Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 114

Du Xiongwu and Zhu Xiaoqing got out of the car and pushed aside the tall grass. What appeared in their eyes was a brand-new ancient castle building. Around the ancient castle was an artificial lake, and a road led to the ancient castle in the middle of the lake.

Around the lake is a circle of flower beds, trimmed very neatly. At this time, it was early April. The temperature warmed up, the flowers in the flower bed were blooming, and the air was filled with a smell of flowers.

This is Wuse Manor!

The scenery of this strange manor building is very beautiful. It is not so gloomy and terrible as described by others!

Seeing this situation, Zhu Xiaoqing smiled, and Du Xiongwu was slightly relieved.

But at this time, the driver suddenly started the car. The car quickly backed up, turned sharply at the front, and turned sharply. A stream of black smoke spewed out from the exhaust pipe. The wheels rubbed with the road and gave a "Zi" sound. The car disappeared into the dense grass like an arrow.

Du Xiongwu and Zhu Xiaoqing didn\'t care that the driver drove away. They looked at each other and walked forward.

The appearance of this manor gives people a feeling of sunshine, but it is very quiet. It makes people feel lonely from the bottom of their heart.

This is a contradiction.

They walked along the path beside the flower bed by the lake for more than ten minutes before they reached the avenue in the middle of the lake and walked to the bright and clean ancient castle in the middle of the lake.

Walking, a white haired old man came with a big pruning scissors.

Seeing someone coming, they felt more relaxed.

The old man only glanced at Du Xiongwu and Zhu Xiaoqing, then fell down, picked up scissors and began to trim the messy flower branches in the flower beds on both sides of the avenue.

When Du Xiongwu and Zhu Xiaoqing passed by the old man, Zhu Xiaoqing looked at the old man with disgusting eyes. Because the old man wore very shabby clothes, his hair was messy, and he also sent out a kind of smell.

"Go back... Go back..."

Such people, Zhu Xiaoqing and Du Xiongwu naturally disdained to say hello to him, so they went straight past the old man. But they didn\'t take a few steps, but they heard the old man\'s whisper behind them.

The sound was very slight, like the sound of mosquitoes. If it wasn\'t for the silence around, they wouldn\'t hear it at all. Maybe they would think they had an illusion.

They stopped and turned to look at the old man, but they saw that the old man was closing his mouth and the scissors in his hand made a "click click" sound.

go back?

Of course, it\'s impossible. Zhu Xiaoqing has made up his mind to see the level 9 martial arts frenzy.

After they looked at the old man, they continued to move forward and accelerated their pace.

"Alas ~"

At this time, they heard a sigh behind them.

The gate of the castle was open. They stepped on the clean steps and walked into the gate of the castle without hesitation.

After entering the door, there is a very large space, which is very clean and tidy. There is no other attractive decoration except a huge crystal chandelier. The place is very empty, and large parties can be held here.

Straight ahead, there is a spiral staircase leading to the second floor.

Just as they entered the door, a blonde man in a black dress appeared on the spiral stairs and looked at them with a smile.

The young man is very handsome and has a charming smile, giving people a feeling of amiability.

Zhu Xiaoqing and the young man looked at each other, and they all lowered their heads shyly.

The young man\'s eyes are aggressive to women.

"Welcome to wuse manor." the young blonde man looked at them and said faintly with a smile on his face.

"I, we\'re looking for Mr. frenzy." Zhu Xiaoqing looked at the young man and said in fluent English.

The blonde young man smiled and said, "I\'m crazy. What can I do for you?"

Zhu Xiaoqing and Du Xiongwu were surprised to hear the blonde young man say he was crazy.

Although I\'ve heard that level 9 martial arts can keep a young face, I didn\'t expect to be so young!

Speaking of it, frenzy was still the first generation of martial arts. Before the outbreak of YS virus, he was an adult man. His real age was more than 100 years old.

"We... We want to ask Mr. frenzy to kill someone for us. We are willing to pay some money." Zhu Xiaoqing calmed down and said his intention.

"Money, no! No!" shook his head wildly, "I can buy half of the hero city with all the money I have. For me, I can\'t use up all my life. I don\'t need money."

"What do you want?"

Du Xiongwu was very unhappy when he saw that he was frantically staring at his wife. He asked in a blunt tone.

Frantically ignored Du Xiongwu, still looked at Zhu Xiaoqing with a smile and said, "you have what I want, and I like it very much. As long as you are willing to give it to me, I will agree to your requirements. There is no one I can\'t kill in this world."

The frenzy finished and tilted the corners of his mouth.

At this time, Zhu Xiaoqing saw the frenzy. There was a man\'s desire for women in his eyes. He felt unnatural all over.

Du Xiongwu frowned, immediately took Zhu Xiaoqing\'s hand and said to the frenzy, "since you don\'t like money, we have nothing to give you. Goodbye!"

With that, Du Xiongwu took Zhu Xiaoqing out.

The frenzy did not prevent them from leaving.


When Du Xiongwu and Zhu Xiaoqing came to the door, a wind suddenly sounded, and a dark shadow suddenly covered their heads.


Then came the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground.

Du Xiongwu and Zhu Xiaoqing saw that the huge shadow was a huge beast as soon as the dark shadow suddenly fell to the ground.

This is a giant bat. When it shrinks its wings, its body is a little bigger than an elephant. Its body is covered with scales and fur, which is extremely shiny.

"Silk ~"

As soon as the giant bat landed, he opened his mouth and gave them a sharp cry.

Hearing this sound, Du Xiongwu and Zhu Xiaoqing covered their ears in pain and felt a whirl of heaven and earth.

This was a powerful sonic attack. Zhu Xiaoqing couldn\'t stand it first and suddenly fainted to the ground.

Seeing his wife faint, Du Xiongwu turned his head and looked inside the gate. He saw frantic looking at himself with the corners of his mouth tilted, biting his teeth, loosening his hand covering his ears, picked up his knife from the ground, jumped up high and cut off the giant bat.

"Silk ~"

Just then, the giant bat made a sharper sound.

Du Xiongwu was in the air, his body was like hitting a soft wall, and his body was bounced back. Due to the strong sound wave attack, his brain was dizzy and became confused at the moment.


At this time, the giant bat threw a wing at Du Xiongwu who fell to the ground.

Du Xiongwu instinctively raised his knife and cut.


This knife is soft and weak for the giant bat. It doesn\'t even hurt the giant bat\'s hair.

The giant bat grabbed Du Xiongwu with one of its back claws and flew high into the sky. In the blink of an eye, it reached an altitude of more than 100 meters.

Being blown by the cold wind in the air, Du Xiongwu finally woke up.