Super Doctor

Chapter 1045

Longdan is quietly emitting these breath, which seems to be completely different from those simple energy in the past, but seems to be mixed with some other things.

Under the influence of these special breath of Longdan, Xu Ze's eyes gradually began to get confused

But the Dragon pill in the palm of his hand is abnormal. Without the urge of Xu Ze, it turns faster and faster, and the special smell is more and more strong

As Xu Ze's eyes became more and more erratic, a strange and fuzzy picture began to appear in front of his eyes, which successfully attracted the attention of Xu Ze, who was in a trance.

Under his attention, the images seemed to become clearer and clearer, and then became as clear as if he were completely trapped in them.

At this time, in the virtual space, the knife's eyes widened, his face full of tension looked at the alarm that suddenly began to flash red, and the data displayed on the light screen, but he hesitated.

at this time, the galaxy microchip was also spinning rapidly, and was fully analyzing and estimating the risk of this matter. Two seconds later, the result was finally obtained. Through calculation, Xu The risk of serious risk is less than 30 percent.

After seeing this probability, Xiaodao was relieved a little, and finally decided not to use special stimulation methods to wake Xu Ze from some special state at present. He just carried out close monitoring and prepared to wake Xu Ze again when necessary.

Because he found out from the present situation that some rare but extremely strange energy is contained in the special breath that is escaping from the Dragon pill It may be good for Xu Ze.

Therefore, Xiaodao decided to take a small risk and let Xu Ze's current state continue. Maybe he can get some unexpected benefits, or it is possible to find out more dragon pills.

Xu Ze, who was abandoned by a knife and turned into an experimental object, looked at the scene in front of him with his eyes wide open. In his vision, there was a green and green primeval forest. Between the ups and downs of the mountains, there seemed to be a strange voice coming from behind a big mountain.

When Xu Ze was surprised, a blue dragon, about 20 meters long, was rushing out from the back of the mountain. When Xu Ze was stunned, he could see that his momentum was quite embarrassed, and his voice of angry exclamation was heard from time to time.

"Er..." Xu Ze looked at the green dragon in a daze, and then saw that three or four strange and exquisite spaceships had been chased out from behind.

the several spaceships chased out from behind were constantly sending out beams of light, attacking the four clawed green dragon which was running away with all its strength.

From time to time, the green dragon was hit by those beams of light, making a sound of pain, and kept turning back to fight back against the ships. From its mouth, thunderbolt after lightning shot fiercely on these ships.

However, it is obvious that these counterattacks of Qinglong didn't play a significant role. When approaching the spaceship, the lightning was blocked by a layer of energy shield floating on the surface of the spacecraft.

After the incessant pursuit, I saw that the green dragon kept crying, some scales on his body were gradually broken by those beams, and then some red blood came out

However, the broken scales quickly healed themselves. After the pursuit war, the fragments healed again and again.

in this way, after the chase war, the sad cry of the green dragon became more and more shrill, and the more and more shrill cry of the green dragon seemed to have some strange spirit attack power. Let's listen There was a surge in the hearts of those who arrived.

When Xu Ze heard the wail, he only felt that his heart was oppressed. It seemed like a person was suddenly immersed in the water. He only felt that he could not breathe. Just when Xu Ze felt dizzy and his chest was about to burst open.

All of a sudden, I felt a pain in my mind, and I was in a daze, and I suddenly woke up from that illusion.

but I had no time to be shocked by what I had just done. I just felt that my heart was choking abnormally. I opened my eyes suddenly, and then my mouth was sweet, but I burst out a mouthful of blood.

After this one mouthful of blood spurts out, Xu Ze this just feels in the heart that stuffy feeling gradually disperses

"What a powerful mental attack..." Recalling the feeling of the blue dragon's whine just now, Xu took a deep breath, then reached out to erase the trace of blood left in the corner of his mouth and sighed in horror.

Thinking of the appearance of the green dragon, Xu Ze noticed the Dragon pill in his hand, which was slowing down rapidly. There was a trace of shock in his eyes. It was the first time that he had such a long time. It was obvious that the illusion he had just fallen into was definitely related to the Dragon pill.

"How do you feel? Are you all right? " At this time, the voice of knife's concern suddenly sounded in my ear.

Xu Ze lightly vomited a breath, shook his head, spirit slightly some dispirited way: "nothing I just feel a little tired... ""Well Just now, your mental strength has been greatly impacted. Just have a good rest for a night... " Xiaodao comforted her for two times and then said curiously, "you should have entered a spiritual fantasy just now, but I can't intercept the information. What should you see? How could I have been so shocked? "

Xu Ze shook his head, chuckled and then said, "I should have seen the owner of this dragon pill just now It seems to have left some spiritual messages in the Dragon pill It's just that I can't bear it... "

"Of course From the energy of this dragon pill, you can see how powerful it is. Naturally, the spiritual imprint it leaves is not something you can easily bear... " The knife covered his mouth and said with a smile: "so I look at your mental power seems to be wrong, just wake you up Practice well. After you break through level 9, you may be able to bear it! "

"Mmm It seems that this is still Leng, but we have to work hard for a period of time Xu Ze touched his chin, and suddenly thought of the second communication type of energy explosion in the narima temple. He felt a sense of crisis in his heart for no reason. He nodded again and again, saying, "yes, yes Be sure to refuel and work hard... "

After that, Xu Ze quickly regained his mind, and then carefully urged the Dragon pill to practice again;

just at the beginning of running the energy cycle, he found a trace of abnormality. Although his mental strength had been damaged just now, the operation of the energy cycle seemed to be faster and easier. (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start( )Your support is my biggest motivation to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!