Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 634

There was a sound of "pengpengpeng". The dead and injured animals that could not fly fell one after another and fell on the wall.

Some people who could not escape were directly killed, injured, or crowded under the high wall, and there were a lot of tragic voices.

"Kill ~ kill ~"

More people, shouting, rushed towards the monsters who were not dead.

It\'s the same on the wall, between the first wall and the second wall.

In the face of living animals, everyone seems crazy.

"Poof ~"

Kacha usually gives people the feeling that his hands have no power to bind chickens. At this time, the expression on his face is distorted. He cuts his big knife into the head of an animal that has not yet died on the top of the wall.

At the same time, there was a burst of \'puff puff\' sound, as well as the roar and cry of strange animals.

For a moment, the wall was in a mess.

Yang Tian was already a practitioner in the Guiyuan realm. He was very fast and easily flashed over some flying animals that were injured but not dead and fell on the city wall. With a stroke of the knife, he cut off the neck of the animals.

These low-level monsters are not his opponents at all.

Unable to attack with the rune array, the other eight walls in the inner circle constantly shoot huge arrows, shoot down flying monsters, fall between the walls and be killed by those who have been waiting for long.

"Hoo... Hoo... Hoo..."

A moment later, bursts of violent wind sounded.

At the same time, a human scream followed.

Yang Tian looked up and saw that a large number of flying monsters had swooped down, skimmed over the parapet, caught humans in the air, flew high and released their claws


At this time, the animals on the ground have also rushed under the thick wall and hit the thick wall with their heads.

"With a bow and arrow!"

At this time, I don\'t know who roared.

So they picked up bows and arrows, took arrows and opened bows, and shot at the strange animals in the sky or the animals under the wall.

With the sound of Peng, Yang Tian kicked a flying beast off the parapet, picked up a bow on the ground and began shooting at the sky.

Practitioners are different from ordinary people. It is very difficult for ordinary people to open this kind of big bow, but Yang Tian can easily open it, and the arrows are shot in a hundred shots.

Yang Tian\'s every arrow can almost drop a strange animal in the sky.

Soon, a pot of arrows was shot by Yang Tian.

"Here you are!"

Just then, Kata appeared in front of Yang Tian and handed two arrow pots to Yang Tian.

Yang Tian said nothing and continued shooting.

In this case, they all forget the time, and there is only one word in their mind, that is\' kill \'!

If you don\'t kill these beasts, they will die.

"Boom ~"

I don\'t know how long it took. Several kilometers away, the wall collapsed, forming a gap tens of meters wide.

The herd surged through the gap.

After entering the interior of the wall, the beast divided into two strands and began to surround the second wall.

When the monsters on the ground attacked the second wall, there was a roar in the sky.

The flying animals over the clan land turned around and returned one after another.

"Hoo ~"

Yang Tian breathed a sigh.

In a few minutes, Yang Tian emptied five arrow pots and felt his arms numb.

Even if he is a practitioner in the realm of returning to the source, in this battle, he is only a leaf in the sea.

Seeing this, Kata sat down on the ground and breathed like Yang Tian.

Although the herd had broken through the first wall, the people on the wall had a short rest.

Yang Tian took a look at the herd.

These animals are very big, the smallest, as big as the unchangeable yellow cattle on earth.

There are countless kinds, some like tigers, some like cheetahs, elephants, pigs, deer

These monsters have rough skin and thick flesh. They have long armor. Their single head is difficult for ordinary humans to deal with, not to mention so many.

Behind the first wall, there are many women, children and old people. They are the families of these people on the first wall.

Under the trample of the herd, they soon disappeared into the herd

Many people on the wall were devastated to see their relatives trampled to death by strange animals and jumped directly off the wall.

Yang Tian couldn\'t bear to see it again. He turned and sat beside Kacha.

The ground on the top of the wall has been covered with a thick layer of plasma. The blood has a pungent smell, both animal and human.

"Yang Tian, you go!" suddenly, Kata looked up at Yang Tian and said faintly.

Yang Tian said with a smile: "Kata, didn\'t I say? As long as I live, you won\'t die."

Katcha shook his head and said: "This time, the monsters broke the first defense so quickly, and will soon break the second and third defense. We are caught between the herds. Those hungry monsters will not let us go. You can escape alone, but it will be difficult to take me. Later, there will be more powerful monsters. If you don\'t leave at this time, it will be late later."

As soon as katcha finished, there was another sound of wall collapse in the distance.

Yang Tian glanced at the living people and bodies lying on the wall, and then turned his head to look at the second wall.

The second wall was hundreds of meters away from the first. At this time, there was a cry and a shot of arrows under the wall.

Some of the incoming animals hit the second heavy wall and made bursts of "roaring" sound.

Other animals, probably hungry, began to devour bodies on the ground, whether human or similar.

Some hungry animals that had no food began to rush to the top of the wall along the stone steps on the wall.

After a short rest, the active people on the parapet took up arms again to resist the attack of strange animals.

On the top of the wall, there was a cry of killing again.

"Ow ~"

Yang Tian was carrying a knife and was about to join the battle. Suddenly, a beast roared in the distance.

Yang Tian turned his head and saw a strange animal like a tiger with black armor coming slowly.

This guy is ten meters long and has amazing momentum. The energy fluctuations emitted from his body are stronger than ordinary exotic animals.

I finally saw an advanced beast.


The little green dragon, who had been lying on Yang Tian\'s shoulder, suddenly shouted.

It told Yang Tian that there was a life crystal in the beast. It wanted to swallow the life crystal of the beast and restore its strength.

The dragon is also a kind of strange beast. It has its own unique way of cultivation. Yang Tian understood when Xiao Qinglong said so.

Originally, Yang Tian also wanted Xiao Qinglong to try to practice Huie\'s skill


When Xiaoqinglong finished, Yang Tian nodded and agreed. Looking at the majestic beast in the distance, his eyes narrowed slightly.