Super Doctor

Chapter 1008

Feeling that the suction from the wrist is gradually weakening, Xu Ze and Xiaodao are both greatly relieved.

Under Lin Yumeng's permission, Xu Ze's blood loss has been quite serious. Even though the knife has increased Xu Ze's blood production speed by ten times, he is still short of water. If he insists on this, Xu Ze will not last long.

Xu Ze couldn't help but look at Lin Yumeng's stomach carefully. She couldn't think of how her flat stomach could hold so much blood.

"Don't look... When her characteristics are changing, she is extremely eager for and needs the energy of blood. The blood and energy inhaled are almost absorbed by her body, so it's not surprising..." she has been paying close attention to and analyzing the transformation of Lin Yumeng's constitution. As a knife of a sample, she smiles and replies, "thanks to you, and your blood is quite special But, otherwise, ordinary people are not enough for her to smoke. She has been sucked dry by her long time ago. It seems that she has far surpassed those ordinary blood born newborns

Xu Ze smiles gently. Then he looks forward to Lin Yumeng's bright eyes. He looks forward to seeing if Lin's mind will change after he wakes up. After all, although blood can be purified by a knife, it has been nourished by the Dragon pill for so long It's hard for Xu Ze to say how strong it is.

And even if he used his own blood to suppress it, Xu Ze was not sure that he could control Lin Yumeng's situation to that extent. After all, there is no relevant data on the side of Xiaodao, so there is no way to analyze and predict.

When they all look at Lin Yumeng with all their faces full of blood, the blood color in Lin Yumeng's eyes gradually fades away. Then she looks at Xu Ze in a confused way and looks at the loving eyes in Xu Ze's eyes. All of a sudden, a faint and lazy sweet smile appears, and then opens to Xu Ze like a child With both arms

After Xu Ze was stunned, he flashed a doting smile in his eyes, then reached out and held Lin Yumeng in his arms

Xu's mouth was so sweet that he fell asleep.

"Well This Liu Changfeng touched his chin and looked at Lin Yumeng, who was lying in Xu Ze's arms and hugging Xu Ze's waist. He fell asleep like this, and then looked at Xu Ze in silence and said, "this What should I do? What's going on?

Xu Ze had to smile bitterly and sighed: "it's a bit of a variation It's not a complete blood newborn, nor a Terran, but a half blood or half human newborn. "

"But the newborn should not be like this..." Liu Changfeng said in astonishment.

Looking at Lin Yumeng, who is like a child clinging to her parents and hugging her waist to sleep sweetly, Xu Ze also helplessly smiles and says, "I'm not sure, but obviously that It's a little bit of a mutation. It might be related to her brain damage, or the purification of her blood... "

"In the transformation, it may be quite energy consuming and thirsty, so now she's full Need sleep for her to complete That evolution... " Xu Ze looked up and looked at Lin Fu and sun Lingfei, who were listening with their ears on one side, and said in a slow voice: "when she wakes up We'll probably be able to confirm that she What has become of it

"Oh..." Sun Lingfei and Lin Mu all nodded, and then looked at Lin Yumeng, who was sleeping very sweetly in Xu Ze's arms. They all breathed a sigh of relief. Although the monitor nearby seemed to be broken and her heart beat did not show at all, at least now Lin Yumeng looks very good and sleeps soundly and lovingly.

There was only Taoist priest Li on one side. At this time, he was also secretly relieved. As a practitioner of the older generation, he was always at odds with such foreign demons. If Xu Ze created a bloodthirsty maniac, Taoist priest Li would be in a dilemma. Whether to kill him or what to do.

Now looking at Lin Yumeng's delicate and lovely face sleeping soundly in Xu zehuai's arms, it's not a big deal to drink some blood. As long as it's not the kind of uncontrolled and crazy blood sucking, General Xu is in anyway, the problem is not too big.

However, Li Daochang was very careful to face Xu Ze and said solemnly: "general Please pay more attention to this matter. Don't let her leave you easily, lest she lose control suddenly and cause the irreparable killing Otherwise, even if Minister Liu and the Ministry of supervision do not act, I will not be able to sit back and watch... "

"Don't worry Since I resuscitate her in this way, I will naturally be responsible for it, and certainly will not let her cause any harm to other people! " Xu Zechen nodded his head in response to the promise, and then looked at Li Daochang and said again: "please keep your heart at ease. Xu is not that kind of wanton person!"

"So good Naturally, I believe in the general's conduct. Otherwise, I would not have allowed the general to do anything against the heaven just now, but please don't be careless With Xu Ze's promise, Taoist priest Li was relieved and once again made the first attempt.

One side of Liu Changfeng hurriedly said: "Taoist priest is my example of the right way. Liu has always admired This time, the Taoist priest can be so tolerant, Liu Mou and all of you are extremely grateful, but please rest assured, I Liu family will also pay full attention to this matter, to ensure that there will be no accident! ""It's so good, so good. With the help of the Liu family and General Xu, there won't be anything wrong. I'd like to thank Minister Liu on behalf of my Chinese people!" Once again, Taoist priest Li looked at his head with awe.

Lin's father, Lin's mother and sun Lingfei are beside us. They are playing a mysterious role in their words. They apologize to each other from time to time and promise to promise. They also involve many things about Lin Yumeng At this time, the three of them also roughly recognized some of the meanings. They also remembered that Xu Ze had been feeding Lin Yumeng with blood, and Lin Yumeng had just woken up, but he also had a lot of blood from xuze

Three people looked at each other, eyes are a shock, Lin mother may not be very clear what, but Lin father and sun Lingfei are together to pour a cool breath

Especially sun Lingfei, a word suddenly appeared in his heart Twilight city

At this time, Lin's mother looked at her daughter who was sleeping in Xu Ze's arms. At this time, she could not help but said, "general Can I see Yumeng? "

Xu Ze nodded and said with a smile, "aunt Lin Come here. Just be gentle. Don't touch her. I'm not sure how she is now... "

Speaking of this, Xu Ze hesitated: "and I don't know if she Can I recognize you... "

(to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start( )Your support is my biggest motivation to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!