Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 200

Vibrant, but dangerous everywhere.

If ordinary people without force come here, it is estimated that they will not go far and will be swallowed by strange animals.

But strong people like Yang Tian don\'t have to worry about this problem. The smell from them can scare away most exotic animals.

And other monsters dare not attack them at will.

Seeing all kinds of animals everywhere, Yang Tian didn\'t understand. There was plenty of food here. Why did the Tyrannosaurus Rex lack food?

But soon he understood why.

"Boom... Boom... Boom..."

After Yang Tian walked for dozens of miles again, the sound of giant walking came from the front. The movement was too loud. At the same time, Yang Tian also felt a strong breath.

A few kilometers ahead, a huge T-Rex appeared in Yang Tian\'s eyes.

This is a plain area. You can see far at a glance.

When the giant Tyrannosaurus Rex acted, the movement was very large. Coupled with the smell from his body, the creatures that could be swallowed by it ran far away.

It is not a plant eater and can\'t eat grass. Therefore, even if it is very powerful, it can\'t hunt enough exotic animals. It is estimated that it is hungry most of the time.

Such a huge beast eats an amazing amount of meat every day. It is estimated that it will be satisfied only by eating thousands of kilograms of meat at one time

Seeing that there was not a huge beast around the giant Tyrannosaurus Rex, and this guy was still chasing a beast less than three meters long and looks like a sheep, Yang Tian was really sad for this guy.

Sometimes it\'s not a good thing to grow too big.

Yang Tian watched from a distance.

The giant Tyrannosaurus Rex chased the small beast for almost ten minutes, and finally killed the other party by spitting fire.

It is estimated that such a small beast is not enough for the huge Tyrannosaurus Rex. When it looked up and looked around, there was silence everywhere.

Other animals have long run far away.

"Ang ~" the giant Tyrannosaurus Rex suddenly raised his head and shouted reluctantly and angrily.

Yang Tian is several kilometers away from Tyrannosaurus Rex. When T-Rex turned his head and walked away, Yang Tian put down his backpack and pulled out the knife.

Looking at the knife in his hand, Yang Tian didn\'t know whether it could hurt the huge Tyrannosaurus Rex. If not, he had to use his fist and claw.

"Squeak ~"

The little green dragon lying on Yang Tian\'s shoulder cried twice when he saw that Yang Tian was full of war.

Yang Tian smiled and rushed towards the giant Tyrannosaurus Rex with a knife.

At this time, not far away, the HeLa people\'s sacrifice hegula was surrounded by a group of guards, staring at Yang Tian without blinking.

Yang Tian had already felt someone coming, but he didn\'t take a look at hegula.

For Yang Tian, who is running fast, the distance of several kilometers is only a few minutes.

In hegula\'s eyes, Yang Tian\'s figure flashed rapidly, incredibly fast!

The Tyrannosaurus Rex also noticed Yang Tian\'s approach.

For him, there is a belly of fire nowhere to go! After noticing Yang Tian, he quickly turned his head and saw Yang Tian in his eyes. Zhang opened his mouth and ejected a red flame to Yang Tian.

The temperature of this flame was much lower than that of Xiaoqinglong\'s Dragon flame, but Yang Tian dodged away quickly and came to the belly of Tyrannosaurus Rex in an instant.

"Poof ~"

Yang Tian stabbed Tyrannosaurus Rex in the abdomen with his greatest strength.

The knife went in, but it was subject to strong resistance.

"Ang ~"

The pain in the abdomen made Tyrannosaurus Rex roar, his hind legs bent, and his huge body pressed against Yang Tian.

Yang Tian immediately pulled out his knife and dodged again.

"Boom ~"

Tyrannosaurus Rex\'s huge body hit the ground, smashed the hard and dry ground into a big pit, and the ground shook for miles.

For this Tyrannosaurus Rex, its thick flesh, powerful power and flame are all weapons it can use, and it also knows how to give full play to its advantages.

When Yang Tian dodged away, T-Rex didn\'t stand up and was still crawling. However, it turned its head over, opened its mouth and spit fire at Yang again.

The Tyrannosaurus rex was very big, and its red flame covered a very large area. Yang Tian had to dodge again.

Seeing Yang Tian Dodge, T-Rex straightened up and stepped on Yang Tian with a strong leg.

"Boom ~"

A loud noise.

On the hard ground, Tyrannosaurus Rex stepped out of a deep pit again.

Yang Tian has dodged, jumped up high, climbed up the wrinkled skin around the Tyrannosaurus Rex\'s waist with his left hand, and then fell on the Tyrannosaurus Rex\'s back.

At this time, the Tyrannosaurus Rex did not react. Yang Tian quickly took a few steps, jumped up again, held the knife in both hands, pointed the tip of the knife at the Tyrannosaurus Rex\'s neck and stabbed it hard!

Yang Tian used the skill of snow chopping knife. His hands hardly trembled during the stabbing process, so as to minimize the contact area between the tip of the knife and the skin of Tyrannosaurus Rex.

"Poof ~"

Yang Tian\'s knife plunged into the area where the Tyrannosaurus Rex\'s neck and back intersected at once. The knife body of more than one meter was half trapped.

"Peng ~"

When the knife was exhausted, Yang Tian loosened his hands, raised his right hand and clapped it on the handle.

This palm directly hit the whole blade into the Tyrannosaurus Rex\'s body, revealing only the handle.

"Ang ~"

Although Tyrannosaurus rex was very big and had thick skin, it was impossible for this knife to cause fatal damage to it, but severe pain was inevitable. Tyrannosaurus Rex howled in pain and the skin on his back shook.

Yang Tian didn\'t expect that Tyrannosaurus Rex\'s thick skin, which looked like a rock, could move. He was unprepared. He stumbled and almost tilted.

Fortunately, Yang Tian\'s strength is strong, his footwall is extremely stable, his body\'s center of gravity sinks and stabilizes.

At this time, T-Rex also turned his head and opened his mouth.

Yang Tian knew that Tyrannosaurus rex was going to spit fire at himself again. He bounced his legs and flew out obliquely.

"Boom ~"

A high-temperature flame brushed Yang Tian\'s body.

Yang Tian flipped several times in the air and landed steadily on the ground.

In the process of Yang Tian\'s battle with T-Rex, hegula has been approaching quickly. She wants to see more clearly.

In her eyes, Yang Tian\'s speed is very fast and his strength is very powerful. He can actually insert his weapon into the body of this\' fire beast \'!

What she doesn\'t know is that up to now, Yang Tian is fighting with the power of flesh, and hasn\'t used the power of powerful dragon balls.

This is also a way for Yang Tian to test himself. He also wants to see if he can defeat the Tyrannosaurus Rex without using the power of dragon beads.

The answer is yes, but it will take a long time.