Super Cute New To Marvel

Chapter 670

"Wrong force, wrong force, never dare again!"

Although it was Pietro who made the mistake, Wanda was punished. After being slapped by Fisher, the little witch's face was ruddy and her eyes seemed to narrow.

Ah, no, in fact, it can't be called a little witch. Whether in sokovia, which is gradually moving towards a well-off society, or in the United States, Wanda's living standard has never gone down. It's the same in Kama Taj. Mages practice muscles and bones outside and breath inside. Although the food is rough, it's not lack of nutrition.

Although the usual amount of exercise is not small, but the figure is not good. Wanda's eyes are like silk, and her skin is dripping water. Wanda's face is red and looks at Fisher.

He said, you can go!

That's weird!

Although it's not a problem to add a pair of chopsticks to the family, Fisher still hasn't gone any further. It's not for any other reason. Recently, he has paid public food every day. The wings of the family want to raise a small fee for fun, so it can be said that Fisher doesn't have any secular desire at the moment.

In fact, Fischer secretly saved some samples and sent them to European experts. At that time, the situation was like this.

Expert: Mr. Rogers, your situation is actually

Fisher: not me, my friend!

Expert: OK, Mr. Rogers, about your friend

There is no problem with the inspection. Even because the activity of the small tadpole is strong, experts are still persuading fisher to join the sperm donation program. This high-quality small tadpole should benefit all mankind

Since there's no problem, you're welcome to squeeze it. Now Fisher's burping is a smell of mutton, so now he really doesn't want to.

Of course, although there is no plan to eat steamed bread, it is OK to pinch it. After all, she is too big!

Wanda wanted to refuse her boss's hidden rules in the workplace, but she couldn't loosen her hands around Fisher's neck. She had to lie soft in each other's arms and let each other do whatever they wanted.

Finally, the blushing young lady couldn't help popping a mouthful and ran out with her face covered.

"Alas, hot youth!"

After touching the lipstick marks on his face, Fisher couldn't help stretching. It's really a comfortable life that can abuse vegetables and soak his little sister at the same time!

Although Wanda can do some magic, Wanda can't help these unfortunate people with brain problems. The brain is the most delicate and important part of the human body. It only takes a bullet or a drop of nerve warfare agent to destroy a brain, but it's not enough to eat hundreds of tons of walnuts to protect the brain. Now atlas is building a large nursing home for these people, Then they took care of them while studying. Of course, the expenses of the nursing home were all borne by the federal government, and the staff were handed over to several medical universities. Their medical interns had a place to work.

After the clearance battle, all the cults were sent to helicopters and thrown into the sea to feed sharks, and the residents who were forced to leave their hometown because of the riots began to return home slowly. Because Montana's population was not large, and this incident led to another large number of people running away, the temporarily formed state government simply went abroad to carry out immigration publicity, Slogans such as sending 10000 mu of farms came out. Of course, more private land fell into atlas's hands. Anyway, it was all cult property, which was confiscated and ready to be uniformly distributed to retired veterans every year.

Of course, Fisher himself can't fall behind. He can build hundreds of millions of villas in the mountains and come to play with needles in his spare time!

After completing the collection task, Atlas, which received a lot of goods, began to evacuate. The soldiers were full of local specialties and various kinds of mountain delicacies. Most of these were hit by them when they searched and suppressed cults in the mountains. However, the soldiers did not touch the animals on the farm, but Fisher picked up a little bitch called Abu, Ready to take it back to Prescott as a wife.

But what he didn't know was that not long ago, Prescott had just been sterilized by his old parents. Now he and Abu can only be sisters!

Montana is over, but things in other places are far from over. Since the U.S. team fought with stark, wonderful things have been happening all over the United States, or around the world.

A little strange. I think I'm invincible. Silly beeps are everywhere. A big brother in Britain found that he suddenly became strong and could run with his tractor with his bare hands. So he thought he was the reincarnation of King Arthur and summoned his brothers to form a round table knights to stay in London. As a result, he was robbed by a group of refugees before he entered the city.

In Brazil, there was a drug lord who found that he could spit fire, and then prepared to build his own God seat in the slum. As a result, before the strong men were caught, the Brazilian special gendarmerie opened the door, the helicopter caught fire, and the magic gun shot a shuttle. The fire spitting boss was gone.

Originally, these situations would be solved by reconnection, but now, since the US team had a fight with stark, the reconnection broke up. Peggy Carter realized her wish to keep the US team. They went to New Zealand for their honeymoon, and stark was also discouraged and prepared to spend a little time with pepper.

The Avengers are headless. Although Fisher, a famous American tycoon and capitalist, helped them in the most difficult time, it is still difficult to solve the problem, because Fisher only solves the employment problem of female Avengers. For example, Wanda has now become his secretary, but the men are in trouble, but fortunately Nick Frey still cares about them.

"So you want to take care of the avenger again?" Fisher rubbed his eyebrows as he looked at the thirty page written report in front of him

"Just for the time being!" The marinated egg said happily.

"Then please master Windu!" Fisher didn't care about Nick Frey's careful thinking. It was just that the founder of the organization used to show that he was the oldest elder brother.

"But now there is a serious shortage of staff, and it is difficult for the remaining people to bear the name. In order to facilitate your management, I think we should add a prefix!"

"No, I think the Avenger is very good!"

"Alas, we still need to add one. After all, if someone compares it in the future, there must be a proper pronoun for the king of agents!"

"It seems right. Why don't you call aegis Avenger?"

"Nick, Nick, don't pull everything at the aegis. That's unlucky. Isn't your nickname steel Jedi? Then call it the steel Avenger! "