Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 630

In the previous practice, cells are like animals that don\'t have enough to eat. They don\'t deliberately control them and will take the initiative to absorb energy.

Now, according to the description of the basic function method, the cell has become a "master", so we have to control energy and take the initiative to "feed".

According to Yang Tian\'s inference, this is because the body environment is different. In order to adapt, cells have undergone some changes that he still understands.

Although it was not long after night, they all fell asleep, and the lighting lamps driven by Rune energy in the surrounding rooms have all been extinguished.

Like countless previous practice processes, when Yang Tian was meditating, little Qinglong lay aside and guarded Yang Tian.

At the beginning of practice, the first is the micro body world.

This step is very difficult for practitioners who practice for the first time in the world. This requires a high degree of concentration and the use of psychological skills.

The book Yang Tian read about the basic cultivation methods used a lot of space to describe how to do this.

Although it is very detailed, most people can\'t do it and can\'t become a powerful practitioner.

Yang Tian has already had training experience in this field and has been able to do it easily for a long time.

In fact, Yang Tian has been microscopic for many times in the past few months. He wants to find out what changes have taken place in body cells.

But as a result, every cell is the same as before, except that it no longer contains huge energy.

In other words, these cells lose their role of \'accommodation\'.

I remember Yang Tian\'s method when he practiced the force was "from point to area", starting with changing a body cell.

Because these cells are connected to each other through energy channels, as long as you change one of them, you can transfer changes to each other.

The basic skill method explains that there is an invisible barrier in everyone\'s body cells, which exists outside the nucleus.

This energy is like a door, isolating the energy outside and completely closing the world inside the nucleus.

If you want to make cells strong, you have to \'melt\' this energy.

But it should be noted that this is a gradual process. If this energy is cancelled rashly, the cells will be damaged or even die.

Soon, a huge cell body appeared in Yang Tian\'s mind.

It\'s like a translucent, oval egg.

The transparent layer outside is the cell wall, and the darker color inside is the nucleus.

At first, Yang Tian did not use the method he just learned, but used a trace of spiritual power to enter the nucleus.

As before, there was no change in the nucleus. When Yang Tian no longer controlled this spiritual power, the spiritual power dissipated.

Next, Yang Tian tried again with the force, and the result was the same.

Cells have changed too thoroughly. You should know that among the three forces that constitute the force, there is the blood force generated from cells.

The force will dissipate quickly in the nucleus!

Yang Tian\'s practice is very patient. Although he has experienced this change many times, he still observed it carefully.

Sometimes, observing these subtle changes can get great benefits.

Yang Tian believes that this micro training process is actually like doing scientific experiments, with the spirit of continuous attempts like scientists.

In this process, Yang Tian still found a difference, that is, the force stays in the cell longer than the spiritual force.

Yang Tian thought for a moment, compressed a trace of the force as much as possible with spirit and entered the nucleus, and then let the force begin to release slowly.

This is Yang Tian\'s first attempt since he came to the world.

Under the constant stimulation of the force, what surprised Yang Tian happened. The nucleus of this cell finally "lit up" again, producing a faint energy fluctuation.

These cells are the source of energy fluctuations in the body of practitioners.

When all the force dissipated, the cell fell silent again.

This process lasted almost five minutes.

This method can \'light up\' a cell, which can \'light up\' the cells of the whole body. To do this, we must carry out this process everywhere in the body at the same time.

In this way, these energies can make the cells have strong energy in a short time, which can not only enhance the quality of each cell, but also make Yang Tian have strong strength and speed.

However, this process requires huge energy.

If there is a huge energy like animal core to supplement, it can be done. Otherwise, the power in the original world can\'t afford to be consumed many times.

After thinking for a while, Yang Tian gave up this experiment and began to practice the basic skill he just learned.

The beginning of this basic skill is to use the mind to condense the energy in the body and open the "door" outside the nucleus in a strange way.

Once the door is opened, the nucleus can absorb energy.

The initial state of impulse is to be able to open this "door".

Compared with ordinary human beings, practitioners in this realm have no advantages.

In the middle stage of impulse, he began to continuously open this "door" and began to absorb a lot of energy.

The practitioners who have reached this level are different from ordinary human beings.

The most obvious is that they are energetic, not easy to fatigue, and their strength is stronger than ordinary people.

At the later stage of the impulse state, the cells have initially absorbed enough energy. Practitioners in this realm are very different from ordinary human beings in this world. Compared with the two, it is just like the ordinary human on earth compared with the enhancer.

Energy already exists in Yang celestial body. The first step of cohesion can be avoided.

According to the description of the skill, Yang Tian gathered a trace of energy into a group, and then dispersed into nine channels. Within a certain range, the nine channels of energy began to travel quickly according to different tracks.

In this process, the nine energy forms a wonderful figure and produces a strange energy fluctuation.

"Life Rune!" suddenly, the voice of strange program sounded in Yang Tian\'s mind.

Yang Tian was surprised. His mind lost control of the nine energy, and the nine energy dissipated at once.

"Do you mean that the ultimate purpose of this way of energy passage is to form a life Rune? And opening the \'door\' is actually to form a rune array with the energy in the body to produce the key to open the \'door\'?" Yang Tian asked in surprise.

The strange program said: "it should be like this. I just noticed the life Rune energy. In fact, the process of cultivation is also a process of making energy affect or convert into another energy. You can try again to see what changes the cells have."

"OK." Yang Tian promised and immediately started from scratch.

In this practice, the strong in the realm of big star God actually have natural advantages. Ordinary people in this world are far inferior to them.

Just like Yang Tian just now controls the nine channels of energy at the same time, people who are just beginning to practice need a long time to achieve "one mind and nine uses".

Soon, the nine energy forms a symbol array again, producing strange energy fluctuations.

At this time, Yang Tian separated part of his consciousness and paid attention to the changes of body cells.

This look surprised Yang Tian again.

Because after the cell is\' stimulated \'by the rune array energy, an originally invisible energy appears at the periphery of the nucleus. It is like a bubble covered with light golden filaments.

This pale golden filament not only exists in this\' bubble \', but also connects all cells through the energy pipeline between cells, and finally extends to the outside of the body.

Yang tianben wanted to see where this "filament" went out of his body, but when his consciousness caught up with his body, he couldn\'t see anything. The consciousness of separation dissipated in an instant.