Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 471

"I\'ll go back and have a look. If Yang Tian\'s Rune talent is really outstanding, I\'ll keep him."

After Taiyu sacrifice finished, he stood up and disappeared with a flash of his figure.

In the blink of an eye, when the Taiyu sacrifice appeared again, he had returned to the Taiyu palace, a room arranged like a study.

In this room, there is a crystal ball with a diameter of one meter.

The crystal ball is full of runes, and Yang Tian\'s situation at this time is displayed in the crystal ball.

Seeing the three-dimensional picture displayed in the crystal ball, the great sacrifice Taiyu smiled and nodded.

At this time, the strange program has been transferred to Yang Tian\'s brain, controlling Yang Tian\'s hands and constantly changing gestures.

Just like the space in the stone of death excavated at the Feiyun sacrifice. Yang Tian cooperates with the strange program to form runes with gestures, emitting bursts of Rune energy.

This is a means of exploration.

It was a surprise to see that Yang Tian could use his hands to form runes and generate Rune energy!

He set up this Rune mechanism, and the number of practitioners who came in to participate in the assessment is no less than 1000, but no one has ever used this simple and complex way to crack it.

Simply, it means that you don\'t use any tools, just rely on your own hands. The complexity is because this cracking method requires super computing power.

It is difficult for Taiyu great sacrifice hou to make such accurate movements with both hands and ten fingers, so as to stimulate Rune energy.

If the great sacrifice Taiyu is trapped in such a rune array, he will take out the rune tools already prepared for calculation.

From the crystal ball, bursts of Rune energy came out, which made the Taiyu great sacrifice feel the rune energy from Yang Tian\'s hand, which was both powerful and very stable.

Taiyu great sacrifice felt this energy and nodded constantly.

"Hoo ~"

Suddenly, a wind sounded.

The great sacrifice of the empty God appeared beside the great sacrifice of Taiyu.

Then, there were several more wind sounds.

Thirty five other sacrificial priests who were originally in the Mimi palace came one after another.

Fortunately, the room of Taiyu grand sacrifice is large enough. Thirty six people here don\'t seem crowded.

The arrival of other great sacrifices, Taiyu great sacrifice was not surprised, but still had a smiling expression.

Yang Tian would be very surprised if he knew that the top 36 sacrificial priests in the superstar temple were paying attention to him.

The crowd gathered around the crystal ball. Although they were not very proficient in runes except for the Taiyu grand sacrifice, they had some eyes. Naturally, they knew that Yang Tian was "extraordinary".

"Can he pass the examination you set?"

The people looked at the crystal ball quietly. A moment later, the great sacrifice of Kaya asked aloud.

Taiyu priest shook his head, "I don\'t know yet."

In spite of this, the eyes of the great sacrifice of Taiyu showed an indisputable excitement. He looked at Yang Tian as if he had seen a baby.

"Taiyu, look at his armor. Did you design the runes on it?"

Meichen sacrificial priest looked at things most carefully, and his memory was also very strong. Although after a long time, he felt very familiar when he saw Yang Tian\'s armor.

Speaking of this, a great sacrifice said, "this armor was exchanged by Yang Tian in the college with that corpse."

Taiyu great sacrifice immediately enlarged Yang Tian\'s image, looked carefully, nodded and said, "yes, it\'s the armor I designed. However, the rune on it has been modified."

It\'s very surprising that Taiyu sacrifice said so.

Because the things designed by Taiyu grand sacrifice will never be taken out unless they are satisfied.

However, there are still people who can find out the shortcomings and change them. Is Yang Tian\'s attainments in runes better than Taiyu grand sacrifice?

The grand sacrifice of Taiyu used his fingers to point on the crystal ball for dozens of times. In the picture displayed by the crystal ball, Yang Tian\'s armor was stripped off and divided into two parts, showing in a plane.

In this way, it looks more intuitive.

Taiyu priest frowned and looked at the runes on the armor carefully. And his eyebrows frowned tighter.

Everyone looked at the face of Taiyu sacrifice at this time.

"How?" the great sacrifice of the empty God couldn\'t help but ask curiously.

Taiyu sacrificial priest nodded, "the change range is not very large. The runes on it have not changed much, but some energy lines have been added. But it is these energy lines that make the armor\'s defense at least double. Unexpectedly, changing the energy lines can also produce such a result..."

At the end of the ceremony, Taiyu suddenly smiled, looked very happy and said, "Yang Tian, I must leave him in the temple!"

"Has he surpassed you? It\'s impossible!" one of Taiyu\'s great priests was surprised.

The great sacrifice of Taiyu said, "no, the rune on this suit of armor is my work a long time ago. If I change it now, it will be more perfect."

With that, Taiyu great sacrifice let the crystal ball restore the display of Yang Tian, then ordered a few times on the crystal ball and said, "I have to make it more difficult for him."

This crystal ball, like a controller of the rune array, is the key mechanism of the rune array designed by Taiyu great sacrifice. He made changes here. When Yang Tian was trapped by the rune array, he immediately got the prompt of the rune program.

Yang Tian frowned and stopped.

Because the strange program told Yang Tian that the symbol matrix had changed, the previous operation was in vain.

Next, it needs to be redesigned, and it will take a long time.

Yang Tian was helpless. He sat on the ground and lay down.

In this case, Xiaoqinglong didn\'t dare to stay away from Yang Tian. As soon as Yang Tian sat down, he jumped to the ground and looked around.

Although he swallowed the strange Rune book of Feiyun grand sacrifice, some Rune arrays had little effect on it. However, the space symbol array designed by Taiyu grand sacrifice is obviously not included in this list. This also makes Xiaoqinglong helpless.

"Bruce Lee, when we get out of here, we\'ll go to the great sacrifice of Kaya and ask him where the Dragon Star region is. At that time, we can take you home."

After Yang Tian lay down, he put his hands on his pillow and looked at the vast white above.

Yang Tian uses the Mandarin of the earth.

"Zhi Zhi!" the little green dragon shouted happily.

After arriving at the superstar temple, little green dragon was also excited because he had the opportunity to see the great sacrifice of Kaya.

His intuition tells him that he will get the answer soon.

"What is Yang Tian talking about?"

Taiyu priest asked with a frown when he saw Yang Tian lying down. He didn\'t understand what Yang Tian said.

The high priest of Kaya said with a smile, "he\'s saying he wants to see me and ask some questions."