Super Doctor

Chapter 1016

Minister Wu has never done anything like this since he took over as the head of the Wu family. However, today, in order to avoid accidents, his subordinates also confirmed that no other Liu family members were around. Therefore, Minister Wu went out in person to thoroughly confirm what happened to this little girl.

He believed that with his ingenious technique of changing face and changing face, and his old Wu's experience over the years, it was absolutely impossible for anyone to recognize him.

Wu Yuantang strode forward. He was confident that he had no experience and had just mastered some power for only a week or two. As long as he gently bumped into each other, he could measure the weight of the other side from the reaction of the other side.

As he strode forward, Wu Yuantang saw that Lin Yumeng was only two meters away from the front. He had a slight transport capacity under his feet, and planned to bump into it inadvertently. However, suddenly, he seemed to notice something. He frowned slightly, and then his pace slowed down in an instant, becoming slowly walking behind them.

Once again, he concentrated on gathering Qi, and carefully felt the faint, cold and bloody air from the target character in front of him. Wu Yuantang's eyes showed a trace of amazement and inconceivable color.

"Blood clan? Isn't it? " Wu Yuantang stopped and looked at the two people who were far away. Then he left quickly, until he got into the car which had been waiting by the side of the road.

Just now he felt that cold and bloody air, Wu Yuantang had swept away the doubts of these days. He also praised that Xu Ze had come up with such a method. With the help of the magic small box, three Heaven level masters and the blood essence of the blood clan, he helped a seriously injured and dying person recover in a short time, and cultivate a B-level high Hand it. That's a little bit possible.

Otherwise, even if Xu Ze is no longer able to achieve this step.

But Xu Ze in order to save this girl, even dare to do such taboo things, people into blood clan... This is simply dizzy!

Since ancient times, there has been a ban on any blood clan from entering the mainland of China. As soon as there is a discovery, they will try their best to kill them. What's more, they are not allowed to mingle with such foreign demons.

although the special supervision department has the responsibility of communication and balance with the outside world, it is only limited to exchanges and certain checks and balances, and it is absolutely not easy to allow any blood clan to enter It is absolutely taboo for Xu Ze to cultivate blood clan in China. Once it is publicized, it will immediately become the target of the whole Chinese cultivation circle.

However, Wu Yuantang did not expect that Xu Ze had knocked down the precious blood essence of the blood clan, and he also used it on Lin Yumeng without any taboo. He was totally at ease.

"Xuze... Xuze... Has been unable to grasp your little tail. This time you are trying to kill yourself. Don't think it's hidden. If ordinary people can't find out, no one will know, but can you cheat me? I'd like to see how you can deal with such taboos in the face of the whole cultivation world Wu Yuantang said with a cold smile.

After returning to the Wu family courtyard, Wu Yuantang immediately summoned a subordinate. After a few words in a low voice, the subordinate nodded and immediately went out.

Seeing his subordinates leave, Wu Yuantang gave a grim smile. Naturally, he would not be a pioneer in such a thing, but if he could find some people, he would be able to do it perfectly. When Xu Ze wanted to find someone to be unlucky, he couldn't find anyone to open his knife.

After this gloomy smile, Wu Yuantang suddenly remembered something. Then he picked up the phone again and called the old general of Jun Bo Lai. These days, Jun Bo has been asking about this matter. Now there is a general result. Naturally, Wu Yuantang wants to call Jun Bo immediately, so as not to think that it is not good for him to neglect him Yes.

When he received the phone call from Wu Yuantang, Junbo was in the courtyard, watching the newly transported osmanthus tree being planted in the soil, and he was extremely satisfied with the new tree.

this new tree was found by the younger generation somewhere for him, which is very similar to the old tree before. It is said that the flower fragrance is rich and unique. The younger generation paid a price to buy it, filial piety Of course, it is said that, but how the younger generation overthrows such a rare old tree is naturally ignored by Junbo.

Looking at this tree, although Jun Bo Lai was happy, he still couldn't help thinking of the old tree earlier. When he thought of the old tree, he thought of the damned Xu Ze. This made him in a very good mood, but he was in a bad mood for no reason.

but fortunately, he just received a phone call from Wu Yuantang, which made his heart filled with a ray of hope.

After receiving the call, he said in a deep voice: "Minister Wu... I hope you can bring me some good news!"

"Of course..." Wu Yuantang said with a smile: "of course I won't disappoint you, general Jun...

" I have made a general investigation and found out that the woman was saved by Xu Zeli by some special means... "

" however, he has made a great taboo now. Since I know it, he is in great trouble now... ""Please don't worry about everything... I won't let him live comfortably..."

listening to Wu Yuantang's assurance, Jun Bo finally showed a satisfied smile on his face when he came and said, "well... It seems that Minister Wu did not disappoint me... I hope our friendship will last longer."

"Of course... I'm sure it will... Ha ha..." Wu Yuantang laughed triumphantly. Naturally, he was satisfied with this. He not only attacked Xu Ze, but also made friends with Junbo. This time, it was really killing two birds with one stone and killing two birds with one stone.

In the next few days, although Xu Ze had retired, she was still a little busy. She had to teach Lin Yumeng some training every day to control some of her strength. Secondly, she had to teach sun Lingfei some basic training skills, which was gradually becoming hot.

Both Liu Changfeng and Li Daochang are amazed at Lin Yumeng's progress. Through Xu Ze's training, Lin Yumeng has begun to gradually explore her own strength. Although she is still relatively green in some combat skills and experience, her greatest advantage is speed...

the so-called world martial arts are invincible, but only fast...

. (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start( )Your support is my biggest motivation to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!