Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 623

Little green dragon returned to Yang Tian\'s shoulder depressed. The contempt of the man in black just now made him very angry. Staring at the back of the man in black, little green dragon\'s eyes were about to burst out fire.

But now I can only bear it!

With its current strength and Yang Tian, it is not the opponent of this young man in black at all.

Now for Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong, it\'s important to protect their lives for the time being. They can only take one step at a time.

The young man in black took Yang Tian to an aircraft and locked him and Xiaoqinglong into a dark cabin.

This is a very simple aircraft with a length of less than 20 meters and a flat triangle. The internal space is very narrow. After being locked in the cabin, the air is stuffy.

When the aircraft moved together, it made a "rumbling" noise, as if it would fall apart at any time.

After several minutes, Yang Tiancai felt that the aircraft had left the ground and flew into the air.

Yang Tian was very nervous. He had never felt so helpless since he became a martial artist. He felt the feeling of a weak person again.

This feeling was very uncomfortable. He couldn\'t help thinking of what the man in black had said to him

About half an hour later, the aircraft finally landed on the ground.

A few minutes later, the hatch opened and the harsh light shone into the dark cabin.


Immediately, a burst of drinking and scolding came into Yang Tian\'s ears.

Although he didn\'t understand, Yang Tian also knew that the young man in black asked him to go out immediately.

After jumping from the cabin to the ground, Yang Tian didn\'t react. With a "click", a silver white metal collar appeared on his neck, and then it tightened automatically, making Yang Tian angry.

Fortunately, this kind of thing can be adjusted automatically. After tightening, it will loosen a little.


Yang Tian, whose injury was not completely healed, felt more Qi after a cough.

At this time, he saw a middle-aged man in yellow handed a fist sized black cloth bag to the young man in black.

The young man in Black opened the bag, looked at it, picked it up a few times with his hands, nodded with satisfaction, and then returned to the spacecraft.

Seeing this, Yang Tian touched the collar around his neck and knew that he had been sold by a young man in black.


After the young man in black sailed away, the middle-aged man said a few words to Yang Tian, turned and left.

Although I don\'t know what the other party is talking about, I can only honestly follow behind the middle-aged man in yellow

More than thirty days later.

"Yang Tian, how are you doing in this cycle?" an old man with a bent figure, ragged clothes and a silver collar on his neck came over and asked with a smile.

"It\'s finished," Yang Tian replied with a smile.

It has been more than 30 days since he came to this world. Yang Tian has long learned the language and characters of this world.

Thanks to the old man named Bai Song, he is so fast.

"This..." when Yang Tian said this, Bai Song smiled and rubbed his hands.

Yang Tian understood Bai Song\'s meaning and handed Bai Song a bag containing "lice crystal" particles.

After Bai Song took it, he he smiled and scratched his head.

Xiaoqinglong saw him, his eyes full of disdain.

In his opinion, the old man came to rub things every day. He helped Yang Tian collect lice crystals and gave them to the old man at least half.

If Yang tianchu hadn\'t saved baisong when he came, baisong would have died in the mining area.

Yang Tian is now located in a lice crystal mine.

Louse crystal in this world is equivalent to the Star Crystal in Yang Tian\'s original world.

Lice crystal is a kind of lavender crystal, rich in huge energy, which can be directly absorbed by practitioners to enhance the energy in the body.

However, to absorb the energy of lice crystal, you need a special skill.

In this world, loujing is also a hard currency. The currency issued by various countries is also based on the stock of loujing.

The mining of lice crystal mainly depends on manual methods.

Because in a large mining area, lice crystals are unevenly distributed. Sometimes they exist in large areas, but sometimes they are scattered very widely. In the ore, they all exist in granular form with different sizes.

If you use a machine, it is easy to destroy the lice crystal.

In fact, the more important reason is that there are powerful mechanical families in the world. As long as they like, they can invade and control all machines manipulated by programs.

Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong are now in a deep cave in the mining area, and the light is relatively dim.

Each cycle is about five days. Yang Tian and his miners with Rune mechanism collars around their necks have to hand in the lice crystals mined once.

Because the miners in the mining area are not strong practitioners and will not absorb the skill of lice crystal, they are still relatively free in the mining area as long as they do not leave the mining area and hand in lice crystal according to the specified amount.

But if it can\'t be completed, the consequences will be quite serious, ranging from food shortage to directly detonating the rune collar around the mine owner\'s neck.

Baisong has worked here for hundreds of years. Due to years of labor, the oil has run out and the lamp has dried up. When Yang Tian was brought by one of the mine owner\'s men, baisong was about to starve.

Yang Tian gave Bai Song half of his food before he saved Bai Song.

It is worth mentioning that Yang Tian\'s storage bracelet and insect brain pendant were taken away and temporarily kept in the hands of the mine owner.

Fortunately, the strange program had been transferred to Yang Tian\'s brain before the miner took away the insect brain pendant.

Moreover, the strange program also wrote down the graphics and words on the scroll.

"The time is coming, let\'s go out!" Yang Tian looked at Bai Song with a smile and said.

Yang Tian is a very kind person, and Bai Song is very poor. He was sold to this lice mine when he was young. He hasn\'t been able to go out for a hundred years and has to work until he dies.

In fact, this is the fate of most miners.

Of course, the family that owns this lice mine, in order to give the miners hope and avoid rebellion, has formulated an incentive measure. As long as they can complete the triennial assessment, they can become a "domestic guard" of the family.

Of course, this assessment is very harsh. Tens of thousands of miners in the mining area can pass the assessment every three years, less than ten.

First, collect as many lice crystals as possible within the specified time.

The second is physical quality, including strength and endurance.

Third, cultivation talent.

Fourth, do you have any special skills.

People who are sold or have to sell themselves to the mining area are very ordinary human beings. Therefore, most miners do not have much hope for this. In fact, only a few people sign up for the assessment.

People are easy to get used to. If they stay in the mining area for a long time and form a habit, they are probably unwilling to leave the mining area.

This is like those prisoners on earth who have been locked up for decades. Once they get out of prison, they are probably not happy, but confused about the future.

Yang Tian took Xiaoqinglong and baisong to walk in the mine for about half an hour before they came out of the mine.

I stayed in the mine for a long time. As soon as I came out of the mine, I felt the light was particularly dazzling. It took Yang several minutes to adapt.

The little Qinglong lying on Yang Tian\'s shoulder is no exception.

Every \'delivery\' due is the busiest day in the mining area.

Tens of thousands of miners all came out of the mine, lined up in dozens of queues, passed through a pavilion and handed in the collected lice crystals.

Those who overfulfil the task will get a bonus.

With the bonus, miners can spend in casinos, brothels, restaurants and other entertainment places opened in the mining area.

If the task is not completed, there is no standard food.