Super Cute New To Marvel

Chapter 441

"Collect all the weapons together. If there are still undead, take them back to the base!"

"We need engineers here! Found unexploded shells! "

The rainforest, which was originally green and full of birds and animals, has become a wasteland. Atlas's long-range attack has blown out a whole crack of more than kilometers in length and 100 meters in width in the forest, and the trees farther away are radial and crooked.

The originally clear river has been cut off and piled up in the bomb crater, in which the bodies of messy Star Alliance disabled soldiers lie.

"Wow, this guy is really big!"

An atlas officer wrapped in dark green armor looked at the elite captain who was half kneeling in the mud and expressed heartfelt admiration.

Every elite who can serve in the Star League army is the best in the ethnic group. The height is generally Yao Ming's level. Coupled with excellent armor, even if he died in the war, it still gives Fisher a great sense of oppression.

"What is this?" The officer looked curiously at a W-shaped metal grip tightly held by the body. Although it was blackened by the fire, the grip was still intact.

"Shit, hold it so tight!" The officer who wanted to take the handle down came forward and drew it. He found that the grip was particularly tight by the other party. Even if he was wearing an exoskeleton, he couldn't pull it out without damaging the other party's body.

"Let me go!" The officer who refused to admit defeat recruited several of his men. They worked hard together before breaking the elite captain's arm and taking out the grip.

"This thing doesn't look special, this guy... Sleeping slot!" The officer playing with the grip carefully looked at the grip in his hand. After wiping off the smoky shell on it, there were exquisite floating decorations and silver plating, which looked like a gorgeous ornament.

Then the atlas officer who thought it was a souvenir threw up the grip, but his right hand mistakenly touched the switch. Then the officer saw a one meter long plasma blade suddenly ejected from the grip. If he didn't close his hand quickly, I'm afraid his arm would be gone.

"Is this a sword?"

Carefully picked up the hilt of the sword and looked carefully at the cold plasma sword in his hand, which brightened the eyes of the atlas officer.

His grandfather once sent Showa man to the emperor on the Pacific battlefield. During a raid on the devil blockhouse, the old man as a flamethrower got a family Samurai knife from a charred Japanese corpse. Now the knife is hanging on their fireplace.

This thing should only be taken by officers! And a senior officer! Thinking of this, the officer quickly found the switch, then found a container for the hilt and put it in it. It was like a treasure to Fisher.

"Yo!" Looking at the lightsaber in front of him, Fisher was also happy. He skillfully picked up the handle, then released the blade and made a gesture.

"Yes, you can get lightsabers. It's a pity, just one!"

"Head, this sword is very precious?" The officer came together with great insight.

"Precious can't be counted. In that alien group, only people can play this, and they can't get married after playing, but they can find Miss Hei hei to have a baby, and they don't have to be responsible!" Fisher beckoned the robot to resist half of the armor plate, then took the knife and fell, and the half armor plate was directly cut in half.

"In the Star Alliance Army, the one who can fight with a lightsaber must at least be a middle-level officer. Although an ordinary team leader can also use it, this thing needs professional training, or your arm will have to be finished!"

After that, Fisher turned off the energy sword and threw it to the officer. The other party trembled and almost fell to the ground again.

"Take it as a family heirloom. This thing still needs to be charged. Go back to the technology department and let them have a look!"

"Sir, don't you keep one?"

"This sword looks like an ordinary officer's. It's not fancy at all. Give you a task and find me a red one. That's what elite masters use!"

"Yes! Sir, don't worry! "

Holding his new heirloom, the officer soon became a lucky dog among his colleagues. People gave him a nickname. A bunch of officers and non commissioned officers came up to this one to see, that one to touch, and several guys who knew each other looked cheap.

"Brother, we are old comrades in arms for many years......"

"Don't buy, don't borrow, just have a look!"

"Hey, shit, you son of a bitch!"

Although they are swearing, no one really wants to bully others and rob booty. Atlas's military regulations are not kidding. Major crimes often involve beheading and hard labor. Slightly lighter crimes have to spank in public. They are still the kind of people who take off their signs and are watched by the big girl's daughter-in-law and grandmother. They are very ashamed and ashamed!

However, after figuring out what the sword was, the commanders of the combat forces who did not get oil and water asked fisher to fight one after another. Everyone knows that although the enemy still has a whole fleet of troops on this planet, the elite is only a small part of them, and there must be fewer with swords, so this thing is fast and slow!

Fischer naturally agreed, and divided the battle area, not close to the falling position of the other party's warships. In addition, you can make trouble anywhere. If you disturb the enemy's large forces, you will be served by Hyperion.

So soon the first wave of victims appeared. The commander of the Star Alliance fleet found that some of his men had lost contact, so he sent a search team to check the situation. As a result, the transport plane was hit by more than 20 anti-aircraft missiles before it arrived.

Then the dizzy Star Alliance soldiers stared at the humans who had drilled out of nowhere, holding weapons and staring at the elite. If an elite showed an energy sword to boost morale, at least 30 shells would fall from his position in the next second, and when the elite fell, those humans would attack madly, The rest of the Star Alliance soldiers can't move, and then carry the elite bodies on the ground and run away. Even the bold snipers dare to go to sentry in an invisible cloak. If the elite in a remote location are alone, then the Star Alliance won't want to find the living.

All the elites who can be found by the Star Alliance are stripped naked bodies, armor weapons and so on.

"Why, now mankind has become such a virtue?" The unwitting Star Alliance fleet commander was extremely shocked by the depravity of mankind.