Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 119

In the eyes of the onlookers, the knife in Yang Tian\'s hand turned into sharp white light, forming a huge light net, covering the frenzy.

In the frenzied eyes, Yang Tian\'s every knife and the track of each knife clearly appeared in his eyes.

Even so, the frenzy still felt that Yang Tian\'s knife was extremely fast, which made him feel powerless. The most important thing is that Yang Tian\'s every knife is too calm. With his crazy experience in war technology, I know that Yang Tian\'s every knife has terrible cutting ability.

The frenzy and concentration accelerated the speed of retreat.


Suddenly, frantic seized the opportunity and lifted the huge sword in his hand, just in contact with the knife in Yang Tian\'s hand. They were shaken away by this powerful force again.

Yang Tian\'s continuous Sabre technique was finally interrupted.

And frenzy, no longer passive, freed from the short-term crisis.

"Poof ~"

However, Yang Tian just stopped for a moment and rushed to the frenzy again.

As soon as the frenzied mind coagulated, he waved the huge sword in his hand into an aperture, and the knife in Yang Tian\'s hand turned into an optical net composed of countless white lines again.

Yang Tian\'s sword technique is fast, but his crazy sword technique is not slow.

"Peng Peng“

The continuous collision sound sounded again, and their figures flashed, suddenly touched together, and then suddenly separated... It seemed that they were like two rapidly moving balloons, colliding, separating and colliding again.

However, at the moment of "collision", the two could not attack and defend more than ten moves.

In this state of battle, the bystanders can\'t even see their moves and movements, which is beyond their visual ability.

The fighting between the two made the onlookers intoxicated. The last time Yang Tian and Du Xiongwu forcibly raised their realm, the fighting process was not so wonderful.

One minute, two minutes, ten minutes, half an hour

In the process of this battle, there was a stalemate. There was little difference in strength and speed between the two, just like a tie.

In fact, there were wounds on the two people. When the figure flashed rapidly, the blood in the body flowed rapidly and ejected from the wound from time to time, forming pieces of blood mist. This blood mist was blown away by the rapid air flow brought by the two people\'s bodies.

It seems that the strength is equal, but in fact, Yang Tian has an advantage, because he has the power of dragon balls in his body, which can keep Yang Tian in a high-intensity fighting state for a long time.

The frenzy, with the fighting time getting longer and longer, gradually felt powerless.

In this case, just as Yang Tian fought with the wind at the beginning, Yang Tian used his endurance to consume the wind.

Seeing Yang Tian\'s strength and speed, he always maintained the peak state at the beginning, and he was about to lose his hold. He frantically seized the opportunity and tried his best to fight with Yang Tian with his huge sword.


With a loud noise, Yang Tian and frenzy were shaken away by this powerful force at the same time!

Frantically seized the opportunity, turned and ran! His figure disappeared in the eyes of the bystanders in a few flashes.

If you can\'t fight, run away.

Frenzied people will not be defeated by Yang Tian like the wind. Although this is a very shameless thing, the face of a martial artist is the most important thing compared with life.

After living in frenzy for so many years, he has long lived into a human spirit.

Seeing that the frenzy wanted to escape, Yang Tian sneered and ran after him with his knife. He knew that the frenzy was about to be exhausted after more than an hour of fighting.

The dark strength in the warrior\'s body, of course, can\'t be compared with his dragon ball power, and can\'t last too long.

Yang Tian knows that frenzy can\'t beat him. When he runs away, he will soon be caught up by himself. To know that rapid movement also needs to consume the energy of the body.

"Ah! Madness escaped“

"Yes! It\'s incredible that Yang Tian defeated the frenzy of fame for decades!"

"Yang Tian is so awesome! He is not 20 years old this year!"


Yang Tian ran away in a frenzy and soon disappeared into the eyes of the fighters. Although he couldn\'t see the battle between them, the idiot could see that it was frenzy and defeat. Otherwise, he wouldn\'t suddenly run away.

The warriors talked in a surprised tone. At the same time, they also turned their eyes to Xiaoqinglong.

At this time, the little green dragon was firmly pressing the crazy pet giant black bat on the ground with a front paw. The black bat struggled for a while at the beginning. Seeing that the little green dragon\'s strength was getting stronger and stronger, he gave up resistance. He was afraid that he would be crushed into a pile of meat without escaping under the little green dragon\'s paw.

Yang Tian went after the frenzy. Xiaoqinglong was a little worried. He suddenly raised his claws to hold down the black bat. The black bat was waiting at this time. When he saw Xiaoqinglong loose, he immediately flapped his wings and wanted to escape.


"Boom ~"

With a loud noise, the ground trembled, but the little green dragon ran forward and patted the black bat with a powerful dragon tail, which directly sank the black bat into the ground.

The little green dragon patted the black bat with the dragon\'s tail, stopped paying attention to the ugly guy, flew into the sky and flew towards Yang Tian\'s place.

At this time, the unicorn also took Yang Tian\'s backpack, flapped its wings and flew into the sky to pursue the little green dragon.

When Xiaoqinglong left, there was no movement in a huge gully photographed by Xiaoqinglong.

After more than ten minutes, a brave warrior came and looked at a deep ditch tens of meters deep and more than ten meters wide. He found that the black bat had become a pile of rotten meat.

This giant black bat is also a level 7 beast. A warrior broke its head and took out a golden level 7 beast core.

"Level 7 beast core!"

The warrior with the beast core looked at the beast core in his hand with his eyes shining and wanted to have it.

However, he knew that Yang Tian didn\'t speak. He didn\'t dare to take the beast core as his own.

If it were not at this moment, but elsewhere, the warrior would never take the level 7 beast core in the to watch, because it was almost the rhythm of looking for death.

But at this time, no warrior dared to rob, because they all knew that the beast core belonged to Yang Tian.

In an hour.

"Wheezing... Wheezing..."

High speed forward for an hour of frenzy, has stopped, half kneeling on the ground, constantly panting.

But Yang Tian was blocked in front of him at this time.

Looking at Yang Tian walking slowly towards himself with a knife, his heart was cold and full of despair. He lost, but Yang Tian came after him, which shows that Yang Tian will not let him go.

At this time, frenzy has no power to resist.

"Hey, hey..."

When Yang Tian stood in front of frenzy and raised his knife, frenzy laughed.

"Yang Tian, everything about me is yours. If you become the top existence in the world, you will lose your way like me, except enjoyment..."


Before the frenzied words were finished, Yang Tian cut off his head with a knife.

Looking at the crazy headless corpse falling down, Yang Tian said faintly: "I won\'t be like you. Level nine martial arts is not the peak state of martial arts."