Super Cute New To Marvel

Chapter 542

Peter Parker's face turned red. He looked at the tall smiling man. There was a handsome word in each other's gestures.

If I were as tall and powerful as the other party, lightning would not dare to bully me! Peter thought so, completely ignoring that he had just enough power to beat the lightning ten times.

"Mr. Fisher, it's my honor to introduce you to these talents in our class!"

The head teacher on one side was afraid that Peter stammered to scare away the God of wealth. He quickly stood up and introduced his students to Fisher with a brilliant smile.

"This little man is Peter Parker. He is an excellent student in our class. In addition, he has won awards in many science and technology competitions outside and inside the school......."

Since Fisher was standing next to Parker, the head teacher introduced Parker directly, and he also emphasized Parker's hard work. That means it's too much for Fisher not to fund each other.

"You're very nice, Mr. Parker. Your family will be proud of you!" Fisher reached out his right hand and shook it, which surprised Parker.

"This is Thompson. People usually call him lightning..."

"This is ned......"

"This is Liz Allen......"

Fisher is like a big brother at home now. He will have a few words with each student.

"Ned, if you want to join atlas in the future, you must be more sensitive. Our work will be very hard, healthy and competent!"

"Liz Allen, I know your father. I met him at the disaster control bureau. He's a very motivated man. Now it looks like you're also like your father. You must continue!"

After having a cordial conversation with each little leek and showing his side with hundreds of millions of people, Fisher once again had a group of small fans.

"Mr. President, I looked at this class. They are all very good young people. I want to focus on this class. What do you think?"

"Of course, no problem. It's our honor!" The headmaster made up his mind that class B would be renamed Fisher class tomorrow.

"Well, Mr. Fisher, you happen to be here today. Why don't you say a few words and ask some more questions?"

"Good! I just don't know if it will delay everyone's learning time? "

"No delay, no delay!" The headmaster waved his hand again and again.

So Fisher walked back to the podium amid warm applause, and then moved houlang's speech with a smile and enthusiasm.

"Those who keep saying that happy education is suitable for young people, they should see you... Rush, houlang, we are in the same rushing river!"

After a speech, many girls in the classroom were excited and shed tears. At the age of 15 or 16, it was a time of youth and high spirits. Not to mention anything else, Peter Parker had preconceived that Fisher and iron man were in the same position.

After the speech, it came to the question session. Everyone raised a lot of questions about aliens, spaceships and robots. Fisher answered them one by one.

Even Parker was inspired. When he wanted to ask questions, he was overwhelmed by lightning.

"Mr. Fisher, can you tell me how you founded a powerful group like atlas?"

"Of course!" Fisher praised the boy. This wave of divine assists is good!

"At that time, I was just 20 years old and still serving in the army. In the Middle East, I witnessed the suffering of the local people caused by the war. I had no food and clothing, no doctors and no fixed place to live, so I wanted to do something to change. At that time, I was just an ordinary junior officer with a salary of tens of thousands of yuan, so I chose to retire and mortgage my house and motorcycle, Established a very small logistics company! "

"Then I got an order from the Ministry of defense. That was the first money I made, 30000 yuan!"

"Then you add up and finally build a huge business empire?" The headmaster on one side said with some expectation.

"No, the next day my father gave me a sum of $2 billion......" Fisher shook his head to show that you guessed wrong.


"The story is different from what I thought!" Ned glanced at Parker, a little confused.

"Of course, I don't mean anything else when I say this. We all want to change the world. I don't have such talent as you. I can only rely on the help of my family and my own sweat, but you are different. You have unlimited future and unlimited possibilities, and what I want to do is to give you some help to realize your future!"

"Finally, I'll give you a word!"

"The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility!"

Applause broke out again. Fisher stepped down from the podium, said goodbye to everyone one by one, and was ready to leave.

Before he left, he deliberately encouraged Peter Parker again.

"Mr. Parker, you have great power, but you haven't discovered it yet. I think one day, you will grow into an indomitable soldier!"

With that, Fisher left a business card for the other party.

"In the future, if you need it, you can call me or just talk. Don't treat me as a group boss, just a big brother!"

"Yes, Mr. Fisher!" After watching the other party put away his business card, Fisher patted the other party on the shoulder and left.

While Fisher left, the atlas staff responsible for giving gifts also happened to transfer all the test papers to the school warehouse. Then the headmaster happily informed all classes to pick them up. When he saw the test papers piled up in three big houses, the excited little boys split.

"Bastard, return my touch!"

When Fisher got back in the car, he couldn't stretch anymore.

"When I saw stark shaking people, what would it look like to find that Parker has become my little brother!"

"Boss, that's just a child!" John in charge of driving looked at his boss in tears and laughter.

"Please be a man!"

"You don't understand John. People have limits. Only by not being human can we break through the limits, drive and go to the compound base. I haven't seen agent Romanov for a long time. I miss him very much!" Fisher rubbed his hands, and then began to laugh wildly.

The driver can only reluctantly open the sound insulation clip window in the middle of the front and rear rows, then start the car and drive into the traffic flow.