Super Doctor

Chapter 1013

For Xu Ze, Wu Yuantang always has some taboo feeling, especially the attack on the Junjia family, which makes him feel awe inspiring.

For this matter, the Central Security Bureau and the first military intelligence bureau have conducted a detailed investigation. Although all people suspect or even believe that this matter is related to Xu Ze, no one can find a trace, and there is no way to prove that Xu Ze is involved in this matter.

At first, there were people who helped Xu Ze secretly. Anyway, Xu Ze is now just a honorary general's title. We need to conduct a comprehensive investigation on Xu Ze, but no one dares to come forward to promote this. Because considering the tree in the old Jun's house and the bed of the general, no one dares to provoke Xu Ze easily. Who knows if his family sleeps at night, will there be more holes?

Therefore, in the end, this matter can only be regarded as a dead end. Both the Security Bureau and the military intelligence bureau have listed this matter in the confidential files, hoping to find the real answer one day.

However, Wu Yuantang was quite excited about the sudden hand of friendship extended by Junbo. Although the Wu family had a great influence in both military and political circles, it did not really have a very high ranking ally.

Because such a top-ranking man basically doesn't need to have too many entanglements with such a family as the Wu family, and there is no need to ignore some taboos and associate with the Wu family.

Just like the Li family and the Tang family, they are also well-known, because Xu Ze has some connections with the Liu family, so that they can be accepted reluctantly. Otherwise, under normal circumstances, it would be impossible for the Liu family and the Li Tang family to establish an upper boundary, which is what happened.

In the past, the Wu family had the greatest influence in the military circles, but they were generals at the level of Zhang Yanzheng, Bai Jianguo, and so on. However, they did not have any really effective partners with the Central Military Commission. Now, with the olive branch extended by Junbo, Wu Yuantang was naturally overjoyed.

The saying that the enemy of the enemy is a friend is still quite good. At least Wu Jun and he immediately agreed and got together.

"What? That woman is not dead? " Wu Yuantang's face also changed.

"Yes... Not dead, at least my people clearly saw that woman appeared in the courtyard of the Liu family, and she was lively and jumping about!" Jun Bo came and said in a cold voice: "I have already found someone to confirm that the woman fell down from the 12th floor, and she was no longer able to do so at that time... But she is not dead now... I wonder if Minister Wu has anything to explain for this?"

Wu Yuantang's face changed a few times. Naturally, he knew what Xu Ze had done for Lin Yumeng. The magic box and the hermit Taoist priest invited from southern province were all to save the woman.

However, Wu Yuantang also got some news. Xu Ze, Liu Changfeng and others took turns to fight. They used the thing in turn. It seemed that they only managed to maintain the woman's last breath of life. He didn't believe it. It was only a short time of one or two days, and the woman suddenly appeared again.

"Mr. Jun, it's really strange, but you don't have to worry about it. I'll send someone to check it out. I'll give you a reply as soon as possible." Wu Yuantang said in a deep voice that no matter whether Junbo mentioned it or not, since he knew about it, he naturally wanted to find out the truth. Otherwise, if Xu Ze really had such means to revive the dead, it would be terrible.

"Good... Well, I'll take care of Minister Wu!" With Wu Yuantang's words, Junbo naturally felt a little relieved. For such a thing, the Wu family is much more proficient than he is, and if the Wu family makes a move, it will surely have an outcome.

Wu Yuantang was very concerned about the investigation. However, in order not to attract the attention of the Liu family, he spent a lot of time to finally confirm that Lin Yumeng was not dead, not only lively. According to the investigation report, Xu Ze, Liu Changfeng and others are all training Lin Yumeng these days. It seems that the recovered weak girl suddenly suddenly suddenly suddenly At night, I have the top talent of cultivation.

"Are you sure?" Hearing his subordinates' return, Wu Yuantang's face was gloomy and his voice was deep.

"To confirm, we have confirmed through three days' investigation that this is indeed the case, but there is no way to find out more details!" Wu's subordinates Gongsheng yingdao.

Wu Yuantang pondered for a long time, and finally said in a slow voice: "good... Good, continue to check... Try to find out the details without disturbing the snake!"


watching his subordinates retreat, Wu Yuantang frowned.

He is still clear about some of Xu Ze's cards. At least, Xu Ze's own medical skills are extremely excellent. With that mysterious box, it is not too difficult to save a person.

But a woman who fell down from the 12th floor and couldn't do it on the spot, and she continued to save for nearly a week. How could this be possible?

Ren was Wu Yuantang. He tried every possible means, but he could not figure out. How could a girl who was a weak woman a few days ago become a martial arts genius after being seriously injured.

No matter how magical that little box is, it can't be like this? Otherwise, the Liu family would have risen to the sky. What's the share of Wu family?Wu Yuantang frowned and thought, and then waited for the new report from his subordinates. Although he could not enter the Liu family compound to investigate, he could always find out some people as long as he spent more time.

Xu Ze is also very tangled at this time, and the parents of the Lin family are also very tangled... Because Lin Yumeng, who had never been picky before, actually began to be picky about food.

Lin Yumeng, who used to eat very little meat and only liked vegetables and fruits, now begins to eat meat. Although he doesn't eat much, meat now accounts for half of it.

Of course, this is not a problem, even if it is all meat, three meals a day, this is not a big thing.

The problem is, about the problem of blood food, this is very confusing...

as a half blood group, although different from the orthodox blood group, they have to suck blood every day and take blood as their staple food. However, it is still essential to eat blood once or twice a day.

If you don't eat blood every few days, Lin Yumeng will become weak and listless. This is also what Xu Ze discovered these days. Since Lin Yumeng was full of blood when she recovered, it took only three or four days for her spirit to start to deteriorate.

For such a situation, Xu Ze, Liu Changfeng and Li Daochang naturally know that it is time to drink blood...

PS: there are one or two more shifts in the evening... (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start( )Your support is my biggest motivation to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!