Super Cute New To Marvel

Chapter 655

For a long time, the captain of the United States gives the impression that he is a diligent and good man, kind-hearted, and the most important thing is obedience. After all, he himself still holds the rank of colonel of the army. Although the army hasn't paid him anything in salary and pension insurance in recent years, it's all paid by the Divine Shield Bureau.

The consistent performance of the U.S. team made Ross think that the other party must be the first to respond to the New York agreement (because sokovia is now Fisher's shape, and the people live and work in peace and contentment, so the agreement has changed to New York). However, stark, because of the consistent performance of the other party, Ross thought this guy was a thorn, but the fact turned around.

Stark, who has always been tough, seems to think that this agreement is good, but the United States team, which originally obeyed the order, is firmly opposed to this agreement.

"You?" Ross wanted to ask if the two men had changed their faces or brains, but he was even more surprised by the reaction of the US team.

"It's not like your usual performance! Captain Rogers! "

"No, sir, that's what I always do!" The US team looked Ross in the eye, "I obey the order, but that's the order for us to win. In battle, soldiers will use their bodies to build a bridge in front of the barbed wire, because they know this is the way to win! But this agreement, I don't think it has any value! "

"How!" Rose coughed and then sophisticated.

"This agreement will only protect you. Think about it. If there is a command of the United Nations or us, the events in the laboratory can be avoided, so you won't fall into this situation! Moreover, this agreement is also a guarantee for you. From now on, you don't have to worry about logistics or life at all. Everything goes with public funds! "

"For example!"

"For example, medical insurance, paid vacation, or something else, what you need is like working in the Divine Shield bureau!"

"Do we have to listen to orders like in the s.h.i.e.l.d.?"

"Of course, this is necessary. We can't tolerate the disorderly and random actions of the Avengers! Such behavior must be stopped! "

"Almost!" Natasha, who has worked in the secret service for many years, doesn't know what Ross's idea is, but everyone really can't answer it. Finally, stark stood up and made a round.

"This matter is very important, and we must be careful!"

"Well, I'll wait for your news!"

After Ross left, there was the first fierce internal conflict within the alliance. In fact, it can not be regarded as a conflict. After all, we just kiss together.

"Can't promise!"

"I think it's OK. It's also beneficial to everyone. Reconnection needs to be standardized. We need order. If we don't want to be wanted and become fugitives!"

"Stark, if you promise, we'll become a pigeon holding our throat. They can hold it whatever they want!"

"But we can find a way to avoid this!"

The communication between the two people became more and more intense, and finally broke up unhappily, which forced the Fulian to solve the matter by voting.


"Look, Ross's second-generation American team plan has been launched. This guy seems to be flat and wants to find someone to replace him!"

"It's just his wishful thinking!"

Nick Frey had a copy of the so-called New York agreement in his hand, and his eyes were full of disdain.

"Now the military's ambition is a little big, and Colson is constantly finding fault by the military!"

"That's the general, isn't it? I remember that was Ross's man! "

"Talbot, an ambitious but brainless fellow! If I were still in the s.h.i.e.l.d., a guy like him would have been sent to prison to pick up soap! "

"Then why don't you send him now?"

"The current director is Colson. I believe he can handle it!" Nick Frey is proud to mention his former brother. Colson has been running around with him for so many years and naturally got his true story. Although the current s.h.i.e.l.e.l.d. is a little small, it is booming. With Fisher's acquiescence, he can eliminate some second-hand garbage from the ATRAs Arsenal, It can be said that there have been more than a dozen conflicts with the military, but the military has not taken advantage of it.

"Maybe this is life. It seems that the Avengers will go their separate ways!"

Fisher suddenly remembered the previously copied video of Stark's parents' murder and the missing ZEMO. Is this bomb destined to explode?

"We all underestimated the captain. I thought he was just a soldier before, but I didn't expect that now he has become a leader!"

"You are wrong. From the moment he became captain of the United States, he was a leader. The roaring commando was his first team, and now the Avenger is his second team!"

"What about us? Don't do anything?" Nick Frey felt a little numb at the thought of the possible situation of split reconnection. You know, this team is not what it used to be. The United States team seems to be alone, but there is an agent queen behind it. If you really want to fight like Fisher said, you'll have a lot of fun!

"Of course, but not now!" Fisher shook his head. If he really wants to fight an internal group war, he must beat up those guys who don't think it's too big, especially the black widow, and beat her with a big stick!

"If you want to fight, fight alone!"

Think of the unlucky war machine. He came to eat melons and ended up with hemiplegia. This tragedy should not happen as much as possible, otherwise Fisher has no place to listen to milk Stark's 300 jokes, which is all made up by rod himself!

"Oh, by the way, the final results of the training camp have also come out. The highest score is John Walker, the blonde boy with a big nose! Shall we equip him? "

"What do you offer? I didn't promise Ross to give him a suit. Just give him the candidate. Let him worry about the rest. I don't believe that the Ministry of defense can't even take out billions of dollars to build vibration gold shields!"

"I see!" Nick Frey breathed a sigh of relief. He said that he appreciated walker, but he didn't think the other party was a qualified successor to the US team. Because he lacked the connotation of the US team, he would rather give the other party a stick than a shield if he sent equipment.

"Keep an eye on Europe and Africa these days. If something really happens, it must be these two places!"

"But I'm no longer the director of the Divine Shield bureau!" Nick Frey said I've fucked enough and don't want to fuck anymore!

"Then I'll seal you an official of the director of the Divine Shield bureau!"