Super Cute New To Marvel

Chapter 930

666 imperial calendar

After ruling this huge empire with hundreds of universes, countless galaxies and billions of people for hundreds of years, Fisher Adams, the founding emperor of the Empire, announced that he would no longer be the emperor of the Empire and handed over the throne to Saint Jesse, the eldest daughter born to Princess Diana. Since then, the Empire has officially entered the era of Queen.

After handing over the throne, the Imperial Emperor disappeared into the boundless universe with many imperial concubines and a close guard.

There were different opinions about the emperor\'s departure in the Empire, but there was no political unrest. That is, a group of imperial female college students marched in the streets to protest that the emperor left them for space exploration. Then they were arrested by the imperial explosion-proof police for illegal assembly. Then the imperial National University and other universities involved issued a joint statement, He said that all students have been dealt with seriously. The specific measures are to let them distribute 20 academic papers. If they can\'t finish it, they are not allowed to graduate.

As for the departure of his majesty, there are different opinions among the people. What his majesty discovered the great secret of the universe and what to confront unknown terrorist forces, in short, how exaggerated it should be, even the top of the empire is confused.

However, there is a consensus that the emperor\'s majesty is definitely not the time to be buried. The imperial governors know who they heard from their childhood, the ability of the super soldiers of the twenty-one legions with fortresses all over the Empire, the Imperial Navy\'s strict cross world access and the technology of opening the door, So everyone was very clever and didn\'t make any noise. Even if someone around wanted to make trouble, they would be evaporated by the local legal department.

At the subsequent Queen\'s accession ceremony, the well-known marshal of the forbidden army personally defended the queen in gold armor to ascend the throne. Then the imperial governor collectively announced his loyalty, and the whole empire maintained a very peaceful situation during the transition period.

As for the Queen\'s accession to the throne, she did not change her father\'s traditional policy greatly. After all, the Empire was in good weather, the country was peaceful and the people were safe, and there were even few enemies to fight. That is, Azeroth maintained military pressure on the shadow world and the void, which was also reserved to maintain the combat effectiveness of the army. Otherwise, Fisher could push it alone, The sustainability of fishing to the utmost squeezed the reserve strength of the shadow world. After the imperial queen ascended the throne, she specially visited the shadow world to inspect the soul ferry work, and affirmed and praised the order school\'s adherence to the imperial leadership.

Her majesty pointed out that there is no trivial matter in soul ferry. It is the core of soul ferry work to ferry any soul equally and fairly. Then the queen also inspected the abyss at the bottom of the shadow world and said that in order to ensure the biodiversity of the shadow world, the emperor should also introduce more demons from hell to abyss, so as to ensure diversity.

In addition, the queen also inspected the imperial corps and naval bases, and put forward a number of proposals to improve the food treatment of the Stormtrooper. In the queen, everyone saw the shadow of the emperor\'s majesty. Therefore, many people believe that this is why the emperor asked her to inherit the throne.


In the imperial bedroom, her majesty, who had not succeeded for a long time, expressed anger at this rumor. It was clear that other brothers did not want to take over this post that was easy to die of overwork, so they threw the pot to the youngest one.

"Even with a fully automatic rocky file processor, I have to read eight hours of reports every day. I don\'t have time to do my own business!"

The queen of the Empire, who was in her double decade, was deeply disappointed with her father, mother and brothers\' behavior of throwing the pot, but remembering her father\'s earnest instructions before leaving, her majesty inspired again and continued to work. Of course, she did not forget to drag all her irresponsible brothers to the Palace to work for herself as the emperor.

"I want the Empire to continue to take off in my hands!"

This is the oath made by her majesty when she ascended the throne.

Looking at the new queen who is extremely responsible and the marshal of the imperial forbidden army who has served the Empire for hundreds of years, he can\'t help feeling guilty. Speaking of it, Fisher was going to run with him to explore, but the prophet himself worried that St. Gillis, who grew up as a child, would be difficult to succeed smoothly, so he was ready to stay with each other for a while.

When the prophet said what he should do if the Queen\'s inexperience led to a major mistake, Fisher said he had better watch.

"Why? This country, but your hard work?"

"No empire is eternal. If she does well, the country will naturally last for thousands of years, but if not, what\'s the use even if you do it!"

Fisher smiled and patted his old man on the shoulder, then threw a crystal to the prophet.

"When you don\'t want to do it, you can pick an heir and come to me!"

Fisher\'s original words, the prophet wanted to tell the queen, but looking at the other party\'s appearance of doing his best, he felt no need. As Fisher said, there is no eternal Empire, but the empire can last forever.

After a hundred years of dedicated service for the queen, the Grand Admiral of the forbidden army also announced that he was ready to follow the steps of the emperor. After the queen selected a satisfactory commander of the forbidden army, the prophet crushed the crystal in his room. With a small portal opened, he walked in without hesitation.

At the other end of the portal, the prophet saw Fisher who was carefully polishing a star model. The latter put down his tools and sent the star model into the void.

"You came just in time. Before, I didn\'t sleep without a bodyguard!"

"Then you have it now!"

Looking at the old friend whose face had not changed at all, they both laughed happily.

"Saint Gillis did a good job. She is a qualified successor!"

"I know, after all, that\'s my daughter!"

"Are you really not going back? Many old friends are missing you!"

"Maybe one day I will go back, but now I still enjoy the life of sowing the seeds of life in batches! This is sarnaga\'s job!"

"Sounds good. Is there anything I can do?"

"You have to do more. Come on, start working!"

Fisher threw another tool to each other and then began his work. While working, the prophet did not forget to tell Fisher about some changes in the Empire in recent years.

"Look, I said there is no eternal empire!"

The book is over!