Super Cute New To Marvel

Chapter 433


"Is it Prometheus who stole the fire?" An officer heard Fisher talking to himself and wondered.

"No, not that Prometheus!" Fisher picked up his cup and took a sip of the hot tea he had just made.

"This is a general term. Prometheus is the general term of the warrior legion of the forerunner family!" Fisher explained to his men.

When the engineers were working during the day, Fisher had explained the general information to all the officers involved in the operation. After knowing that what we were stepping on was a transformed planet with an unknown history of tens of millions of years, everyone was very novel, especially the pioneer buildings and light beams in the distance, It has become the background board when they take pictures. Even Fisher took a few pictures to be used as an heirloom at that time.

"The Legion of Prometheus is very diverse, from the lowest climbers, watchers, to ordinary soldiers, watchers, and elite Knights! Clear division of labor and obvious class! And they are all elite monsters! " Fisher recalled not much in his mind and told everyone.

"Knight? Sir, is he fierce about the knight you said? "

"As for this knight, it's not a question of whether he is fierce or not. He's that kind of Knight!"

The Prometheus regiment had existed as early as the war between pioneers and ancient humans. They had participated in countless wars, fought with the flood devil and ancient humans. The earliest Prometheus regiment was composed of pioneers voluntarily. Later, during the battle of Requiem, the Prometheus regiment became composed of ancient humans decomposed by missionaries using reorganization machines.

It is important to mention that the mantle pro, the flagship cannon of the missionaries, is a device called the recombiner, which can convert matter into data. It was developed by them to break the boundary between organic and data. In short, it is immortality, but there is a problem with the recombiner, which can not retain consciousness, After being reorganized, human beings or pioneers are just weapons that obey the orders of missionaries.

The highest force of the Prometheus regiment is the Prometheus knight. They have inverted triangular shells like insects, and these shells will twitch occasionally like them. The knight's front shield generator is located on the carapace. The knight has two pairs of arms, one of which is a large artificial arm equipped with weapons, and the other is a small (native) arm under the shoulder. The large arm is maintained by the energy field, and the small arm has five fingers, which are connected to the organs of the knight's body. There is an anti lock system behind the knight's feet to maintain the balance of the body. Each Knight weighs about hundreds of kilograms and is three meters high. Although it seems heavy, these guys can run like high-speed armored vehicles, and they also have the ability of phase movement. Coupled with their strong firepower and armor, each knight can be said to be a mobile firepower fortress.

The knight's head is covered with a (hard) light carving similar to fire. The color of the light indicates their service object. Blue is the mark of the think tank curator, while orange indicates that a man has returned.

"Blue Prometheus knight, then this should be the Requiem star!"

Fisher carefully watched the video of the UAV and confirmed that it was a Prometheus knight. The head in their helmets was a face with teeth and claws, with a pair of glowing eyes and a row of teeth. The helmet can be split into two parts and then show a glowing skull. With the blue flame, there is no sense of contradiction when taking it as a prop in the horror film.

"That's halo 4!" Fisher knew exactly what was on the planet under his feet, but it seemed that the missionary had not yet got up.

Requiem star, as its name implies, is the forerunner's military commander. The missionary is sealed here by the think tank curator. Of course, the personality consciousness of the think tank curator and the missionary's flagship mission Pro world are sleeping here.

"If it is confirmed that it is 2557, then almost the missionary is waking up!" Fisher doesn't think his strength can persuade missionaries to hand over good things, but there should be no problem talking to the director of the think tank, although Requiem's personality is only the other party's consciousness.

"Send drones, expand the search scope, see where these Prometheus Knights come from, and be careful not to fire!"

Then in the storm, hundreds of UAVs took off from Atlas camp. These UAVs with different shapes and functions flew far away in the rain.

Under the tireless search of these UAVs, Fisher soon found an open pioneer energy tower. With the rotation of unknown metal structure, a steady stream of power is transmitted from the energy tower to provide energy for all pioneer equipment around.

"There should be an elevator here!" Fisher pretended to be a pioneer expert and said solemnly to his men.

"But this place doesn't look like it!" His men looked at the flat ground covered with fog.

Most of the transparent structures around the energy tower are covered with metal and unknown light curtain, just like the transparent overpass in the people's Square. It looks fancy, but it's useless.

"Do as I tell you and you'll be done! Do you understand or do I understand? " Fei understood that Wang slapped on the head of the Scout commander who actually didn't want to go out in the rain. Seeing that caution was exposed, the other party had to personally take his reconnaissance and search team to check. Then Fisher prepared an engineering team. They would build a collector around the energy tower and send the collected power to the base by microwave.

Fisher's guess is not wrong. Those Prometheus knights who were originally just circling outside the base should have been sent by the think tank curator to observe them. On the way of the investigation and search team, more Prometheus guards emerged. These UAVs similar to butterflies floated around in the fog, The glittering wings make people think they have seen a ghost fire. However, the investigation team remembered the order not to fire the first shot, kept parallel with the other party all the way, arrived at the energy tower area without danger, and built an outpost there.

Those Prometheus simply stopped walking after the outpost was established and flashed around the camp, as if they were waiting for someone.

"This!" Fisher felt like a weasel was caught stealing a chicken. Had he been discovered long ago?