Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 110

While Wang Kun shot an arrow, the short haired woman threw her hand and threw three throwing knives at Yang Tian.

The strength of the level 6 warrior is very powerful. The three throwing knives pierced the air and made a "rustle" sound, flying in the shape of goods towards Yang Tian in the air.

At the same time, the five people suddenly scattered and ran in different directions.

"Bruce Lee, move!"

Yang Tian knows that he can\'t kill the five people who fled in different directions in a very short time, so he needs Xiaoqinglong.

Bruce Lee?

Wang Kun and others, who are running away at a high speed, do not know who the "Little Dragon" mentioned by Yang Tian is, but they can\'t care so much. Now they have only one idea in their mind, that is to escape here as soon as possible.

Just now, I just wanted to delay Yang Tian\'s action.

Fighting with a level 8 warrior is a death seeking rhythm. Idiots will do this!

In Wang Kun\'s heart, he had the idea of fighting with Yang Tian, because he knew that Yang Tian must be the first to kill him. But he knows the virtues of his four men. If there is anything wrong, he will abandon him.

Therefore, it\'s better to run at the beginning and save some fighting strength.


Yang Tian stepped on the ground with his feet and shot out like a shell.


At this time, the little green dragon on a big tree nearby shouted excitedly twice, turned into a blue light and rushed towards a young man.

Wang Kun\'s speed was very fast. At this time, he had fled to the jungle.

"Peng... Peng... Peng..."

Yang Tian, with his powerful strength and reaction speed, catapulted his body among the trees.

When he was about to catch up with Wang Kun, the knife in his hand turned into a white line, and his fast body passed by Wang Kun.


Yang Tian fell to the ground. The strength of falling made his feet sink into the ground.

"Poof ~"

At this time, Wang Kun, who was moving at high speed, suddenly tilted his head and fell down, and blood sprayed out of his smooth neck. The uncontrollable body fell to the ground and rolled several times before stopping.

Level 7 martial artists, even at the peak, are not at the same level as Yang Tian. Both strength and speed are too far apart. Just like a strong man, he can kill an ordinary man who has not been strengthened with one punch.

Yang Tian only glanced at Wang Kun\'s body and ran to the next target.

Yang Tian walked through the woods quickly. With his keen hearing, he heard that one of the remaining four people was moving forward rapidly in the woods not far away.

In less than a minute, Yang Tian caught up with the target.

This is one of the two women with a horsetail.

When she heard someone coming after her, the woman was obviously flustered and accelerated her pace.

"Ah ~"

Suddenly, the woman fell to the ground with a loud cry. Then she went round a big tree and hurried forward again.

This woman\'s action made Yang Tian feel a little strange. How could a level 6 martial artist fall easily?

Yang Tian was suspicious and stopped.

"Sisi..." at this time, the sound of metal objects trembling in the wind.

The sound is very slight. If Yang Tian didn\'t have strong hearing, he would never be aware of it.

Yang Tian looked in the direction of the sound, and a slight white light flashed. At this time, he remembered that there was a circle of silk wire on the woman\'s wrist.

What a terrible trap!

Yang Tianxin was awe inspiring. If he hadn\'t found something wrong just now, he stopped and bumped into those very thin metal wires. As a result, he would certainly be injured, and he would be seriously injured.

You know, Yang Tian\'s speed is very fast, but the faster the speed, the stronger the cutting force of the metal wire on his body.

"Chi Chi Chi!"

Yang Tian took a few steps forward, lifted his knife and cut off the three metal wires arranged horizontally in front of him.

Obviously, the three metal wires were made of YT alloy. When Yang Tian cut them down, they all encountered strong resistance. A big tree nearby gave a "poof" sound, and the metal wire deeply sank into the trunk.


At this time, the cry of the little green dragon sounded, and a green shadow appeared in Yang Tian\'s eyes.

Xiaoqinglong jumped on Yang Tian\'s shoulder.

"Zhizhi..." Xiaoqinglong told Yang Tian about his achievements. Under his claws, one died and one was injured. A young man scratched his throat, and the short haired woman lost two eyes.

"Why don\'t you kill women?" Yang Tian said with a smile. He didn\'t care and scratched Xiaoqinglong\'s body.

There was another woman. Yang Tian looked at the direction of the woman\'s disappearance, took a turn and caught up again.

"Wheezing... Wheezing..."

Ye Xin ran quickly and gasped heavily. This is not because she is physically weak, but because she is nervous. She knew that Yang Tian would soon catch up with her and meet her. It was likely to be death.

Shrouded in the shadow of death, Ye Xin felt very tired.

As for the trap she arranged, she didn\'t expect anything. If an eighth level warrior could be killed by the trap she set, he wouldn\'t be an eighth level warrior. What she hopes is to use this trap to delay Yang Tian\'s forward speed, so that she can have enough time to escape.

A few minutes later, Ye Xin ran out of the woods and an open area appeared in front of her.

"Go back and tell the fighters in black rock city that if another warrior dares to kill innocent civilians, Wang Kun will be their end!"

Just then, Ye Xin heard Yang Tian\'s voice.

Ye Xin stopped in horror and turned slowly.

A gust of wind blew, and the thick woods made a "rustle" of leaves. At this time, the sky had darkened, and the dense woods seemed to her like a huge mouth opened by the God of death.

"I... I\'ll tell them."

For a long time, Yang Tian appeared in Ye Xin\'s eyes. She knew she had finally escaped the disaster and quickly answered loudly towards the woods.

Yang Tian said not to kill women, but it\'s not absolute. He originally wanted to let Xiaoqinglong out of his claws and kill the woman, but after thinking about it, he thought it would be better to leave one person. At least let other martial artists know their will.

As for the other woman who was caught blind by little green dragon, Yang Tian knew that she could not return to black rock city alive.

Through Ye Xin\'s mouth, Yang Tian wants to declare his will to the world.

This day, later written into history books, is considered to be the arrival of the new warrior era.

Of course, Yang Tian doesn\'t know now. He thinks he just did a small thing.

Next, go back and get the animal core from the giant earthworm.


At this time, the little green dragon shouted again. It told Yang Tian that it was aware of the existence of many animal nuclei.

Many animal nuclei?

Yang Tian was stunned and smiled.

When Wang Kun and others appeared in his eyes, they didn\'t bring backpacks. They should have been placed in the woods, and their backpacks or bodies must have a large number of animal cores.