixuan.

"Do you have any paper and pen?" Yang Tian raised his head and asked katcha after he was silent.

Kata nodded and immediately took out a small palm sized book and a pen from his storage ring.

Yang Tian looked at the pen and paper and felt very satisfied.

Next, the strange program was described in his mind, and Yang Tian wrote it.

At this time, Yang Tian thought of the dead baisong and thought that if the old man didn\'t die, he could find a way to get him out of the mine

There are many materials for building Rune array. Yang Tian has never heard of many materials reported by strange programs.

It took more than half an hour for Yang Tian to finish writing. He wrote dozens of pages in his small book.

In order not to make mistakes, Yang Tian turned page by page once.

This process is actually a strange program to help Yang Tian check.

The result is no problem. Yang Tian is very rigorous in learning things. Of course, he can\'t write wrong.

After closing the book and folding the drawings, Yang Tian took these two things and walked towards Ziyang taixuan.

The ethnic area is very large. At this time, hundreds of thousands of people are participating in the repair work. It is not easy to find a small group of people.

Katcha helped Yang Tian ask all the way and finally found Ziyang taixuan and his party.

Ziyang taixuan had just explained something to a subordinate when he saw Yang Tian coming towards him.

Seeing Yang Tian coming, Ziyang taixuan smiled. There was a trace of disdain in his eyes. In his opinion, Yang Tian must not understand the drawings. Come and return the drawings

If so, he can send Yang Tian away with a few words and save one trouble.

Generally, those who do technical work hate related households.

"How\'s it going? Are you ready?" Ziyang taixuan asked with a smile, looking at Yang Tian getting closer and closer.

Yang Tian handed the folded drawing to Ziyang taixuan and said with a smile, "it\'s ready. This is the list."

Ziyang taixuan had just received the drawing when he saw that Yang Tian handed over a small book. He was surprised in his eyes.

Ziyang taixuan opened the things written by Yang Tian page by page with a puzzled look.

In fact, Ziyang taixuan won\'t do this kind of statistical work. It\'s all done by his subordinates. When he looked at the above data, he just looked at some of the most important material lists reported by his subordinates.

Looking at it, Ziyang taixuan frowned.

He found that the quantity of several materials was at least 15% different from the quantity reported by his subordinates.

Ziyang taixuan didn\'t doubt his ability. After seeing these data, he smiled and said, "your statistics are wrong! For example, the number of yuqingshi used to depict energy lines should be 1251 cars, but you actually counted more than 200 cars."

Because the quantity required is very large, the collection of materials is calculated in the unit of "vehicle".

In the calculation of singular program, all factors are taken into account, including the changes to the previous symbol matrix.

For this problem, a group of people in the rune department have not realized it. They will not find it until the repair work is completed in the later stage.

But by that time, it will be late. Many preliminary work has been done in vain and we have to start again.

Yang Tian thought about it and thought about how to put forward the incident in a euphemistic language. He heard an old man behind Ziyang taixuan sneer and said, "after counting more than 200 cars, who did you learn your arithmetic from? Do you know how much manpower and material resources will be wasted if you have more than 200 cars?"

Yang Tian said with a smile, "I know I\'ve counted more than 200 cars, and not only this one. In addition to yuqingshi, but also Lanjing and chenyaoshi, I\'ve reported more."

"Now that you know, why do you have to report more." Ziyang taixuan heard a strange taste from Yang Tian\'s words and asked curiously.

People who are skilled in technology are extremely sensitive to these aspects.

Yang Tiandao: "because I read the design drawing and the transformation scheme depicted on the drawing. In such a short time, the rune Department counted the losses and knew where to repair. It\'s really amazing! You know, the work volume of the clan land is too huge."

Yang Tian said that not only Ziyang taixuan, but also a group of Ziyang taixuan\'s men had a proud look on their faces.

Everyone wants to hear good words.

It\'s nice to hear that. Yang Tiancai then said: "you have a lot of daily affairs. You may not consider that some Rune arrays that have not been damaged by exotic animals need to be replaced. For example, yuqingshi will deform after experiencing cold wind and high temperature in recent years..."

Before Yang Tian finished, Ziyang taixuan frowned.

He didn\'t think of this problem. However, the tasks assigned above are limited in time.

If it is true as Yang Tian said, some projects will definitely have to be reworked in the future. That would make things worse.

Ziyang taixuan was still thinking, so he heard Yang Tian say, "there\'s another big problem. This Rune array system is not perfect! It can\'t make full use of energy..."

"Shut up!"

Yang Tian\'s words haven\'t finished yet. The old man who just laughed at Yang Tian shouted coldly.

Because Yang Tian said so, it means that the symbol array system they designed is not good.

Yang Tian stopped talking, just shrugged and looked at Ziyang taixuan, waiting for the old man\'s reaction.