Super Cute New To Marvel

Chapter 449

"Human, I want to have a one-on-one glory duel with you!"

A standard Texan English made Fisher think he was not facing an alien, but a cowboy from a Texas farm, but the cowboy was holding not a Winchester lever rifle, but an axe gun, er, half an axe gun.

"A bodyguard appears here. Where is your prophet master? Was it killed by the sergeant? "

Fisher poked the guards' pain with his mouth. As elite honor guards, their mission is to protect the supreme leaders of the Star Alliance, that is, the safety of the prophets, and they do, but those who can kill the prophets often crush several unlucky guards, such as sergeants and officials, In addition, Lieutenant Colonel Jerome 092 of the Spartan red team also had a lot of unlucky elite guards in his record, so Fisher estimated that after the Star Alliance split, the guard couldn't find a job and came to work for the Star Alliance commander. In short, it was the way for the Royal Guard to become a mercenary.

Sure enough, the bodyguard who was broken became angry, but he was blown up all over with wounds and blood stains. He couldn't yell back. He had to bear the injury and said to Fisher.

"Cut the crap, man, I want to honor you......"

"A fag opened my trouser chain!"

Before the bodyguard's voice fell, Fisher pulled out his sword in his hand, stepped in front of his body, gathered the shining javelin, and cut out the big sword against the wind.

They were staggered. Fisher took his sword and got up. The bodyguard still stood in place, but his head disappeared. In the distance, an energy javelin shining with Colorful streamers was flying to the valley with a familiar head.

"You see, I'm up. I've been fighting a chicken for seconds!!" Fisher turned and shrugged, then changed into a pair of guns.

"Bayonet all, ready to attack!"


At the moment, the Star Alliance commander doesn't know whether his pro guard has been blown to ashes by rockets or that he can't even spell the body. At the moment, he has just returned to his ship and counted the remaining personnel of the ship.

Unfortunately, because of the missionary's call, there are few combat troops left in his hand. Now there are less than 1000 crew and technicians left on the whole ship. Although there is no shortage of weapons, the problem lies in training and morale.

The Star Alliance commander tried to send some people back to the Mothership again, but there was also bad news. The fourth Sparta and a large number of hell paratroopers, which were made by humans like planting potatoes, had defeated his men like eating, sleeping and beating peas. If not accompanied by a large number of Prometheus Knights, I'm afraid the Star Alliance Army will become an outstanding combat achievement in phase IV.

The bad news continues. As the warship's external fort has been damaged by nearly 80%, part of the hull has been damaged, the liquid cooling pipeline has leaked, the cabin has lost pressure and caught fire, the whole ship can't take off now.


"This is attack crow one (two)! "In place"

Two Raven transport planes with hollowed out belly and replaced with a plasma gun are suspended at the tail of the CAS carrier, about 200 meters away from each other's jet engine. This is the second hangar of the CAS carrier. Generally, only supply ships and troop carriers enter from this hangar, but this is also the nearest large breakthrough from the power cabin of the CAS carrier, In order to prevent the Star Alliance commander from destroying his warship, Atlas must fix the power cabin at the first time, cut off the warship energy supply, and then slowly manufacture the remaining warship structure.

"Ready to fire!"

The pilot put his left hand on the emergency ejection lever and fine tuned the lever with his right hand. The collimation on the eyepiece HUD aimed at the armor plate above the gate of the mother ship hangar, where is the generator position of the air lock shield.


Two hot plasma streams spewed out and hit the mother ship's armor made of nanocomposites.

Tens of thousands of degrees of high temperature instantly chewed off a large piece of armor like a cake, and then the second round of shelling. In the third round, two attack crows bombarded repeatedly, and finally tore open the armor of the warship. Then they used plasma to create a small-scale chain explosion at the damaged position, destroying the energy shield blocking the airlock.

The crew of the spaceship guarding the hangar were shocked and hurriedly set up their machine guns to prepare for the battle.

Then the next second, amid the panic shouts of the Star Alliance crew and the roar of guns, the first Falcon gunboat forcibly rushed into the hangar against plasma fire. Then, before it was completely hit into a burning fireball, Fisher jumped out of mid air, rotated his body in the air, pulled out a big sword, released psionic impact, and bounced all the panicked guards in the hangar, Weapons and spacecraft were also tilted to one side.

"We need support!"

When Fisher landed, more gunboats were integrated into the hangar. While opening the cabin to launch combat troops, the pilots fired 20mm machine guns under the belly of the hangar. A large number of Star Alliance sailors with insufficient combat experience faced the deadly fire. The fragile body turned into broken flesh and flying armor pieces, and the whole channel instantly turned into flesh and blood purgatory, All kinds of blood mixed together and flowed deep along the channel.

"Sir, the intruders are found in the second hangar. The garrison is retreating. They are attacking the power cabin!" The panic report of the alliance crew, mixed with fierce gunfire, soon reached the ears of the Alliance fleet commander.

This tall golden elite, who had participated in B countless wars, looked at the warship area map that had begun to turn red in front of him, but he thought of another thing in his mind.

"Human beings are the inheritors of the mantle. We are just a group of thieves with good lives! Everything the prophet said is a fraud! " The words of a colleague echoed in the mind of the fleet commander.

"Inheritance, who cares, what we really need is faith!" The fleet commander showed a bitter smile. Once their path of faith was guided by the prophet, but now without the prophet, the elite also began a civil war, and he came to the remote areas to find what he really needed because he didn't want to participate in them.

But now, it seems, his faith can't save him.

Thinking of this, the Star Alliance commander's confused heart suddenly calmed down. He showed his two energy swords, and the plasma energy reddened his face.

"It's time to embark on my pilgrimage!"