Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 473

Since the original cracking program is changed, the time to design the cracking program is not long. Soon, the strange program designed the crack program.

In the eyes of the great priests, Yang Tian suddenly calmed down and slowly raised his hands.

Then Yang Tian\'s hands closed together and drank softly: "get up ~"

His palms and fingers began to move at high speed. Sometimes the palms are opposite, sometimes separated, and the fingers bend and stretch. This action looks, full of rhythm, very beautiful!

As Yang Tian\'s hands constantly changed their postures, various gestures were formed, and energy fluctuated from his hands.

Just like the last time we cracked the rune mechanism set up by Feiyun grand sacrifice, the rune energy released from Yang Tian turned into "silk threads".

With Yang Tian as the center, these silk threads quickly dodged around.

In Yang Tian\'s eyes, there was a picture simulated by a strange program, and the whole process was clearly seen by him.

The energy lines emitted from his hands soon attached to the energy line forming the rune array.

Of course, these "silk threads" are just visual methods designed by strange programs to make Yang Tian see easily. This is not the case in reality.

The invisible energy lines that make up the space Rune array are replaced one by one by the rune energy lines released by Yang Tian.

At the same time, the great sacrifice of Taiyu was surprised to find that the crystal ball began to vibrate.

"What\'s the matter?" seeing the look on the face of the great sacrifice of Taiyu, the great sacrifice of the empty God asked.

Taiyu priest smiled bitterly and said, "if I don\'t cut off the connection with the rune array, I\'m afraid this Rune tool will be destroyed."

If Yang Tian was here at the moment, with the help of strange programs, he would see that countless energy lines were released from the crystal ball around and extended to the outside of the room. It looks like wires.

The rune energy released from Yang Tian\'s hands is likely to invade the interior of the crystal ball along these energy lines.

Although it was only possible, the Taiyu grand sacrifice waved and cut off the connection between the crystal ball and the space Rune array.

As soon as the connection was broken, the picture in the crystal ball disappeared.


The energy lines that make up this Rune array are too dense. Under the control of the rune program, Yang Tian spent about half an hour to crack this space Rune array.

Silent, a vast white space disappeared in Yang Tian\'s eyes.

At this time, the real scene in the hall appeared in Yang Tianyan.

The space of this hall is very wide. Every more than ten meters apart, there is a stone pillar, on which runes are carved.

On the side facing the door, there are nine strange animal statues in a row, including a Dragon Statue.

When Xiaoqinglong saw the dragon, he immediately jumped off Yang Tian\'s shoulder, flew over and fell in front of the dragon sculpture.

Yang Tian immediately followed.

When he came to the Panlong sculpture, Yang Tian observed it. From this sculpture, he didn\'t notice any energy fluctuations.

And there are no runes on the sculpture.

It looks like an ordinary sculpture, but it looks lifelike.

There are three doors on the left and right sides of the hall, which should lead to the next room.

Yang Tian won\'t break into those rooms at will. After watching the Panlong sculpture, he walks in the hall and watches the runes on the stone pillars.

These runes are very valuable for strange programs.

"What do you see?" about half an hour later, Yang Tian finished reading the runes on dozens of columns in the hall. An old man came out of one of the doors, came to Yang Tian and asked with a smile.

"These texts... Are all time runes." Yang Tian had guessed who the old man was. After a moment of silence, he replied.

Of course, when he was silent, he seemed to be thinking. In fact, he was asking about strange programs.

The old man is the great sacrifice of Taiyu and the owner of the palace.

"You\'re right." Tai Yu said faintly, "however, due to the uneven number of runes, I can\'t give full play to the energy of time. I engraved them on the pillars, hoping to change the passage of time in the hall, so that I can have more time to study runes."

That\'s a good idea!

Just imagine, if such a space is designed, people will stay in it for years, even decades, but only a few days, even a few minutes, outside! What kind of situation would that be?

Using such time and space, I don\'t know how many strong people can be created in a short time.

However, there is also a problem.

That is to stay in the space with accelerated passage of time, and then return to the normal time and space with the passage of time. How is the consumed life calculated?

This is not a simple calculation of life span by how long human beings have experienced.

Yang Tian was silent at this time. He was really thinking. Taiyu grand sacrifice did not interrupt Yang Tian\'s thinking, but turned around and walked in the hall.

After Yang Tian woke up, he immediately followed him and asked, "are you the great sacrifice of Taiyu?"

Although he had guessed the identity of the old man, Yang Tian scratched his head and asked.

