Super Doctor

Chapter 1036

"Ha... I can't even drive the car. How dare you surpass my car just now..."

"come... Apologize to me, and I'll let you go up the mountain, otherwise..."

several people watched Xu Ze walk slowly, and they all giggled and triumphant, and the girls beside them all took the arms of the little men and looked at it with a smile r> For them, it's a happy thing for them to follow these masters for fun and watch them bully several people.

Xu Ze walked step by step, looked at several people in front of him indifferently, and gradually walked out of the shadow

Soon, with Xu Ze's approach, after seeing Xu Ze's appearance clearly, the laughter of these people stopped suddenly, and their faces began to show a trace of amazement and fear.

As the children of 49 cities, although they are only the children of ordinary officials or big businessmen, who can not recognize the face of the opposite one; at least they have clearly remembered Xu Zena's appearance with or without glasses.

When they could see clearly that it was this one who ridiculed and ridiculed them, all the people were pale.

Xu Ze strode past, the leader of a boy, stuttering to speak, but saw Xu Ze stride straight over, as if he did not care about the blocking of these cars.

Feeling Xu Ze's pangran momentum and some Seng Leng's eyes, these boys were scared to the spot. Leng didn't dare to make a voice. They just watched Xu Ze pass them, and then continued to stride towards the two cars blocking the road.

Several people lenglengleng turn head to look at Xu Ze, after watching Xu Ze stride close to the two cars, it seems that there is no hesitation, and then they kick in the past.

"Bang Bang..." There were two muffled noises. In the eyes of several boys, the two Ferrari in the middle of the road, as if they were hit by some heavy hammer, soared into the air, and then fell violently. With two dull bangs again, they hit the roadside five or six meters away.

Several boys and chicks, staring at the two cars flying several meters away, looked silly directly, and then watched Xu Ze go towards the Yunjing mountain step by step.

As Xu Ze's back gradually disappeared in the dark, several people came back to their senses and looked at the two Ferrari which were obviously almost scrapped. They looked at each other and didn't know what to say.

"Is this still human?" Recall that just now Xu Ze was just a kick, he would kick this sports car five or six meters away, how terrible this should be.

Thinking of this, the two leading boys finally showed a trace of fear and tears free expression, they now know very clearly, finished My sports car is finished. I just hope the insurance company can settle the claim. Otherwise, if the insurance company doesn't pay, the car will be ruined in vain.

Moreover, I just hope that the master will not remember this matter again after he has made a statement. Otherwise, if he really remembers himself and others, it will be a great misfortune. Who in the 49 cities knows that he is a star like figure, and nobody dares to provoke him.

At the moment, several people looked at the figure disappearing in the dark. They didn't dare to stay any longer. They immediately called the insurance company and the rescue company and prepared to withdraw immediately. They didn't want to wait here and wait for the master, and then they met with fear.

Of course, they didn't know that Xu Ze would have left early. He came to Yunjing mountain all the way because it was far away from the capital airport, and it was quiet to board the swordfish.

After boarding the swordfish, xuze went straight to Lima. At this time, the flying fish was gradually approaching Africa and was expected to arrive at Shenshan in 20 minutes.

It's just that Xu Ze is a little tangled. It takes about an hour for the flying fish to arrive in Lima. I'm afraid that even the day lily will be cold when the flying fish arrives. He doesn't believe that the bald head will stay there and wait for him to come.

"How's the satellite monitoring going?"

Sitting on the swordfish, Xu Ze asked in a deep voice to the knife.

With a wry smile, knife said, "I have ventured to control all the military satellites in the airspace near Lima, but I have found nothing. I have not been able to find any residual energy flow similar to swordfish..."

"No?" Xu Ze raised his eyebrows and said in a deep voice.

"Yes Either the bald head improved the spaceship, or maybe it wasn't him... " The knife sank.

"Not him? Who else is there? " Xu Ze Leng for a moment, then said: "I don't believe who else besides him..."

The knife was silent and said, "sure He has the highest probability, but it doesn't rule out other things! "

"Forget it, let the flying fish continue to speed up, and then continue to use satellite monitoring!" Xu Ze sighed.

Xiaodao shrugged his shoulders and said, "the flying fish is expected to arrive in 10 minutes, but I can only control the satellite for three minutes. Now several countries have discovered the launch with strong energy fluctuation. They are already starting the satellite for exploration. I can cheat them for three minutes at most."Xu Ze is speechless

Ten minutes later, on the screen before Xu Ze's eyes, images of Mount Lima and the temple appeared. This is the monitoring situation from the flying fish, which has arrived at the predetermined position.

"How about it?" Xu Ze looked at the peaceful mountain and temple as usual, frowning tightly.

"In the airspace near here, the flying fish has detected a small amount of residual energy fluctuation, but the specific situation can not be determined. It can only be certain that someone has been here, and the residual time is not long, more than 30 minutes at most..." Xiaodao frowned: "it should be that the other party immediately left after the communication launch."

"Hoo..." Xu Ze took a breath lightly, and then he scolded with shame: "son of a bitch When our earth is their home, I rely on

With a headache, he touched his forehead. Xu Ze looked at the towering temple, took a deep breath and said, "no way You can't keep it, or you'll be in trouble one day by these bastards Speed up, I'm going to the guardian tribes of Shenshan! "

Xu Shenzi's name is still very useful. Although it is difficult for these guard tribes to get close to the most central sacred mountain and retreat to several nearby mountain regions, it is difficult for them to accept it. However, several tribal prophets have also discovered several unusual changes in the sacred mountain and temple in recent years.

With the worry and the sudden order of the son of God, all the people in the Shenshan area were recalled after the concerted efforts of several prophets. After that, all the clansmen in the Shenshan area were recalled and the death order was issued. After that, all the people could not get close to the holy mountain.

---Dear brothers and sisters, happy Dragon Boat Festival!! (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start( )Your support is my biggest motivation to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!