Super Doctor

Chapter 1011

"Good... Don't move... If you feel uncomfortable, just make a voice... Understand?"

"Hmmm..." listen to Xu Ze's words, Lin Yumeng nodded cleverly, but in that ELF like pupil, there is a glimmer of curiosity.

Xu Ze gently grabs Lin Yumeng's hand and looks at the inside of her arm. This is where the skin is relatively weak. If we test and evaluate it, the result is naturally the most accurate and reliable.

"The fifth level ultraviolet shortwave test begins..." with the prompt sound of a knife coming from Xu Ze's ear, a faint violet light that can't be seen by the naked eye is projected from Xu Ze's glasses, which gently irradiates the inner side of Lin Yumeng's arm.

Ultraviolet rays can be divided into short, medium and long waves. Among them, long wave has the greatest impact on human beings and other organisms. For blood group, it is naturally the same. Generally, when they are exposed to relatively strong UVB, there will be quite serious consequences.

The fifth level ultraviolet is the weakest level, and it is short wave. Xu Ze guesses that it is impossible to cause any damage to Lin Yumeng. After all, even ordinary blood clan members are extremely resistant to such low-level ultraviolet rays and will not have any damage.

For the sake of safety, Xu Ze decided to start from the lowest level.

As Xu Ze thought, after five minutes of exposure to the fifth level of short wave ultraviolet radiation, the white skin did not change, and Lin Yumeng did not seem to have any reaction at all. But in Xu Ze's vision of glasses, Lin Yumeng's enlarged skin layer is not abnormal, and there is not even a trace of dandruff.

"The fourth level ultraviolet shortwave test begins..."

"the third level ultraviolet shortwave test starts..."

with the progress of several tests, the skin reaction of Lin Yumeng to ultraviolet rays has shocked Xu Ze. At least, under the irradiation of ultraviolet short wave, even the strongest first level short wave felt on the earth, can not create any effect on Lin Yumeng's skin The damage.

"The fifth level ultraviolet medium wave test begins..."

"the fourth level ultraviolet medium wave test starts..."


"the first level ultraviolet medium wave test starts..."

with the sound of the knife in Xu Ze's ear again, it took nearly four minutes for xuze to see that Lin Yumeng's skin began to turn slightly red, and then came from his ears The voice of the knife: "confirmed by scanning, the dermis and capillaries began to expand... The resistance to UVB is slightly lower than that of human beings, so it is suggested that we can start the ultraviolet long wave test now!"

"The fifth level ultraviolet medium wave test begins..."

nearly 20 minutes later, the UV test is finished. Lin Yumeng looks at her red elbow and pouts her small mouth at Xu Ze and says, "brother aze... What are you doing..."

"ah... Ha... It's ok... It's just to see if you can go out and bask in the sun..." Ze is very happy at this time, because he has confirmed that Lin Yumeng is very resistant to the sun, basically not affected by many blood genes, and her resistance to ultraviolet rays is only slightly weaker than that of ordinary human beings.

That is to say, in addition to the fact that Lin Yumeng can't bask in the sun when the sun is most intense in summer, she only needs to put on some special sunscreen and doesn't expose herself to the sun all day, which makes Xu Ze feel relieved.

If Lin Yumeng really wants to become an ordinary blood clan, he can't easily go out in broad daylight, it will be painful.

The determination of ultraviolet radiation has been completed. Xu Ze breathed a sigh of relief, and then he is ready to carry out injury test and silver resistance test.

After looking at the pouting Lin Yumeng, Xu Ze gave a bitter smile, then took out a silver knife and said, "that... It will hurt a little later... You have to bear with it!"

"Ah? Lin Yumeng blinked his big, watery eyes and pursed his small mouth gently. However, he put his hand in front of Xu Ze and said pitifully: "um... Here you are..."

looking at Lin Yumeng's poor appearance, Xu Ze felt pity in his heart and couldn't do anything about it. However, in order to thoroughly confirm Lin Yumeng's situation, these tests were carried out Try is a must.

"Well..." Lin Yumeng is much stronger than he expected, and his fingers are cut open by a silver knife, leaving a centimeter long hole. However, Lin Yumeng only slightly frowns on her delicate face. It seems that she does not even show her pain.

Looking at Lin Yumeng this appearance, Xu Ze this just slightly put some heart, looked down at that is slowly exuding some blood wound.

"The blood stops very fast. She is hurt by silver. The speed of self-healing is only a little weaker than you... Too strong. If she doesn't need to suck blood, then this is really perfect..." Xiaodao sighed softly.

"Hoo..." Xu Ze looked at the wound that had healed completely in less than 10 minutes. Finally, he could not help but stretch out his finger and gently scratched it again on Lin Yumeng's finger.This time, he was even more shocked. The wound caused by silverware just now took about 10 minutes to heal itself, but now... The new wound on Lin Yumeng's finger was completely healed at the speed visible to the naked eye in less than a minute.

"Cattle... Have all the advantages of blood race, but the silver damage, as well as ultraviolet radiation resistance is very strong..." knife in Xu Ze's ear yelled, way: "Xu... This time you make a big, good training, is simply a more terrible master than Liu Changfeng!"

"Go... Do you have the heart to let her fight? Stay at the girl's house and be spoiled... I don't have such a shameless idea as you!" Xu Ze hums and complacently smiles.

After hearing Xu Ze's words, Xiaodao chuckled and said, "you can spoil it if you want, but I have to tell you... If she shows it to the real blood clan, keeping it will make all blood clans crazy, and they will want to suck her blood..."

"you know... If those blood clans suck her blood, they will be able to evolve immediately, and then they will have All her characteristics... Such advantages are enough to let the dark speaker sneak into China... "At this point, Xiaodao smiles with pride, and he does not believe that Xu Ze is not worried.

As he thought, Xu immediately withered after the words came out, and doting is to spoil... But since this has the qualification, it still needs proper training and self-protection ability...

. (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start( )Your support is my biggest motivation to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!