Super Doctor

Chapter 1048

As for Xu Ze's passing through Star City, he always remembers to visit him. He was very happy.

"What are you doing in Yanjing recently? It's said that many people have been ruined by you... " The old man of Tang held a cup of tea and squinted at the two cute little beauties beside him. After a trace of relief flashed in his eyes, he looked at Xu Ze with a light smile.

"Ah Even you know that? " Xu Ze didn't think of it. He was a low-key action. He even knew the old man Tang in Star City.

"What do you say?" Master Tang sipped his tea, squinted at Xu Ze, and said with a chuckle, "in those 49 cities, it's a little bit rusty. All of you are staring at you eagerly. Although you are a general who has been past, but you have such a big move, what others should laugh at should be laughed at..."

"Ha ha That's nice. I'm afraid that others will take me seriously. It's better to treat it as a joke... " Listening to this, Xu Ze is a little overjoyed, ha ha, a face of complacency.

Looking at a dry grandson with no skin and no face, the old man Tang felt helpless and hummed: "still proud Yanjing, however, many people are watching your jokes. They say that you have lost your general position, and you still take yourself seriously there, and you are hopping around here and there! "

"Grandfather Tang Don't worry about this. When I come out of the army, I just don't want people to pay too much attention to it, and make people feel that they are too publicized? What I am furtive is that I am afraid that people will make trouble for me. Now I listen to you and see them as jokes. I am just relieved! Hey, hey... " Xu Ze's smile was complacent, but he almost fell

"You..." Seeing Xu Ze's appearance, master Tang's heart was more secure and more curious. He lowered his voice and approached him and said, "tell me What are you doing in Yanjing? Look at your happy appearance

"Nothing..." As Xu Ze's eyes whirled around, he came close to him and said in a low voice with a smile: "I just want to make the Southwest Military Region change people..."

"Ah What? " Old man Tang was also stunned. He certainly looked at Xu Ze. He didn't seem to be joking. After a long time, he sighed softly and said with a slow smile: "OK This time, let's see a joke from people. Can they still laugh at that time? "

After a dinner in the Tang family, it was the beginning of the night light when we had to go out and go back to Chentang. Xu Ze drove his Maserati, which had not been touched for a long time, with two little beauties, and went straight to Chentang.

The distance between star city and Chentang is not close, but Xu Ze expects that before nine o'clock, he will be able to rush home.

Therefore, he was not in a hurry. He just maintained a speed of about 100 yards and walked slowly towards Chentang.

Although it is slow, but more than an hour later, the car still quickly turned into the county road, not far from Chentang town.

After turning into the county road, it gradually began to clear up, but Xu Ze also began to slow down to about 80 yards. After all, the road is no longer high-speed, and there are more curves. Since there is no rush, Xu Ze has always been very considerate of others.

At this time, the car can not travel for a while. Suddenly, the alarm sounds loud in Xu Ze's ear. Before Xu Ze reacts, the window glass in front of him suddenly breaks. It is a bullet with the size of a thumb, which is blocked by the energy shield in front of Xu Ze's eyes, and then flies out suddenly.

"Anti equipment sniper gun..." Xu Ze's eyes suddenly shrink and hear the scream from sun Lingfei in his ear. Xu Ze's eyes turn red and roar. The energy shield around his body suddenly expands, protecting sun Lingfei and Lin Yumeng behind him. Then Xu Ze suddenly steps on the accelerator and intends to accelerate.

All of a sudden, the combat panoramic assistant system suddenly starts, and two red dots in the vision of the glasses are locked instantly

"Rockets..." Looking at the two things with tail flame shooting at his home, Xu Ze's face changed slightly, and the steering wheel in his hand gave full play to Maserati's acceleration performance for the first time. With a sudden roar, Maserati shot out like an arrow.

Two rockets were narrowly avoided, and two rockets that slipped from the top of the head exploded into two big holes in the road behind them.

"BAM, BAM, BAM..." Maserati's window was smashed again. The broken glass and bullets hit Xu Ze's energy shield and then bounced out again.

Lin Yumeng and sun Lingfei reach out to each other. Although they look pale and startled, they have calmed down. They just look at the broken glass which is blocked by the light yellow light shield and are flying around in the car.

Xu Ze has been gnashing his teeth, but he didn't expect that someone would dare to do this to himself. This is obviously to ensure that he will be killed. Anti equipment sniper gun, and single barrel rocket projectile

Just as Xu Ze was gnashing his teeth, the alarm in his ear rose again, and two red dots suddenly appeared again in the vision of his glasses;

"again What the hell... " Xu Ze fiercely hit the steering wheel in his hand. When he was going to turn a corner, he suddenly saw the front engine hood burst open suddenly, and then the whole car completely lost control."A game to kill..." Looking at the flying hood, a sneer flashed in Xu Ze's eyes. He took a deep breath, turned around and put his arms around two little beauties. Then he drank a little and ran into the next door.

With the three people flying out of the car, two rockets also instantly hit the car body and exploded violently.

Xu Ze with two little beauties, rolling on the ground for a while, immediately shot up, toward the side of the woods in the past.

Just burst out, "Pa Pa Pa Pa" ground, a few bullets will severely hit the ground out of a few more than 10 cm deep pit.

Xu Ze's eyes were icy, regardless of the bullets on his side, and with two little beauties under his feet, he rushed towards the depth of the woods.

Now, the most important thing is to ensure the safety of the two little beauties. As long as the two beauties are safe, Xu Ze can spare his hands to deal with these attackers.

After rushing into the woods, Xu Ze suddenly stands in an open space, and then orders in a deep voice: "spectral stealth starts..."

"Di Spectrum stealth function started... " With Xu Ze's command, the energy shield around Xu Ze's body flickered away.

"Anti gravity engine starts..." With Xu Ze's command again, the two beauties, who were hugged tightly by Xu Ze, felt that their feet were light, and they floated slowly in the air with Xu Ze.

。 (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start( )Your support is my biggest motivation to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!