Super Cute New To Marvel

Chapter 426


When the last insight Mothership caught fire and fell, Malik, who changed his clothes, also drilled out of the manhole cover under the protection of his personal guard.

"How's it going? Will? " Malik didn't bother to tidy up his dirty suit. He looked at the bodyguard and asked eagerly.

"At present, everything around us is safe, but if we leave the city, we have to wait until night!"

"Out of town?" Malik sighed. He used to be the owner of the motorbike and the police car escort, but now he has to sneak out of the city. Why did you fall into this field!

"Is there anyone who can contact us?"

"Sorry, sir, this is not the time to contact friendly forces. We should keep a low profile as much as possible!" The driver knew that the other party was worried about his safety, and it was not that he didn't want to contact, but that he couldn't contact at all. So far, the last Hydra he saw had fallen into the river with the warship to feed Wang ba.

"Alas! If I had known so, I should have listened to pierce! " Malik sat on the ground with a big regret on his face.

"Sir, please cheer up!" The driver took out a protein bar from his pocket and respectfully handed it to the other party.

"Cheer up? How can you cheer up! " Malik took the protein bar, took a big bite, and then said vaguely, "what succeeded in destroying the target? Look at the sky. That arrogant little bastard destroyed our foundation, you know!"

"......." the guard was silent. Although he led the hydra's salary, he usually hung the famous brand of national civil servants. Usually, he didn't listen to the people around him praising the benefits of atlas.

"Bah, bah!" After chewing a few mouthfuls of food, Malik suddenly changed his face and spit out the protein strips in his mouth. Then he looked at the guard fiercely.

"What is this?"

"Protein bar!" The guard is a little nervous. It is estimated that Malik can't eat protein bars at ordinary times. After all, it tastes terrible and tastes like soap, but he has only these food on hand. Malik can't get steak if he wants to eat it!

"No, I know this is a protein bar. What company's protein bar is this!"

"Produced by Atlas, you know, their MRE rations are popular throughout NATO, and the taste of protein bars is also good, so we will prepare some when we are on duty!" The guard explained weakly.

"This is the food made by the enemy. With the development of atlas, you people have an unshirkable responsibility! You see, the money you spent on their products has now become bullets on us! "

Looking at the crazy boss, the guard can only put the food in his hand back into his pocket. The other party doesn't want to say how the food is, but just wants to find an excuse to vent.

Seeing that no one opposed him, Malik directly issued a heroic declaration of his determination to make a comeback in the open space at the sewer entrance. He said that he and his daughter would make peace, then go to Russia to regain strength, and then sweep away his enemies.

Although the audience had only one equally embarrassed bodyguard and a group of squeaky mice, the speech still lasted for dozens of minutes. Even when it came to interest, Malik picked up the remaining half of the protein bar and chewed it up.

The exhausted bodyguard shrank in the corner, smelled the disgusting smell around, listened to the other party complaining about various problems, and all his teammates were stupid. The enemy was lucky, and I could do it. He secretly made a decision in his heart.


The president is well, America is still strong! After atlas's mobile reaction forces completed the capture and annihilation of the remaining Hydra forces, President Ellis, who drilled out of the ruins of the White House, immediately found several media, and then published the news to the world using military lines.

"Our enemies thought they could defeat us, but their plot finally broke down, and their followers would have nowhere to hide in the sun..." although the president was shot in the ass and limped, after being rescued, President Ellis seemed to have infinite strength, but it was normal to think about it, After all, the government team and members of Congress who are not in his eye are short of more than half (either mutiny or being killed). Even the positions of generals in the Pentagon are empty. As a qualified politician, President Ellis is very happy without laughing.

In return, President Ellis said that the government would give atlas the greatest convenience in all aspects and reach deeper cooperation. Even at the end of his speech, President Ellis said that if Fisher wanted to go into politics in the future, He will vote for the other party!

Fisher, who was wearing a fake model, a plaster bandage and a gauze bandage, also flattered each other with the president at the scene. After showing his contempt for terrorism, he wore the medal and was ready to go back to heal (FISH).

"Will atlas help the government if I want to ban the s.h.i.e.l.d.?"

In private, President Ellis took off his disguise that I'm okay and everyone can rest assured. Lying on a stretcher, he began to complain that the s.h.i.e.l.l.d., which swallowed a lot of money every year, was a dung making machine. Two thirds of the people in the Bureau were undercover and the remaining one-third were black.

"Ah, actually, I think the Divine Shield bureau is doing well!"

Although Fisher would like to say that the sooner this secret organization is dissolved, the better, at the thought of the restricted scene of play in the director's office, he thinks it's still necessary to fight again. He just needs to change the commander! Just replace a commander who hides in the dark all day and wants to plan with a capable, self-motivated and capable female leader!

The president did not expect fisher to speak for the s.h.i.e.l.e.l.d. at the beginning, the s.h.l.d. did not fill the White House with all kinds of atlas response plans. This situation made him feel that there are really pure idealists in the world.

"However, the s.h.i.e.l.l.e.l.d. should at least make the book open, and identify the identity of all members within the organization. There is the most important thing!" Fisher raised a finger to emphasize.

"Change the leader!"