Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 198

If it were someone else, he would pick the weakest sand beast, but Yang Tianbu, he would first kill the most powerful Eagle beast, which is what the HeLa people call "crazy beast".

Out of the HeLa nobles\' settlement, Yang Tian ran quickly and went straight to the north.

At this time, Xiaoqinglong had drilled out of his backpack and lay on Yang Tian\'s shoulder with a pair of smart big eyes.

Behind Yang Tian, four people in black tried their best to catch up with Yang Tian.

Yang Tian knew that he would follow people behind him. He didn\'t mind. It\'s good for someone to follow and watch

Where an alien animal lives, it always occupies a terrain favorable to itself.

The north of HeLa nationality is dry and full of red mountains. They extend in circles to the distance like stationary waves. One mountain is taller than another.

The flying eagle and beast build their nests in the continuous mountains.

There has long been a road to the eagle\'s nest, because every two months or so, the HeLa people will send hundreds of people to contribute food to the eagle beast.

This is a kind of "raising tigers for trouble".

In this hundred years, I don\'t know how much meat has entered the belly of the eagle beast. Originally, it could prey on its own. It is estimated that because its belly is too hungry, it attacked humans several times. Therefore, humans are afraid, so they send a lot of food to it every once in a while.

In this way, the eagle beast has developed a habit. If it thinks that humans should send food, but humans don\'t send it, it will be angry and attack the human settlement

Besides this eagle beast, the same is true of the other two beasts.

The three beasts were not too far away from the HeLa people. Yang Tian followed the route of people\'s tribute, walked more than 200 kilometers, and finally arrived at the place.

Red flame star has no day or night. The work and rest time of human beings is not fixed, and so are many exotic animals.

At this time, Yang Tianzheng was standing on the top of a small mountain, and the valley ahead was the nest of eagles and beasts.

At the foot of Yang Tian, that is, under the hill, there are all kinds of messy animal bones. This is where the HeLa people place meat.

Every time they pay tribute, the HeLa people carry tens of thousands of kilograms of meat. When they come here, they throw them all under the hill. It is not easy for human beings to survive in this world. There is a lack of food. The three beasts do not know how much human food they consume.

The eagle beast did not live directly in the valley, but dug a large cave on a cliff.

A gust of wind blew, blowing red sand fog, and there was a strong rotten smell in the air.

"Bruce Lee, it\'s your turn!"

Yang Tian took a look at the situation ahead. It was estimated that the eagle and beast were hiding in the cave to rest, so he turned his head and said to Xiaoqinglong.

"Zhi Zhi!" the little green dragon, eager to fight, shouted excitedly.

A moment later.

"Ow ~"

The little green dragon, which turned into a giant dragon, hung over the eagle\'s nest and made a dragon sing. The sound shook the gravel on the mountain.

The four men in black who followed them were shocked and stopped when they saw the huge dragon suddenly appearing in the sky.

The four discussed, one of them returned immediately, and the remaining three continued to move forward. They need to report everything that happens here to hegula.

"唳 ~"

After the little green dragon made a threatening roar, the eagle beast in the cave finally appeared. It first poked out its head, turned its flexible head and looked out. When it looked up and saw the little green dragon in the sky, it made an angry cry

The eagle beast appeared and released a powerful breath. Yang Tian could clearly feel that the eagle beast had actually surpassed the level 10 Alien beast. According to the realm of the universe, it should be an alien beast of the star king.

If we judge the strength of the beast from the breath, the little green dragon is more powerful.

When on earth, the strength of Xiaoqinglong reached the strength of the star king of death. Last time, he swallowed a huge goblin and digested it. After digesting it, his level went up to a higher level.

The eagle beast\'s feathers were very red and bright. After sticking out his head and chirping, he immediately got out of the cave, flapped his wings and flew into the sky.

This is a giant beast. When it flies into the sky and spreads its wings, its wingspan reaches at least 50 meters. A wing will cause an airflow that can blow people away.


The eagle beast flew into the sky and opened his mouth again to the little green dragon in front of him, trying to threaten the little green dragon. In the battle between different animals, like humans, the first competition is momentum.

"Peng ~"

The little green dragon couldn\'t make it arrogant. The cry of the eagle beast had not been completed. The little green dragon patted the eagle beast on its back and shot it down from the sky.

"Boom ~"

The eagle beast\'s mountain size body fell to the ground and knocked down a small mountain peak, causing a mountain to shake.

Seeing this situation, Yang Tian nodded.

This is right with his judgment. Although the eagle beast is powerful and can dominate the planet, it is one level lower than the little green dragon in realm.

Like the strong ones of human beings, the difference of strength is very obvious.

This eagle beast is difficult to deal with because it can fly. Once it can\'t defeat the enemy, it can escape thousands of miles. But the little green dragon can also fly, and it is more flexible than flying with its wings.

"唳 ~"

The eagles and beasts that fell on the ground gave a shrill scream, and a large number of red feathers fell. They were blown by the wind and flew all over the sky.

Yang Tian raised his hand and grabbed a red feather.

This feather is actually as thick as a human arm, several meters long, but it is very light. The root of this feather is connected with a piece of flesh and blood, which smells fishy.

At this moment, little green dragon hurt the eagle beast.

Seeing the eagle beast photographed by himself, little green dragon didn\'t shoot down his opponent from the sky as before, so he rushed up immediately. It was in the sky, swinging gently, waving four thick claws and looking at the eagle beast coldly.

After the eagle fell into the valley, it fluttered a few times, raised the dust all over the sky, stood up again, a wing and flew into the sky again.

This guy is not stupid. He knows that he can\'t defeat Xiaoqinglong. After flying into the air, he turns around and leaves.

Its flight route is actually towards the HeLa settlement.

The eagle and beast flying at low altitude covered half the sky for the three people in black. When they saw the eagle and beast flying, they immediately fell to the ground, rolled a few times and hid in the rubble beside the mountain road. This action is very skilled, as if it had been practiced for a long time.

At this time, the eagle and beast only wanted to escape. They couldn\'t care about the three humans on the ground. Without looking at the bottom, they passed over the three people in black.