Super Doctor

Chapter 1050

Xu Ze was assassinated...

after hearing the news, everyone was surprised. At last, many people laughed at the news.

Who is Xu Ze? That's the most famous special combat expert. Who can kill him? Maybe it's a magic horse stunt made by yourself to attract people's attention; what's the fuss about? There's only one honorary military post left. What can you do?

Of course, those who are close to Xu Ze, especially those who participated in Xu Ze's plan this time, are very clear in their hearts. What does Xu Ze's assassination mean? They don't think that Xu Ze will have nothing to do with this kind of gimmick to show sympathy or something.

Moreover, a small number of people know that Xu Ze's face is not very good this time... Xu Ze's face is not good-looking this time. People are all very clear about what it means. They are convinced that some people, such as Comrade Jun Bolai, must be very impressed by this.

However, no matter what these people think, Xu Ze's assassination is not a small matter after all. Many people began to inquire about the news and gradually spread some details.

For example, Maserati, who was bombed into a pile of scrap iron, and three anti equipment sniper guns and two rocket launchers were seized, as well as the situation that several large pits were blown out on the road...

after confirming these situations, whether they were doubting or worried, they were frightened. With such fierce firepower, this courage is really fat. It has been true for decades since the founding of the people's Republic of China When I see you again, I see the real guy...

did Xu Ze escape from the other party's hands with two little girls? That's good luck, too?

In addition to those who question and worry about it, some of the top military and political leaders in China were very angry after receiving the report from Yang Guanglian. Maybe Xu Ze had many enemies, but such an assassination was already a big taboo.

Although Xu Ze has now retired from the military post, why is his influence still there? He is not the guy who has been propped up on the stage. No one will pay attention to it after the expiration of the time limit. Moreover, Xu Ze still holds the title of honorary general. In addition, Xu Ze's secret identity makes these leaders extremely angry.

Since the chaotic era, there has never been such a case of the assassination of a military general or a senior government official in Huaxia. These high-level officials cherish their lives. Everyone can play tricks and frame up each other. Unless they are plotting against each other, it will be a violation of the rules to use knives and guns like this. If a precedent is set, will it not be chaotic?

Moreover, the assassins sent out can be seen to be the elite secretly cultivated by some troops, but it can not be found out that the assassins came from that army. At the same time, the weapons used were extremely restricted heavy weapons. In order to kill Xu Ze, they even used these things. Some of these big men may not like Xu Ze, but under such circumstances They all expressed their views and wanted to investigate thoroughly.

Therefore, after getting Yang Guanglian's report, looking at the Maserati who was blown into a pile of scrap iron and the photos of several rocket launchers and anti equipment sniper guns, the top leaders immediately ordered the military intelligence and Guoan to thoroughly investigate the matter.

"Xu Ze... You put it down for the time being, at least wait..." Liu Changfeng was carefully comforting Xu Ze. Suddenly, Xu Ze's mobile phone rang.

Xu Ze took a look and sighed: "huairentang's phone..."

"Huairen Hall? I'm afraid it's the one who called in person. Pick it up Liu Changfeng even busy road.

After connecting the phone, as expected, it was the old man who called to express his sympathy to Xu Ze and hinted that Xu Ze would definitely have an account in this matter, so that Xu Ze could not make a mistake.

After answering the phone, Xu Ze's tone was relaxed, but Liu Changfeng next to him was worried. He saw it clearly. When Xu Ze answered the old man, his tone was light and relaxed, but some of the cold color between his eyebrows was extremely strong. I'm afraid that he agreed verbally, but I'm afraid he didn't think so.

After Xu Ze hung up the phone, Liu Changfeng frowned and said, "Xu Ze... This must not be reckless... Since the leaders are all...

Xu Ze gave a cool smile, and then said," Minister Liu, don't worry... I naturally have a point of view about this matter! "

Tibet, Mount Everest base...

Zhang Yanzheng, with a gloomy face, sat in the office, looked at the bald head on the screen, and said in a deep voice: "what step can you do? I may not have much time! "

"What? Don't you say it can be solved? " Hearing Zhang Yanzheng's words, his bald face changed slightly.

"Failed..." at the thought of this, Zhang Yanzheng's face became more gloomy. The five soldiers he sent out, but the elite who had spent a lot of time training, even gave them those smuggled weapons that he made great efforts to get back from foreign special channels, but they didn't kill Xu Ze, which made him very angry.

Taking such a big risk, such a big penetration to kill Xu Ze, how could it be considered that he could not be killed. The only thing that slightly gratified him was that the five soldiers were still extremely loyal. Once the action failed, they immediately took poison and committed suicide. Otherwise, if it fell into Xu Ze's hands, he would find out some clues and get some evidence, which would be a big trouble.You don't have to think about anything. You don't have to wait for a meeting of the Military Commission to play games, run away or make other plans...

"failed?" The two eyebrows of the bald head picked, which did not seem to indicate any accident. Then he said in a deep voice: "my strength is very weak now... And the base on the other side of Africa is also destroyed now, so the strength on hand is not enough... But if there is a problem, I can still protect you!"

"Protect..." hearing the bald words, Zhang Yanzheng felt a little discontented, but he was also a little relieved. Anyway, the final result has not come out yet. At least after the meeting of the Military Commission, we can see the final result. In case of failure, we can only rely on this bald head. If we can maintain it for a period of time, we can make other preparations.

"That... Mr. pelen... Now is the critical time. Can you support more technology and equipment?" Zhang Yanzheng couldn't help but ask the bald man who called himself PELON again...

. (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start( )Your support is my biggest motivation to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!