Super Cute New To Marvel

Chapter 85

If Fisher were to carry the water supply station alone, he would take out his high explosive rocket launcher in sub space and send all the guys in the water supply station to heaven. However, he also took 50 attendants with a nervous and confused face. Teaching people to fish is better than teaching people to fish. However, he is not worried that these soldiers can learn all he teaches. First of all, literacy is a big problem!

With guns on their shoulders and horses tied with hooves, they reached the sand dune diagonally opposite the water supply station in the evening.

Fisher held a telescope and carefully leaned his head over the sand dune to observe his target.

The water supply station is not large. There are only four or five earth houses. A railway passes through it. In the center of the camp is a manual pump covered with cotton cloth, and the two macchin machine guns are located on the roof of the two largest barracks respectively. The shooting range is wide, which can control all directions of the camp.

"Are we going to attack?" Zara, also dressed in khaki, leaned out his head and looked at the camp.

"No, Zara, this is the first practical class today. Let me tell you that a qualified hunter will never be anxious!" Fisher looked at his watch.

"Let's eat first. Remember not to make any noise and comfort the horse!"

"But aren't we here to fight the Ottomans?"

"Yes, but it's not time yet!" Fisher pointed to the slanting sun. "We attack in the early morning. That's when the Ottomans are most sleepy!"

"Also, if you want to deal with the wolf king you said, remember everything I said from now on!"