There are a lot of old men in the superstar temple. If you get the wrong identity, it will be a very embarrassing thing.

Taiyu priest nodded, "yes! I am Taiyu. I designed the runes on your armor."

Yang Tian said with a smile, "after passing the examination, are there any rewards?"

"There is a reward." the great sacrifice of Taiyu turned his head and said faintly, "you will be rewarded with a practice place in Taiyu palace. You can use my resources to practice runes. How about this reward?"

After Taiyu sacrifice, Yang Tian was very surprised! At the same time, also very surprised!

Because this kind of reward is too big.

Strange programs lack Rune information, and the superstar temple has the most complete Rune information base in the universe.

As long as all these runes are read by strange programs, can you crack those storage bracelets?

That\'s a huge fortune.

Now as soon as Yang Tianyi saw the rune, he couldn\'t help thinking of it.

"Thank you for the great sacrifice of Taiyu!" Yang Tian shouted in surprise after being stunned.

"Come with me." the great sacrifice Taiyu smiled, nodded, turned and walked towards the door when he came.

In Yang Tian\'s eyes, the old man is very kind. However, during the experiment, the 36 old men were extremely cold. During this period, there were no fewer than 100 practitioners who died in their hands.

This is the world of the strong. Only ability can make these top strong people in the universe see it.

"Little dragon! Let\'s go." little Qinglong was still lying in front of the Dragon Statue. He was a little distracted. Yang Tian had to remind this guy loudly.

Hearing Yang Tian\'s voice, little Qinglong came back and flew to Yang Tian\'s shoulder.

Next, the grand sacrifice of Taiyu personally took Yang Tian around the whole Taiyu palace.

In addition to the Taiyu hall, which is where Yang Tian broke through the customs before, other places are small rooms one by one.

Most of these rooms contain Rune books, ancient stone tablets engraved with runes, or fragments of other materials.

Most rooms look like a utility room.

Seeing so much about runes, Yang Tian knew that he would spend a long time in these rooms in the future.

Why don\'t these things get into the storage tool?

Because in addition to the Taiyu grand sacrifice, there are many ordinary sacrifices and gods in the Taiyu palace. There are thousands of people. Of course, these people living in the Taiyu Palace are also practitioners majoring in runes. These people also need to read these things to learn.

Of course, not everyone can read it casually in the Taiyu palace. The super star temple is strictly graded. Even the "apprentices" in the Taiyu Palace are graded.

In addition to the Taiyu great sacrifice, from top to bottom, it is the sacrifice, followed by the chief god general, God general, guard chief, temple guards and servants.

As a servant in the superstar temple, you can learn a lot. Naturally, servants in Taiyu palace can also practice runes.

According to their status level, these people can contact more or less runes. The higher their status in the temple, the more runes they can contact.

Just now, the Taiyu grand sacrifice gave Yang Tian more power than the ordinary sacrifice in the Taiyu palace.

After taking Yang Tian around the Taiyu palace, the Taiyu grand sacrifice gave Yang Tian a black token engraved with the word "Taiyu".

This is also equivalent to a pass in the Taiyu palace, which is engraved with runes. With this sign, Yang Tian can enter where he can enter.

"Great sacrifice, I want to see the great sacrifice of Kaya and ask him a question." Yang Tian said immediately after receiving the token and seeing that the great sacrifice of Taiyu was about to leave.

Taiyu great sacrifice smiled and said a string of numbers to Yang Tian, and told Yang Tian that this is the coordinates of the Dragon Star domain.

With that, the great sacrifice Taiyu turned and left.

Thirty six great priests took time to observe Yang Tian. On the one hand, they wanted to have a rest and on the other hand, they also wanted to see Yang Tian himself. Because the word "Yang Tian" appeared in their ears many times.

After the goal is achieved, they have to continue to study the body.

Yang Tian didn\'t expect to get the coordinates of the Dragon Star domain so easily!

"Ha ha! Bruce Lee, you can go home!" after being stunned, Yang Tianyi grabbed Xiao Qinglong\'s small body and shouted excitedly.


The little green dragon held by Yang Tian pulled his two claws, opened his mouth and made an excited cry

After a burst of excitement, Yang Tian took the black token given to him by the Taiyu grand sacrifice and wandered around where he had never been in the Taiyu palace.

Taiyu palace is very large. In addition to the main palace, there are many other buildings around, such as gardens, small houses for other priests, courtyards for servants, etc.

Yang Tian knows that he may stay for a long time. At least he should be familiar with the surrounding environment.