Super Doctor

Chapter 1003

After decades of military career, Junbo has always developed the habit of getting up early. Every day, he will wake up at dawn, and then go to the yard to move his hands and feet to refresh himself.

however, as soon as he walked out of the house, he could see his old servant standing at the door with a nervous look on his face.

"What's Lao Zhang doing? Standing here early in the morning? It's frightening to death Looking at the old servant's appearance, Junbo came and snorted coldly.

At this time, the old servant didn't care about Junbo's dissatisfaction. He just said nervously: "there's something wrong with the chief."

"What's wrong? What's the problem? " The gentleman, who was in a good mood early in the morning, was ruined by his old servant. Now he said with a cold face: "what's such a fuss!"

"Chief... You have a look..." the old servant had no choice but to smile bitterly. Then he planned to lead Jun Bo to come and walked out of the yard.

Looking at the old servant's appearance, he has been able to follow the old servant for decades, and then he is really afraid of going out.

Junbo Lai, with a gloomy face, strode to the courtyard with the old servant. Suddenly, he was stunned. The courtyard where he had lived for more than ten years seemed nothing special, but it suddenly made him feel something wrong.

"No? Why are the trees gone? " Jun Bo Lai's face suddenly changed. He exclaimed in surprise.

One side of the old servant at this time a face of gray color, pointed to a pile of ashes in the corner of the yard, no voice.


Jun Bo Lai's face turned blue and exclaimed. He was waiting for the speech, but behind him came the old lady's words: "what's the matter, old man?"

"why is the tree gone? Where is the tree? Who did it? Who got it? " When Junbo came, he didn't care about the old lady's words and roared.

With such a roar from Junbo, Mrs. Jun also realized that it was wrong. The big osmanthus tree with hundreds of years in the corner of the yard had disappeared...

"where is the tree?" Mrs. Jun can't help but scream. This big sweet scented osmanthus tree is one of the couple's favorite trees. It's cool under the tree in summer, and the fragrance of Osmanthus in autumn. How could it suddenly disappear...

"what's the matter? Zhang Bing, what's going on here? " Jun Bo came to stare at his old servant, his eyes staring like an abacus bead, a look like eating people.

"Chief... I saw it when I got up early this morning. There was only a pile of ashes left. The guard on duty last night didn't find anything abnormal... Do you want the Security Bureau to check..." the old servant replied carefully.

"Check... Of course... How can such a big tree disappear?" Jun Bo Lai strode towards the pile of ashes and roared in a cold voice.

At this time, Mrs. Jun also trotted along behind her back and ran towards the pile of ashes.

Looking at the pile of fine ashes like incense ashes scattered on the ground, Jun's face suddenly turned pale.

last night, the weather was very good, and there was no thunder. How could such a big tree suddenly disappear into such ashes? Even the guards at the gate of the courtyard didn't find it.

Looking at Jun Bo Lai's face a little white, the old lady's face at this time also followed by some white.

This is an area near the yard. But apart from Huairen Hall, Yanjing is the most heavily guarded place. How can such a big tree turn into ash quietly? Moreover, the guards on duty didn't notice it at all. If the people from the Security Bureau came very quickly, they immediately isolated the guards for investigation, and at the same time sent a lot of personnel to carry out detailed analysis and investigation on the pile of ashes.

Jun Bo Lai and his wife sat in the living room with gloomy faces, waiting for the result of the guard station. At this moment, the phone rang nearby.

"Hello..." Jun Bo came to pick up the phone impatiently and gave a hello.

Listen to the words on the other side of the phone, Jun Bo's face slowly became more and more gloomy. After a few words with that side, he slowly hung up the phone.

"Old man? What happened? " The gentleman old woman beside looked at Jun Bo to this facial expression more and more ugly, can't help but tightly open a way.

Jun Bo came to shake his head slowly, iron green face way: "Jun Han there is also a problem!"

"What's wrong? What's the problem? " Hearing that there was something wrong with her son, she was surprised and asked.

Junbo twitched a few times and said, "where he lives, the roof and bed were punched several holes by unknown weapons last night, and they were hit close to his body..."

"what?" Listen to this, Jun old woman son this also was scared Leng, for a long time just woke up God, startled voice way: "that Jun cold... Jun Han is OK?"

"He's ok... But now the fleet security department is investigating this matter... The CMC should have received the news by now..." Junbo came here, his face was black, but his brain was running fast. Last night, two such strange things happened in succession, of which there was a connection.Thinking of this, Junbo came to me. Suddenly, I saw the scene of yesterday. Some extremely annoying guy said that...

that clear and confident voice said: "I have said not long ago that my strength is stronger than ordinary people, even stronger than all people..."

"the position of lieutenant general is just an empty title, but I really rely on it It's never been this... Every one who dares to provoke me, the consequences are just as serious as you are...

thinking of this, a thin layer of sweat appeared on Junbo's forehead, and his face turned pale.

Yesterday, the boy left words to directly threaten himself. This evening, something unprecedented happened to his royal family. I don't need to think about it. I'm afraid it's related to this boy.

Moreover, such a strange and extremely difficult thing, except for Xu Ze, Jun Bolai has never thought of anyone else who can do it, and who can be so unscrupulous and has motivation. Even Junbo Lai doesn't believe that Xu Ze's power can be used to do it, but it happened. One in Yanjing, one in Beihai thousands of miles away, in the other One night it happened.

"I'm stronger than most people, even more than all of them!" Thinking of Xu Ze's words, Junbo can only believe like this at this time.

"I'm afraid it's that boy's naked threat and warning against his yesterday's words..." Jun Bo came with a face of iron green, and then he slowly felt a sweat, and his heart was beating wildly. If this is really related to the boy, I have been looking down on him.

。 (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start( )Your support is my biggest motivation to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!