Super Doctor

Chapter 1005

Listening to Lin Fu's sad but firm tone, people are somewhat silent...

indeed, these days, Liu Changfeng and Li Daochang and others, can be said to be quite hard, at least five hours a day to promote the operation of long Dan, can be said to be very difficult.

What's more, it's needless to say that the three of them have been pouring the energy into Lin Yumeng for nearly a week. Liu Changfeng estimates that almost all of them can directly pile up a heaven level master.

If there is still hope, no one will be willing to give up. But Xu Ze has tried his best these days and even spared no effort to infuse the energy of Longdan, but he still hasn't made Lin Yumeng any better. Even with the support of Longdan energy, the situation is still getting worse and worse...

even Liu Changfeng and Li Daochang can clearly feel the feebleness every day Lin Yumeng's vitality is constantly disappearing from Lin Yumeng's body. Even the huge and vigorous Longdan energy can not make up for it. It can only delay the time when Lin Yumeng's vitality is cut off.

Therefore, all the people turned their eyes to one side, and Xu Ze, who was still quietly urging long Dan to export energy, knew that Xu Ze had done everything for Lin Yumeng. Except Lin's parents, Xu Ze was the saddest.

Now that Lin's parents have made a decision, it's only for Xu Ze. After all, long Dan belongs to Xu Ze. If Xu Ze still insists, Liu Changfeng and Li Daochang will try their best to help Xu Ze continue to support, although they don't want to waste and work hard.

Under the palm of Xu Ze's right hand, long Dan rotates quietly, and seems to have no meaning to stop...

sun Lingfei next to Xu Ze grabs Xu Ze's left hand and looks at Lin Yumeng, who is lying quietly on the operating table. Two clear tears from the corner of his eye slip down his cheek quietly.

Looking at Xu Ze, who was still silent, and sun Lingfei, who was holding on to Xu Ze's hand, Lin's father's eyes were red again. He tried to hold back his grief and said, "Chairman Sun... General Xu... You have done a lot for Yumeng. I think Yumeng doesn't want you to work so hard for her..."

"General Xu... You have done your best for Yumeng, and we all do a lot for Yumeng Thank you very much, but now it's unnecessary to waste precious energy again... "At this point, father Lin couldn't help but cover his mouth and choked:" please... Please stop! "

After half a sound, long Dan slowly began to slow down...

seeing that Longdan began to slow down, both Liu Changfeng and Li Daochang sighed in secret. They did not know whether they were happy or regretful...

but Lin's father and Lin's mother grasped each other's hands, silently shed tears and looked at Lin Yumeng on the operating table...

long Dan floated slowly, stopped turning, and then fell on Xu Ze's palm...

Xu Ze's face was a little terrible, but his palm was still steady. After a gentle wave, the small box beside the operating table slowly flashed a few wisps of light, and then the top slowly dropped to both sides, revealing the space inside...

looking at the amazing scene of the small box, people don't think it's weird. After all, after seeing this dragon pill, the ordinary things related to it will not make people feel too strange.

However, with the stop of Longdan energy input, the monitor on the side started to give an alarm again. It showed that the heart rate of 36 or 7 beats per minute was falling rapidly now...

"30, 26, 24, 18..."

looking at the rapidly decreasing number, everyone was sad, which represented that Lin Yumeng was slow Slowly passed away...

"woo... Yumeng..." her hands were holding on to Lin Yumeng and Xu zeshou's sun Lingfei. At this time, she finally couldn't help crying again...

and Lin's mother also sobbed, and fell into Lin's father's arms and began to cry.

Xu Ze's face, at this time, was even whiter, but his hand was still steady. He slowly dragged the Dragon pill, and carefully put it into the box.

But, all of a sudden, his hand froze, and then a ray of intense brilliance burst out from the originally sad and dim pupil...

the Dragon pill, which was about to be put into the box in the palm of his hand, suddenly floated up, and then, with the shadow of Xu Ze's arm, it appeared in the position of Lin Yumeng's chest in an instant, and then whirled violently It quickly dissipates a stream of energy and injects it into Lin Yumeng's body like a whirlwind.

All of them were shocked by Xu Ze's lightning action. I don't know how Xu Ze repented and couldn't bear to give up or...

however, soon, they all felt a shake in their hearts from the brilliant brilliance in Xu Ze's gloomy eyes. Did Xu Ze suddenly think of a way to save people at this juncture?"Ah... Aze... Is... Isn't it, have you found a way..." sun Lingfei's reaction is very fast, and his understanding of Xu Ze is the deepest. He immediately stopped crying and asked with tears all over his face.

All of them cast their eyes on Xu Ze's face, full of tension, especially Lin's father and Lin's mother. At this time, they all looked at Xu Ze with some trembling, waiting for his answer.

Xu Ze turned his head and took a look at the almost forgotten bright red crystal bottle in the box, and then looked at the data just given by the knife. He took a deep breath and calmed down his excitement. Then he looked up at Lin's father and his mother and said in a slow voice, "Uncle Lin, aunt Lin... There's another way to try, but...

he said in a slow voice“ But what? " Hearing this, seeing that she was about to give up, she suddenly had hope. Lin's father and mother's heart was trembling and asked quickly.

"Well, now half of the hope can make Yumeng recover... But if Yumeng recovers, it may be... There may be something unusual..." Xu Ze was in a bit of a dilemma at this time. Even though Xiaodao had made an urgent calculation and analysis just now, he couldn't confirm that Lin Yumeng had injected this strange blood energy. Once it worked, what would he look like after he really woke up.

"Abnormal?" Lin's father and mother were all in a daze, but Lin's father immediately said excitedly: "as long as there is hope, as long as Yumeng can survive, even if the situation is not good, it will be better than now..."

PS: the next one is around two o'clock in the morning. Brothers and sisters who can't wait will see it tomorrow...

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